500 word book after reading How to Read in 2022
A secluded valley
2023-11-08 20:12:56

As for reading, everyone has his own experience, and each person's experience is different. After reading the views and experiences of predecessors on reading, share your own views:

1. Reading should be a part of one's life. At any time, keeping the habit of reading is a good thing for a person. It enriches our life, increases our experience, and improves our ability to solve problems.

2. Reading should be done in a proper way. "Defa" should be reflected before, during and after reading. Before reading, we should mainly consider the selection of books. It is not too much to say that there are so many books now. We can't finish reading so many books, so it is necessary to choose books. Secondly, because of different genres, different writers have different purposes for writing books. We should adopt different reading methods when reading them. Finally, after reading a book, we should have a summary and think, rather than just being a book reader once.

3. Read to apply what you have learned. We read, read all kinds of books, what are we looking for? In my opinion, a book worth reading should bring us some benefits, and the most obvious embodiment of this benefit is that we can use it in our lives. In my opinion, the "application" of "learning for application" includes various aspects, including utilitarian and non utilitarian.

After Reading How to Read (10): Reading should be a habit

Today I sorted out the books I had read before. I read too little, far less than the movies I have seen.

Fortunately, I picked up the issue of reading again recently, and I intend to insist that reading books should not be regarded as a task. I must read books when I live. I read textbooks when I go to school, read what I like in my spare time, and keep learning from books when I work. Although there are different categories, reading should not be neglected, and it should become a habit.

I found this book when I visited Sanlian Bookstore. After reading it in traditional Chinese, I felt that I had gained a lot and had to admire everyone's wisdom. Even after many years, I can still educate future generations.

Now I study harder than before. I can write notes and then review books. Just made notes. A few things impressed me deeply.

First, it is necessary to write manually and frequently. "A good memory is better than a bad pen". Good words and good sentences can be memorized once. After a long time, you can look at them again without completely forgetting them. Reading is not to write a long list of books that have been read, but to really remember them in your head.

Second, we should not be greedy for exhibitions. This seems to be a bit contradictory, but it can also be mastered. Reading should not be limited to one's own major, but should be understood by analogy to learn common sense of other categories, and about one's own interests are not only in the major, so choose what one likes to read well. Reading more and more books can solve difficulties and help students learn. But don't be greedy. Choose one type and read in a narrow range. Don't read today or tomorrow. There is also a problem involved here. After all, people have limited energy, so they can only choose several categories, and cannot read them all.

Third, reading should have both thinking and application.

Fourth, we should set goals and set a deadline for reading. We should not read aimlessly and indefinitely. It is easy to delay. If we read for too long, we will forget the previous content. It is no good. We should give ourselves a deadline to read nervously.

Fifth, learn foreign languages well and read more foreign original works.

It is true to pick up the book at hand and start reading.