110 WeChat inspirational words
Looking at the empty moon
2023-06-19 12:02:00
Complete sentences

1. Remember, you must believe in miracles.

2. If you can't fly, run.

3. It's a dream Don't be afraid of pain, don't stop if you want to win!

4. I walk slowly, but I never retreat.

5. The dream is so far away that I want to give up.

6. You can never become a Buddha when you practice in prosperity.

7. Youth is valuable. Give yourself a deadline.

8. One person can live happily.

9. People can be defeated, but they can never be defeated.

10. I'm not afraid of anyone. I'm afraid I'm not strong enough.

11. If you can't die at once, you should continue to live.

12. Nobody treats me well, I treat myself well.

13. The strength of a man is the RMB in his pocket.

14. Don't find reasons for failure, just find methods for success.

15. We should be proud of our efforts and ashamed of doing nothing.

16. Don't ask others why, ask yourself why.

17. Knowing how to care for others is the real beginning of growth.

18. Giving up is a kind of wisdom, and sharing is a kind of virtue.

19. If you know how to laugh at life, life is actually very interesting.

20. Be confident unconditionally, even when doing wrong.

21. Let your sorrow go today, and choose to live well after tomorrow.

22. Don't let bygones be bygones, because they will eventually pass.

23. As long as you keep smiling, life will smile at you!

24. Thank the sun for rising again and continuing to light my dream.

25. We cannot control opportunities, but we can control ourselves.

26. No one will regard you as a treasure, only they love themselves.

27. A person who realizes his dream is a successful person.

28. What cannot be reached is forever, and what cannot be forgotten is once.

29. When the tears run out, what remains should be strong.

30. Success never likes to meet lazy people, but wakes them up.

31. No one can defeat me unless I get down first!

32. There is nothing that cannot be passed, only the mood that cannot be passed.

33. If you are destined not to be happy, don't expect so much.

34. Living is not the absolute principle, but living and sticking to it is the principle.

35. Tears cannot flow into a sea after all. People must always grow.

36. In the world, there are only people who can't figure it out.

37. There is no doomed misfortune, only the persistence of death.

38. Since you have identified a road, why go and ask how long it will take!

39. Never give up. There is no failure in the world, only give up.

40. There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate for the situation.

41. Forget the darkness before the dawn and remember the dawn after the dawn.

42. It is these ordinary lives that constitute a great history.

43. Life will always give you another opportunity, which is called tomorrow.

44. It's better to leave your troubles behind temporarily; Joy is based on oneself.

45. Don't give up to the world, because you still have awesome dreams!

46. Cultivating is to confess one's conscience, not to show others.

47. Fortune can deprive people of their wealth, but it cannot deprive them of their courage.

48. Persistence is victory. It is not important to win, but to persevere.

49. I will treat every change as growth, even if it is pain.

50. True courage is not overwhelming, but not being overwhelmed by everything.

51. The road you choose will go on forever. If you regret it, you will lose.

52. Understand that what a person needs is not time, but mutual withdrawal of guard.

53. Being brave does not necessarily lead to results, but if you are not brave, you must have no results.

54. There is always a beam of sunshine in the dark, but we haven't found it.

55. My self-respect has long gone, and I am still working hard to live.

56. Forget about hatred, and spring flowers will bloom. The stage extends as far as the heart goes.

57. Cherish life. If God still lets you live, there must be his arrangement.

58. The light of life is lit by enthusiasm, and the boat of life moves forward by struggle.

59. There's nothing wrong with smiling! Tomorrow is a new beginning!

60. Let the weak know cruelty and face the cold every time in life.

61. To live proudly is what each of us should do.

62. The most powerful spiritual pillar of man is not will or belief, but habit.

63. Before everything gets better, we must experience some unhappy days.

64. Be ideal, not fantasy, not affectation, and be happy with everything.

65. A flower seed can produce the most beautiful flowers in the world only with sweat.

66. Life is like a play, and play is like life. Everyone is playing different roles.

67. When is the nearest to the light! That's when you feel too dark.

68. Failure can be called life wealth, and success can be called wealth life.

69. I would rather choose to stumble and stumble for a lifetime than to live a lifetime in an ordinary life.

70. You must take what you want, or you can't afford it even if others give it to you.

71. Success is an idea, getting rich is an obligation, and happiness is a power.

72. Love others with addition, hate with subtraction, gratitude with multiplication, and worry with division.

73. A person's measurement is a spiritual force and a powerful force of civilization.

74. Not to be a pure excellent person, but to be an irreplaceable person.

75. If you are not tired to the extreme, how can you rest? If you do not fall to the bottom, how can you find a way out.

76. As long as you say goodbye bravely, life will certainly give you a new start.

77. Be stronger and believe in yourself. Be firm and believe in your feelings.

78. Don't forget the past when you succeed; Don't forget the future when you fail.

79. Never give up what you really want. It's hard to wait, but more regretful.

80. Affection is a burden that we can never bear, and love words are just lies that are realized accidentally.

81. Indifferent people, thank you for looking down on me and letting me live a more wonderful life.

82. Even if no one applauds you, you should take a graceful curtain call and thank yourself for your serious efforts.

83. I have fallen down in life. I stood up in the laughter, although my clothes were dirty.

84. There are two results of girls' lack of effort: endless street stalls and endless vegetable markets.

85. Learn to say no, because don't force yourself to do what you can't do, and do what you can.

86. Live with love, and you will make yourself happy! Work with love, you will make many people happy!

87. Your efforts are not necessarily in the eyes of others. If you do not work hard, others must be in the heart.

88. Before finding the right person, the only thing to do is to make yourself good enough.

89. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going.

90. Because I am poor! So we should work hard! Because I'm poor! So ambitious! Because I'm poor! So strong!

91. Praise is a kind of encouragement. While giving praise to others, don't forget to give yourself a little praise.

92. Don't hold on to what you have lost. What you will lose doesn't belong to you.

93. Heaven is fair to everyone. When it closes a door, it will open a window!

94. I still have dreams. I can't fall. When you stop, don't forget that others are still running!

95. On the road of life, if you have no patience to wait for success, you have to face failure with your whole life.

96. There are too many happy things in life. Don't focus on those things that make you unhappy.

97. Human dignity is not gained by acting wildly, nor by fists, but by inner confidence!

98. The more a person turns to light, the greater the shadow behind him. The greater a man's ability, the greater his responsibility.

99. Dream your dream, go where you want to go, and be what you want to be, because you can only live once!

100. The growth rate of a person's mind depends on the degree of psychological suffering when he fails.

101. To bear the pain that others cannot bear, and to eat the pain that others cannot, is to reap the harvest that others cannot.

102. When you can't see the shortcomings of others, you can get infinite wisdom from their behavior, language and thought.

103. Enjoy achievements at all times, and enjoy life at low tide. Do meaningful work when you are in the mood, and do interesting work when you are not in the mood.

104. Accumulated trauma is the best gift from life, because each trauma marks a step forward.

105. To see life through a magnifying glass, life is a tragedy; If you look at life with binoculars, life is a comedy.

106. Don't be angry, try to win, break through, admire, procrastinate, and act.

107. If you are lucky to live one day, you should cherish it. When I cry and I don't have shoes, I find someone has no feet.

108. Relationships come out, feelings come out, friends come out, but careers are done, not blown out.

109. The Jianghu is very big, and I am very small. Before, I was not fighting, but my character. Now I am fighting against time because of my dream and my ideal.

110. It is helpless to give up, ignorance not to give up, incompetence not to give up, and persistence not to give up.