A complete list of famous sayings about Bing Xin (91 selected sentences)
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2023-08-02 14:51:51
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Love on the left, sympathy on the right, walking on both sides of the road of life, sowing at any time, blooming at any time, embellishing the long distance with fragrant flowers, so that those who wear branches and brush leaves do not feel pain when stepping on thorns; It is not sad to have tears to fall.

2. Love is a kind of purity, friend is a kind of breadth, and kinship is a kind of thickness.

3. Smart people! Words are empty words are hypocritical. You should guide your friends only in your natural behaviors!

4. The setting sun on the decaying grass of the red wall! Hurry to fall down, you have made many young people decadent!

5. Entertainment is at least as valuable as work, or entertainment is part of work.

6. The world is full of light and love. Wait for the young people to find it by themselves. Don't take that miserable road!

7. Childhood! It is the truth in the dream, the dream in the truth, and the tearful smile in memory.

8. Is time just like this? Nothing but ethereal thoughts!

9. Crown? It is a temporary glory and a permanent bondage.

10. Due to the temporary illumination of the world, only the dust on the mirror can be wiped, but it cannot increase the brightness of the moon.

11. Just a lone star! The loneliness of the universe has been written in the boundless darkness.

12. My heart, like a lonely boat, crosses the sea of fluctuating time.

13. How lovely is spring morning? The wind of Rongye is blowing and the sleeves are quiet.

14. I am an ordinary person, and I only want the happiness of ordinary people.

15. People often admire the flower of success for its present brilliance, but at the beginning, its bud was soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice.

16. The wealth of youth is to make mistakes.

17. Tourists don't know where spring is, but only choose children to do many things. (Children don't know where spring is. They only choose tourists from many places.)

18. Heartbreak! Play it up - let the goddess of memory dance in your tune.

19. The mood surges backward and time goes forward. The youth's boredom is in the vortex of communication.

20. Go! Even if you can't get there, life is just such a thing.

21. Real entertainment is based on the requirements of real work.

22. I study in nine words: "good reading, good reading, good reading".

23. Truth is in the silence of a baby, not in the debate of a wise man.

24. A daughter can be obtained if you have faith. Without faith, there is no daughter.

25. High mountains, deep sea -- cold heart, warm tears, poor little people!

26. If there is no woman in the world, the world will lose at least five tenths of truth, six tenths of goodness and seven tenths of beauty.

27. The successful flower is only admired by people for its present brightness! However, at the beginning, her bud was soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice.

28. Young people! For later memories, carefully point to your current picture.

29. Spring water! It's been another year, but it's still such a slight blow. Can you take another picture? The spring water thanked me gently and said, "My friend, I have never left a shadow, not only for you.

30. Light! Thank you for taking the time to think for me in your thoughtless writing

31. Ordinary people's criticisms and judgments are like a group of blind people speculating about the moonlight outside the clouds.