Reflections on the English version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
where ignorance is bliss , ti 's folly to be wise
2023-11-20 08:10:11

At first glance, there are children joy works and many funny plots. But read carefully Mark Twain's works are more realisticand truly reflects the United States from free competition to monopoly of imperialism period of the social life. The theme is extensive, or against racial

discrimination, or irony, vulgar, boring or criticized the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, or expose the imperialist ambitions. They are both of the author's childhood nostalgia and remembrance,it is also reflect the

history of the United States social, record and criticizing the social moral. As the author said, they are written for adults.Because of the real life ,the author can't find the ideal,he put attention to the pre-war childhood living in the world. He abound poetic description and romantic style, depicting the lives of children in fun. The author ingeniously the innocent and lively children's psychology with the ordinary citizen to compare the vulgar conservative life highlights the lifeless life. Make the children feel disgust and false of the religious ceremony, inflexible and stale school life education system. The hero Tom to get rid of the bondage of reality and the pursuit of freedom of heaven and earth, going to make a variety of "adventure". He lively, clever, full of fantasy and sense of justice... All of these are inconsistent with the capitalism life of that time, and not to be permitted by secular moral precepts and church.

The two novels are based on the Mississippi River as the story

background, the Mississippi River town is a microcosm of the entire United States. The works reflect the 19th century the various ills of American society, the disparity between the rich and the poor, urban and rural areas, in jinyuan empire behind the gilded age, hidden

shocking poverty and backwardness.BUT there aredifference between the two works. Tom Sawyer peculiar to the full performance of childhood joy, fear, the pursuit of stimulation, the characteristics of personality on the freedom of children's naive, lively, made a very

detailed description, language vivid, lifelike, is a novel in the true sense of pure children not many drab moralizing implied meaning is simple. "Huckleberry ? huckleberry Finn" is the theme of the more profound, mainly in the United States of racial discrimination and racial oppression, criticizing the southern plantation owners of black slaves brutal persecution and inhumane treatment.