The courage to start afresh after failure (to encourage the loser to start afresh)
To grieve alone when things and people change
2023-08-03 14:39:24
Complete sentences

1. Back to nothing, the responsibility on the shoulder can not be given up, everything starts again!

2. Start again from the beginning and hope that time will pay off.

3. My destiny depends on me. As long as our body and spirit are still alive, we will have the opportunity to start again.

4. A loser in entrepreneurship must have a sense of frustration when he is hit, but he should not be pessimistic. He should keep a calm and optimistic attitude in the face of all difficulties.

5. Even if the current situation is difficult, please don't give up.

6. Change the environment, make new friends again, or re integrate your original network resources. If you want to stand up, you must build your own circle of friends again.

7. A failed entrepreneur should never let himself stop. No matter how big or small, no matter how much money he makes, he should do it. He must move first, so that he will not be depressed or confused.

8. Failure of entrepreneurship is not terrible, we can start from scratch.

9. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of if your business fails, even if you have already succeeded, you can only start again if you fail. So. If you want to start a business, go ahead boldly. After all, the scenery ahead is the most beautiful.

10. Whether you are studying, going to work, or moving bricks on the construction site, you should move first and look for opportunities in action, which is more reliable. You can't wait or be idle.

11. The failure of entrepreneurship is not terrible, the heart is in the dream, and the baby is willing to accompany you to start again!

12. Life is a battle, no fear of failure, the big thing is to start again.

13. Where to go after repeated setbacks in entrepreneurship? Look at the success or failure of the heroic life, let's start from scratch.

14. On the way to entrepreneurship, people who don't understand you will say you pretend to be a liar. People who understand you will think you are really awesome, and then take the initiative to find you.

15. The failure of entrepreneurship must be due to heavy debts and betrayal of relatives. In this state, ordinary people are easy to abandon themselves and blame others. Those who cannot walk out are easy to become extreme or decadent.

16. You have to understand that only after suffering in a low profile, can we have the surprise of "seeing the sun through the clouds"!

17. The consequences of failure have affected your life and family, but what you can do is to wipe away your tears and face everything firmly!

18. Try hard and be brave. Failure is not the saddest thing in the world. Don't be discouraged after failure.

19. After the failure of entrepreneurship, the biggest problem is debt. Many people are overwhelmed by it. In fact, debt is responsibility. It is neither a weapon nor a cannon.

20. If we wake up one day earlier, we will start our next journey one day earlier. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

21. Entrepreneurship has the possibility of failure, but at the same time, it also has the possibility of success. Entrepreneurship is likely to fail as much as possible.

22. Never think that you have ever been a boss, so you can be high above others. You can't lose confidence because you are a loser. Poverty and prosperity are common, and success and failure are heroes.

23. If you don't want to take responsibility, it is torture. If you dare to take responsibility, it is power.

24. Many business failures, because of their heavy debt burden, think that they can't afford to work or do small businesses, so they have to stay in a certain place to eat and die. If this continues, they will be eliminated by the society.

25. Entrepreneurship should not be timid. Proper risk taking is not all bad.

26. Friends who fail to start a business or make investment mistakes should tear their skin off, fall to the ground, put their dignity aside, face difficulties with 100 times confidence, give full play to their potential and re plan their future!

27. Is it possible to see no hope? Don't care about them. As long as you don't die, you can tolerate everything.

28. Entrepreneurship may fail, but you should dare to start again.

29. Start a business, seize the opportunity and start again from scratch, because you have no choice!

30. Failure in starting a business is not terrible. What is terrible is whether the fighting spirit is still there. It is not difficult to make a comeback. It is not difficult to persist. What is difficult is to persist all the time, and your mentality has collapsed. How can you talk about making a comeback? What do you rely on to support your family?

31. Now it is time for us to come out with a sword! If you give up at this time, you will really suffer in vain!

32. We are not successful in the first place, but we are afraid of failure.