Reading of Little Claus and Big Claus
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2023-12-24 16:49:27
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Once upon a time, there were two people named Klaus. Little Klaus was a smart young man, and Big Klaus was a miser. They were neighbors. Little Klaus has only one horse, while Big Klaus has four horses. So when he plows, Little Klaus always asks Big Klaus to borrow horses. When he feels that five horses are pulling the plow, Little Klaus always cheerfully shouts: "My five big horses, go hard!" At the same time, he swings his whip and claps it, very proud. The big Klaus was very angry when he heard that. He said, "Hey, why do you drink like that? You obviously have only one horse. How can you say that you have five horses? Then he killed the little Klaus' horse. The little Klaus took the horse skin and went into a village. He lodged with a peasant woman. The farmer said," I can't let you live in my house. So Little Claus could only sleep on the grass in the yard. Shortly after he lay down, Little Klaus smelled a smell of wine and vegetables. He looked through the shutter and saw that a farmer woman was eating with a priest. At this time, the farmer's wife's husband came back. She hurriedly asked the priest to go into a large empty box in the corner and put wine and vegetables in it. Little Claus asked the farmer if he could stay in the house for the night. The farmer said, "Of course, but I want to eat something first!" Little Claus suddenly remembered the wine and vegetables hidden in the box and had an idea. So he made up a series of lies and took out food and wine. He said, "There is a devil in the box, but he looks very similar to the local priest." The farmer gave Little Claus a sum of money to help him send the devil far away. The priest begged for mercy in the box: "Let me go, and I will give you some money!"
When the little Klaus came home, he said to the big Klaus, "I bought this with a horse!" The big Klaus also cut down all his five horses and sold them on the street with their hides, but no one paid any attention to him.
This story tells us that people should not be as stingy as Big Klaus in life. They should live with a happy attitude to get more!