49 sentences about animal figurative sentences
2023-05-01 14:13:38

1. The bright red comb of the rooster looks like a fire in the distance.

2. When he got up in the morning, the cock cried happily as if he had eaten honey.

3. The rooster is like a summoner. After several calls, the sun comes out.

4. Fireflies swim in the night, like looking for dreams lost during the day.

5. A pair of snow-white swans float on the water like two huge white lotus flowers.

6. My family raised two ducklings, their yellow fluffy, like two small soybeans.

7. The little swallow's black and bright feathers seemed to be smeared with oil, and its white belly was like wearing a white shirt.

8. This jujube red horse, with its long mane hanging loose, ran as if its four hooves were not touching the ground.

9. This crocodile is a broad snout crocodile. It wears armor like a soldier, and its tail is long like a braid.

10. The puppy has big, watery eyes, which are rotating like two black gemstones.

11. When duckling swims, he gently pushes his feet back and swims forward as steadily as a small motorboat.

12. The red crowned crane wears a bright red crown on its snow-white head, like a dazzling ruby embedded in a platinum crown.

13. The elephant kept fanning its ears, and its trunk stretched high into the air, like the barrel of a towering anti-aircraft gun.

14. The cock is raising his head and bending his neck, singing loudly, like a tenor singer on the stage for the first time, in high spirits.

15. A pair of hippo's lower front teeth, instead of growing upward, protrude forward in parallel, like two shovels.

16. When the peacock opens its screen, it looks like a blue gauze palace fan. Those eyespots on its tail feathers reflect brilliance, like countless small mirrors.

17. The little cat has a round head and a pair of sharp little ears. Its big green eyes stare like two small green lights.

18. Two roosters spread their wings and stretched their necks. The feathers on their necks stood up like shields in the hands of ancient soldiers.

19. When the little white rabbit was full, he ran on the sand in groups of three, like little snowballs rolling.

20. When the giraffe runs, its front and back legs swing to one side at the same time. When it goes up and down, it looks like a pendulum, but it runs very fast.

21. A large group of pigeons are densely perched on the roof, chirping, and it looks like a large silver gray flower.

22. The cobra "hiss hiss" and spits a fiery letter, like the flame of revenge.

23. A pair of black feathers, a pair of scissors like tails, and a pair of vigorous and lively wings make up such a lively and lovely swallow.

24. Crocodiles, whether on the shore or in the water, often stay in one place for several hours without moving, looking like a dead tree.

25. The kitten's mouth is like a crescent moon. There are four sharp teeth like a sharpened knife in it. It seems that one bite can kill a mouse.

26. The myna is black all over, as if wearing a black uniform. From a distance, it seems to fall into an ink vat; It is also like Bao Zheng in the Song Dynasty, who was selfless.

27. The elephant's legs are like four thick pillars, and the soles of its feet are like a stone. Anyone who is trampled by an elephant must become a meat pie.

28. This strange butterfly looks like a dead leaf hanging upside down on a tree from a distance. If you reach out to pick that leaf, it will fly.

29. The old monkey, with long brown hair and a tail of suitable length, walks steadily, as if he were an experienced old man.

30. The swan's white porcelain smooth feathers are free of any impurities, just like a ball of thick ink splashed on them, they will fall down and not touch a speck.

31. The golden monkey's whole body is golden yellow, and its back hair is very long, just like a golden coir raincoat on its shoulder, with its nose tilted forward; It has sharp claws and a long tail.

32. On the round head of the sika deer is a pair of forked antlers. Under the antlers, there are trumpet like ears, like eavesdropping on the movement around, ready to escape at any time.

33. The neighbor's rooster escaped, but my rooster looked like a victorious general with the attitude of a winner. He kept circling in the yard to show his prestige.

34. The zoo has a small pool with two crocodiles. They lie in the shallow water, only showing their backs like a piece of old tree bark on the water, and they are still all day.

35. Chimpanzees have long black hair all over their bodies. They are red and have red faces. They have many wrinkles on their faces, like an old woman in her seventies or eighties. Their mouths are wide open and protruding forward.

36. The whole body of the ball is covered with tawny fur, as if wearing a fur coat. Its fur is fluffy and soft, like a fur coat, very comfortable.

37. My dog is a lively and lovely animal. Wearing a golden coat, a big hairy tail, small, plum like feet, and black pearl like eyes.

38. When the white crane spreads its beautiful wings and dances elegantly, how its slender legs and elegant dancing posture look like an outstanding "ballet master"

39. Yuanyuan is a little bitch. She is round and full of gray curly hair. She feels soft and smooth with her hands. She looks like a cute little pompon. She is very cute!

40. Changbian Fish has a pair of big round eyes and a small mouth. The broad belly is flat, and there is no fish scale. The tail is like a swallow's tail, and also like an open pair of scissors.

41. The big ears of the kitten "Mimi" stand upright all day long. Where there is a sound, turn there immediately, like a radar with special performance.

42. Elephants have a long trunk, which can roll and stretch like a tube, looking for food everywhere. An elephant has four strong legs, like four pillars. It has a tail behind it, like a pigtail. It's funny!

43. The day breaks. The rooster got up, picked up the horn, jumped on the wall, puffed his cheeks and blew hard: "It's dawn! Get up and start work!" The voice resounded throughout the village.

44. The giant crocodile is eight meters long and weighs more than 370kg. It is dark green all over the body. It looks like a soldier's armor. It has a big mouth, sharp and smooth teeth, and its mouth is covered with saliva. It is really scary.

45. The white rooster angrily flapped his wings with his cockscomb erect and rushed forward like an arrow with his long neck stretched out. Suddenly, there was a strange cry, and the hair on his neck spread like a fan, and he jumped up to the flower rooster.

46. There is a big cock in my yard. It is tall and big. It is dressed in beautiful floral clothes. It has a pair of round eyes, a sharp mouth, and a flaming cockscomb on its head, which is particularly eye-catching.

47. The cock has a red crown on his head, like a torch. The feather on the back is like a light green coat, and the feather on the belly is like a red faded shirt. A pair of sharp eyes, a sharp and long mouth, and a colorful tail are both beautiful and powerful.

48. The big cock is covered with bright flowers and feathers, like wearing a royal coat. It cries, "Oh jujube!" It looks like a "golden trumpeter"

49. The cock's comb is very red, red like the rising sun. The big cock's eyes are very black, like two black glass balls. The big cock has a long neck, about two decimetres long. Its wings are big and longer than those of other roosters. When it spreads its wings, it flies very high.