78 sentences of a paragraph about June 1
Dream Love Night Star
2023-06-05 03:01:57

1. On June 1, I went forward with the birds and flew with the red scarf.

2. Childishness will grow and mature, as long as it is not aging and corrupt.

3. June 1 is your happiest holiday, and June 1 is also our happiest day.

4. Children's life is the life of play; The world of children is the world of games.

5. 61 is pure, 61 is laughing. Everyone is laughing on June 1st.

6. The childlike innocence of adults and children is permanent, and children and adults are easy to mature together.

7. The annual Children's Day is coming again. In a year, I like Children's Day best.

8. The song of June 1 is sweet, the flowers of June 1 are fragrant, and the children of June 1 are all beautiful.

9. Study hard, establish Lingyunzhi, and become a new generation; Make progress day by day, be a pillar of the country, and create a great future.

10. I like the "61" festival very much, because it brings me many different happiness!

11. Children's Day, all happiness, all laughter, all happiness, happiness, worry free, simple, innocent you happy holiday!

12. Children's Day is a feast for children. On Children's Day, we sing and dance to celebrate our happy time.

13. Have you received the message sent to you long ago? when? Anyway, for a long time, when you were a child, I want to wish you a happy June 1st!

14. Today, the sky is especially blue, and the campus is full of sunshine and laughter, because today is Children's Day, our own festival.

15. The joyful June Day has finally arrived. This is our festival. I wish children all over the world a healthy growth and happy every day!

16. Friends of the June 1 commander bless you, the June 1 commander sent you a short message, the June 1 commander happy flew to you, and the June 1 commander happy came to find you.

17. June 1 is a red scarf festival! June 1 is the most childish and youngest festival in the world! June 1 is a beautiful day that children all over the world look forward to!

18. When I was a child, I always looked forward to the coming of Children's Day, and I was imagining how to spend it when there was still a long time to go.

19. In the morning, the flowers are nodding and smiling at us, and the birds are whispering hello to us: "I wish the children a happy June Day."

20. This year's "June 1st" is a wonderful day. She makes our memories shine and makes us feel happy.

21. Wukong draws a circle, and Tang Monk is safe; Draw a circle, Shenzhen is rich; If you draw a circle, you wet the bed. Ha ha! Happy June Day!

22. On June 1st, the spirit will be taken off and work will be reduced; Keep the seniority, and scribble in the mood; Happy charging, trouble off the shelf. Look, good luck is in the shade, youth is shining.

23 、 June 1st is a happy festival for every child. If you don't believe me, where are the bursts of laughter coming from? Oh, it was our third grade that held a get-together in the classroom!

24. Wish is the wind, happiness is the sail, and blessing is the ship. Wishing wind, blowing a happy sail, carrying the boat of blessing to the children, floating to the happy you, gently greeting: Happy June Day!

25. Childhood is colorful, childlike innocence is crystal transparent, childlike charm is legendary, and childlike innocence is precious. On Children's Day 6.1, I hope you will always keep your childlike innocence and be happy forever!

26. The joyful "June Day" has finally arrived, which is our festival. I wish children all over the world a healthy growth and happy every day!

27. When peony is in full bloom, swallows fly in; Just when the roses are smiling and the cherries are ripe, the best season of the year! Peony is not as beautiful as you, cherry is not as red as you, little brother and little sister, happy Children's Day!

28. Little bunny, please open the door. Hurry up. Blessings are coming in. Hurry up! Hurry up! You are back. Open the door to welcome happiness on Children's Day. I wish you happiness.

29. As time goes by, we are surrounded by busyness. Did you forget the pleasure of outing? The bird is leading the way, and the wind is blowing towards us. It's June 1, let's find our childhood together!

30. You are the coolest in your childhood, attracting numerous fans. You like to play tricks when things happen, and you are arrogant and scornful. I could not climb up a tree. I drew a map on my bed and could not move when I saw a beautiful woman. On June 1, may the childlike innocence stay forever!

31. Happy Children's Day! May you always have a childlike innocence and laugh every day. Your life has just turned the first page. May the rising sun shine on your poetic beauty. Tomorrow belongs to you!

32, 61, 61, give you a new dress, make you feel beautiful, look more impressive, do nothing to play Tai Chi, life is indulged in money and money, enjoy it every day, the bottom of my heart is infinitely happy, happy invincible!

33. June is the season of blooming flowers, the season of singing birds and fragrant flowers, and the season we yearn for. Because in this season, there is a day that we all look forward to, that is, June 1.

34. The butterflies flying all over the sky under the sun can make you remember that the innocent smiling face in the years of chasing and playing is like flowers, which attracts butterflies to linger! When Children's Day comes, I hope you will always smile like flowers.

35. Being with children will make people simple, young, caring and inspirational. No wonder I've changed. It's because I'm with you. Hehe, I wish you a happy Children's Day!

