44 beautiful sentences of the old man and the sea
Between water clouds
2023-07-17 07:00:50
Complete sentences

1. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.

2. He knew that no one was completely alone at sea.

3. You can wipe him out, but you can't defeat him.

4. But then again, nothing is easy.

5. Every day is a new day. Good luck is better than anything.

6. How hard a person can make and how persistent he can be.

7. Everything kills other things, but in different ways.

8. He thought, but I must think. Because all I have left is to think.

9. One can accept the fact of being destroyed, but cannot accept the fact of being defeated.

10. People are not born for failure. A person can be destroyed, but not defeated.

11. This kind of fish tastes worse than tuna, but it is not easy to do anything.

12. A man is not born to be defeated. He can be destroyed, but not defeated.

13. Man is no better than birds and animals, but I would rather incarnate as the sentient beings hiding at the bottom of the sea.

14. His eyes were as blue as the sea, optimistic, as if he had never been defeated.

15. Now is not the time to think about what is missing. Think about what you can do with what you have.

16. A man is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him as much as you can, but you can't defeat him.

17. A man is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him, but you can't defeat him.

18. The choice he made was to stay in the dark sea and escape from all snares, traps and tricks far away.

19. A man is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him, but you can't defeat him.

20. Everything about him is old, only his eyes are still as blue as sea water. He is always happy and never depressed.

21. Each time is a new start, and each time he does so, he will never think about the great achievements of the past.

22. He is an old man fishing alone in a small boat in the Gulf Stream. He has been there for 84 days and has not caught any fish.

23. Life always hurts us, but in the future, those hurt places will become our strongest places.

24. In a sense, all things are killing each other. Fishing is killing me, but it also feeds me.

25. I'm not afraid of the sunset. I don't feel black when I look straight at it. In fact, the sunset is also strong, but the light in the morning is too dazzling.

26. Every part of his body looks old except those eyes. Those eyes, as blue as the sea, are happy and not depressed.

27. Waiting is also a kind of faith. The love of the sea is too deep, the time is too shallow. The autumn night withers in the fallen leaves, and the yellow world gradually fades away with the wind.

28. His shirt has been patched many times, making it look like his sail. These patches have been faded into many different colors by the sun.

29. The child brought these dishes from the Terrace Hotel in a double deck lunch box. He had two sets of knives, forks and spoons in his pocket, each wrapped in a paper napkin.

30. For a long time, he was tired of eating, so he never brought lunch. He put a bottle of water on the bow of the boat, which was all he needed all day long.

31. Every day is a new day. Luck is good, of course, but I prefer to be exactly the same. In this way, when luck comes, you will be ready.

32. He no longer dreams of storms, women, great events, big fish, fights, wrestling and his wife.

33. The clouds over the land now stand like mountains, leaving only a long green line on the coast, with some grey green hills behind. The sea was blue now, and it was almost purple.

34. He thought that they had defeated me this time. I'm too old to kill a shark with a stick. However, as long as I have oars and tillers, I must find a way to beat them to death.

35. These two shoulders are very strange. People are very old, but their shoulders are still strong and their necks are still strong. When the old man falls asleep and his head droops forward, the wrinkles are not obvious.

36. You killed it for pride, because you are a fisherman. You love it when it is alive, but you still love it when it is dead. If you love it, it's not a sin to kill it. Maybe it's a bigger sin?

37. This fish is still very capable. I saw the hook hook the corner of its mouth, but it kept its mouth tightly closed. The damage of the hook is nothing, but the suffering of hunger and the battle with an object that it knows nothing about is the fundamental problem.

38. Then it gradually made a long hissing sound in the water, but he still held it, firmly supported his body on the seat board, and leaned forward to offset the pull of the fish. The boat slowly headed northwest.

39. The sun and his fingers kept moving, making his cramped left hand completely recover at this time. He started to let it bear a little more tension, and shrug the muscles on his back, so that the fishing line could be moved a little and the pain could be changed.

40. But none of these scars is new. They are as old as eroded places in the desert where there is no fish to fight. Everything on him looks old, except those eyes. They are as blue as sea water, and they are happy but unwilling to admit defeat.

41. The child went out of the room. When they had just eaten, there was no light on the table. The old man took off his trousers and went to bed in the dark. He rolled up his trousers as a pillow and stuffed the newspaper inside. He wrapped himself in a blanket and slept on other old newspapers spread on the spring cushion.

42. The child felt uncomfortable when he saw that the old man always came back empty every day. He always went down to the shore to help the old man get the rolled up fishing line, or the hook and harpoon, as well as the sail around the mast. The sail was patched with flour bags, and when folded, it looked like a flag of eternal failure.

43. Fishermen call all these kinds of fish tuna, and only when they sell them or exchange them for bait will they call them their own special names. Then they sank into the sea again. The sun was very hot at the moment, and the old man felt the heat on his neck and felt sweat trickling down his back.

44. When the fish came back in a circle this time, the old man saw its eyes and the two gray milk fish swimming around it. They sometimes cling to it. Sometimes I swam away. Sometimes I swim freely in its shadow. Each of them was three feet long, and when they swam fast, their whole bodies shook violently, like eels.