Tired copywriting
Moonlight like water
2023-07-04 23:11:10
Complete sentences

1. You can rest assured that you will excuse me.

2. Love to the heartache, love to helplessness, love to innocence.

3. People are haggard because of Iraq, and their clothes are getting wider and wider.

4. Without direction, you will be confused, and without power, you will be helpless.

5. Listen to a song, think of someone, read something, and hope for something.

6. Because of you, I believe in true love. Because of you, I believe forever!

7. Despair is always broken, and the injured expression is always helpless!

8. Please cherish the hard won love and don't regret it until you lose it.

9. Accustomed to the days without you, so now I live as happy.

10. A good friend is an umbrella when you run helplessly in the rain.

11. I always think you will leave me, which is the result of a long time ago.

12. In the most helpless time, you will slowly give up your dependence on anyone.

13. Sometimes, the more you hide your feelings about a person, the deeper you will fall into it.

14. Those lonely, helpless, lonely days finally came again.

15. If only my fingerprint can open the door of your heart, that would be great.

16. Maybe I am very sad, helpless, lonely and want to cry, but I can't be angry.

17. A person is really very tired, I don't know who can talk about that helplessness!

18. In this world, the most easily changed is the human heart, but the most ancient is also the human heart.

19. A lot of people are like this. Only when things are people, will they know how to miss them.

20. I'm so sad. I want to cry. It's the first time that I'm so helpless and hopeless!

21. Some songs are deeply rooted in people's hearts. Sometimes I don't know whether I am listening to songs or listening to myself.

22. The sky is lonely without an eagle. The eagle who leaves the sky is also lonely and helpless.

23. I am afraid to find you more and more because your indifference makes me feel that my initiative is so cheap.

24. No matter how long the love is, it can't stand this kind of killing. The tired people don't want to love anymore.

25. To forget a person only needs two things, time and new love. You chose a new lover, but I chose a time.

26. Worried helplessness, helplessness to upset, regret the price, the price is regret, that is, want to drink, drink unconscious.