36. Let go of worldly sophistication and let us simply baptize our hearts; Let go of maturity and steadiness, and let childlike fun release pressure for us; June 1 Children's Day is coming, I wish you to keep a childlike innocence and wish you happiness!

37. Be childlike, have a smooth career, and have a happy family; Have childlike innocence, pay sincerely, and everything is satisfactory; Have childlike innocence, drive away worries, and keep happy! May you have a happy Children's Day!

38. When I was a child, I was very attractive. I felt happy and sorrowful. I cried and laughed when I wanted to cry. I was not afraid of what I said and did. When I grew up, I hid my childlike innocence and laughed in my heart when I was angry. When the Children's Day came, I would release my children and be happy!

39. Children's Day is coming, and SMS wishes will be sent to you. May you keep your childlike innocence, eliminate all troubles, innocence, and misfortunes. I wish you happiness and happiness every year like a child.

40. When young, it is easy to dream; Dream season, easy young; Because he is young, he often dreams; I have always been young because I often dream; I wish you a happy Children's Day because I have always been young

41. Childhood is the most wonderful and full of confidence; Childhood is the happiest, carefree. Childhood is a flower, childhood is a seed, full of vitality, full of vitality, recall childhood, aftertaste childhood, Happy Children's Day!

42. The brilliant memory of childhood is still fresh, the joy of childlike interest is extremely pure, the innocence of childlike innocence is carefree, and the concern of children's partners is always in mind. On June 1 Children's Day, I wish you happiness, innocence and happiness forever.

43. In advance, I wish the old and good children a happy June Day! Let's indulge. Don't hold it! It's hard to pretend to be an adult! The festival is coming. If you want to eat your hands, you can eat your hands. If you want to wet your bed, you can wet your bed. Who cares who bites

44. Children's Day code of conduct: 1. You can stay in bed in the morning; 2. Eating can be deceitful; 3. You can cry if you don't want to; 4. You can bite anyone who doesn't like you; 5. Most importantly, I must call uncle when I see him.

45. Happiness ripples on the swing, smiles bloom in play, sweetness comes from candy, happiness is immersed in the world of love, and randomness comes from the map on your sheets. Blessing to you who are not old enough, 61 happy!

46. Weather forecast: Due to the coming monsoon of Children's Day on June 1, the city is covered with strong childish clouds. It is expected that the pleasant goat wind will be four to five levels, and candy ice cream and chocolate can be dropped at any time. If you have nothing to do, don't miss the opportunity.

47. Happiness is like a snowball, and worry is like an ice cream. Hungry and full, tired and then go to bed, happy smile, frustrated make a fuss, there are many pockets, but no money. All along with fate, childlike innocence to old!

48. I hope you are as happy as the teapot on the stove every day. Although your little fart is burning hot, you still whistle happily, bubble happily, and feel happy! Wish you a happy Children's Day!

49. Run if you want, make noise if you want, play if you want, laugh if you want, drool if you want, urinate if you want, make trouble in the west, Japan in the tsunami, Children's Day on June 1, your festival is finally here, crazy!

50. June 1 is the desire of children, June 1 is the desire of children, June 1 is the special occasion for children, and June 1 is the paradise for children. We might as well dress up as children and go among them to find the joy of childhood!

51. The water bottle can't stop the passage of time, the paper fish fishing can't go back to the busy days, the firecrackers can't make the noise, and the candy tickets can't return to the childhood laughter! Children's Day is coming again. I wish our childlike innocence will never grow old and our memories will always be wonderful!

52. Many years ago, I sent you a short message. Because there are too many and heavy blessings, I just sent it to you: Happy Children's Day! May you be the happiest, happiest, cleverest, cutest and most beautiful child in the world!

53. In those days, you were smarter than Haier Brothers, dreamier than robot cats, braver than Altman, and childish than crayons. Although you are old now, you are still so charming. I wish you a happy holiday!

54. Three little tadpoles went to a restaurant for dinner. When the waiter brought a plate of braised bullfrogs to the table next door, the three little tadpoles hugged each other and sang sadly, "I don't want to, I don't want to, and I don't want to grow up."

55. Today is Children's Day. If you are fond of playing, don't play with your mobile phone. If you play, don't accept messages. If you accept, don't read this. Hey, you still read it. In addition to wishing you a happy holiday, I just want to say: Why are you disobedient?

56. On Children's Day, I sincerely hope that you can go back to your childhood, your dreams, your fantasies, and continue your childlike childhood. I wish you a childlike innocence and happiness!

57. Hum a nursery rhyme to wake up your childhood; Look at a fairy tale, wake up the fun; Clockwork children's day SMS, wake up childlike innocence. Children's Day is coming. May you always have a childlike smile and live a carefree life.

58. Stop at the red light and go at the green light. Lovely people are on the earth. Count the stars and look forward to the moon. The fireflies blink their eyes. Blue skinned mouse with big face, the world is more shining with you. Catch the moth and catch the loach, dribbling and dribbling. Kite flying dream chasing, we grow up!

