School Games Slogan (64 selected sentences)
A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side
2023-03-15 16:54:40
A complete set of slogans

1. Life is wonderful because of sports. Sports make dreams come true!

2. 4) The elite, dare to rush and fight, work together to achieve good results.

3. Everyone cares about sports, and sports benefit everyone.

4. Strive hard, promote our class style, study hard, and strive bravely for the first place.

5. Earnestly implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and strive to hold the X th School Sports Meeting well!

6. Carry forward the Olympic spirit and create good urban sports achievements.

7. Develop sports and enhance people's physique.

8. Youth embraces dreams, striving to achieve brilliance!

9. Strive bravely for the first place, unite as one, and create good achievements together.

10. Exercise, build up physique, serve the motherland and benefit mankind!

11. I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy.

12. Youth is fearless, and dreams are followed. Strive hard and climb the peak bravely.

13. Passion burns hope, and motivation wins success!

14. Learn from each other, learn from each other, make persistent efforts, and climb the peak bravely.

15. Class: Learn from each other, learn from each other, make persistent efforts, and climb the peak bravely.

16. Humans need sports, and the world yearns for peace!

17. Keep fit and improve quality, and promote development to a higher level.

18. Carry out nationwide fitness campaign and build a well-off society in an all-round way!

19. Fitness for all is beneficial to the country and the people. It benefits the present and the future!

20. We will work together in times of adversity and hardship, forge ahead, and create brilliance.

21. Learn from each other, learn from each other, make persistent efforts, and climb the peak bravely!

22. Put the golden saddle on the horse. Only I am in Class 10. Go beyond dreams and have unlimited passion.

23. Exercise, strengthen physique, serve the motherland, and serve the people!

24. Strengthen the body, be determined to become useful, work hard and surpass the limit.

25. Youth is like fire, transcending oneself, flying dreams and creating brilliance.

26. Keep pace with the times, work hard, work together and strive to be first-class.

27. Carry forward the spirit of sports and improve the quality of teachers and students!

28. Sports make the school full of vitality, and the school is thriving because of sports!

29. Give full play to the educational function of campus culture and organically combine moral education, sports and aesthetic education!

30. Be more elegant and surpass yourself. Work together and make progress.

31. Wave your passion, challenge yourself, break through limits and surpass yourself.

32. Integrity, preciseness, carrying forward the past and opening up the future, seeking truth and innovation to create brilliance again.