59. The sun on June 1 is always so brilliant, and the flowers on June 1 are always so fragrant. Blue sky, white clouds, flowers and grass are all symbols of our happiness! The seedlings are our representatives, and the flowers are our smiling faces.

60. Add some mischief to the busy space, add a smart picture and a silly one, give up the pursuit of the field, and leave some space for the numb mind to curiosity. World Children's Day, I wish you happiness as much as children, happiness as soon as the blink of an eye.

61. Although you are middle-aged, you should live a wonderful life; Try to change a childlike innocence, life is full of joy; With innocence in mind, everything is happy; Keep innocence in your heart and always be happy; Children's Day, I wish over age children, happy holidays!

62. "61" gives you six blessings: play mahjong in circles, smile like a peach, insist on exercising without a belly, daughter-in-law is not fat or thin, and has enough charm. You are allowed to have a small vault, and your son is lively, healthy, and progressive every day!

63, 61, 61, I had a crazy and wonderful unforgettable time. I sigh that time flies and life is short! And at the same time, I look forward to the next June 1, the next one belongs to me! Not only June 1, but also those holidays that belong to me!

64. After identification, you belong to the "six super children" who are over height, over weight, over nutrition, cool body, super intelligence, and over age. Please work and live happily with a childlike heart. Happy June 1!

65. The sun is shining, and thousands of new flowers are just pleasant. Childhood is the most wonderful stage of life. At that time, the child is a flower, a fruit, a dim intelligence, an endless activity, a strong desire, and the children are happy every day!

66. Happiness does not depend on age. It is good to be happy every day. It is happy to be relaxed, contented to forget, open-minded to communicate, and happy to be contented! June 1 Children's Day is coming, I hope you will always be a "happy over age child"

67. Today is a sunny day. Today is a day of flowers and flowers. Today is a day of singing and laughing... What you see in the sun is the same as what I see. That is the smiling faces of children with happy flowers.

68. Tomorrow will be our long-awaited Children's Day. In order to celebrate our own festival, the school specially arranges singing competitions and the first grade entry ceremony to be carried out at the same time, so that students can spend a happy "61" eve in school.

69. Life is a play, and the whole people are mobilized to welcome the June Day holiday: children have childlike fun during the holiday, teenagers are also happy during the holiday, young people have more memories during the holiday, middle-aged people forget about the pressure during the holiday, old people smile during the holiday, adults and children gather together to celebrate the June Day holiday happily. May you have a very happy Children's Day!

70. Nowadays, children are really tired. One week's study is full, and they have to learn literature and art on weekends; Study in the daytime is not counted, and remedial classes are also held in the evening. I have no leisure to study all day long, and I am under great pressure at a young age. Today's Children's Day, let's take a holiday for our children. Let's put aside our study and tasks and have fun.

71. I like festivals, especially Children's Day, our festival. We hope for the stars and the moon. We can't be more happy when we finally look forward to this day: participating in interesting garden activities, watching thrilling movies, receiving various gifts

72. Every year on Children's Day, our school will hold garden activities. This year is no exception. It is still several weeks away from June 1, and we will start to count the days with fingers. Hope, hope, today is Children's Day finally. Everyone is very excited and wants to play games well and score more points.

73. "June 1" is coming, guess a puzzle: children are not suitable. What word is it? Think about it. Don't think it's wrong. Can't guess? I'm going to reveal the answer... It's a "strange" word.

74, June Day finally came! In the morning, the students dressed the classroom very well. On the blackboard, seven big artistic characters of "Celebrating Children's Day on June 1" were written with colored chalk, and several flowers were also drawn beside them; The four walls of the classroom are covered with ribbons; Tables and chairs are arranged in two rows on both sides of the classroom.

75. Welcome to take you back to your carefree childhood by the "June 1 Time Shuttle". Before boarding, please stop all your work, remove all disguise, release all pressure, put on a childlike innocence full of curiosity and easy satisfaction, and then spend this childhood trip carefree. Wish you a happy journey!

76. "The childhood hut" is filled with warm sunshine; There are colorful flowers in the "kiddie hut"; "Innocent hut" is filled with green hope; "Fairy Tale Cabin" is filled with happiness and joy. On Children's Day, may your childlike innocence be forever, happy and happy!

77. "Six" A little childlike innocence, endless happiness; "Six" A little childlike innocence, treat people with great enthusiasm; "Six" a little childlike fun, happy and always get together; "Six" A little childhood, beautiful forever in my heart! "61" Children's Day, I wish you happiness, happiness forever!

78. With the thoughts of the wind, the fragrance of flowers, and the singing of birds, we can not help ushering in the "61" Children's Day. "61" has brought endless happiness to children; "61" is the stage for children to perform themselves; "61" is a day for children to breathe freely; "61"