84 sentences about autumn scenery
Silent Bear
2023-06-10 20:32:16
Complete sentences

1. Autumn is in the fields. The fields are golden. From a distance, the whole field looks like a golden carpet.

2. In the rice field, a piece of yellow rice rippled with the autumn wind. In the green vegetable field, the fat and tender leaves were shining with crystal dew.

3. Maple trees spread a red carpet on the earth. When the autumn wind blew, the maple leaves made a clatter sound, as if they were applauding to celebrate the harvest.

4. In the park, there are clusters of flowers, white and red, big and small, colorful. I leaned down and smelled the flowers, and a faint fragrance suddenly seeped into my heart.

5. In the park, there are clusters of flowers, white and red, big and small, colorful. I leaned down and smelled the flowers, and a faint fragrance suddenly seeped into my heart.

6. There were dead leaves half a foot deep in the woods. When the wind blew, they whirled and flew up and spread out evenly, covering the path that tilted and circled to the top of the mountain.

7. It's beautiful in autumn. It brings us freshness. It's fragrant in autumn. It brings us the fragrance of fruits. It's cruel in autumn. It sweeps away all the flowers, grass and leaves.

8. When the cool autumn wind blows, the yellow leaves on the trees fall one after another, like small butterflies. Small "butterflies" dance in the autumn wind.

9. Autumn is a season that makes me miss. The fallen leaves in the yard and my missing have accumulated a thick stack, but the full rice makes the world in my heart happier.

10. Where the autumn wind passes, the grains smell sweet. From a distance, the crops look like thousands of waves rolling; At a close look, Daogu bent over with a smile, Sorghum blushed, and Maize was happy.

11. The weeping willows with long green hair have become yellow and dry today. With the cool autumn wind, falling leaves fall one after another, like little girls dancing for tourists.

12. Fall in love with autumn, but can not have her forever, always floating, and often leave without saying goodbye. She always rejoices because of her coming, and is always lonely because of her leaving.

13. There is always inexplicable sadness in autumn, which extends to the distant land. Autumn, the withering season, there will always be some inexplicable sadness in my heart, I don't know why?

14. In autumn, leaves fall down. The golden leaves set off the sea more beautifully. Tourists chat and walk in the cool weather to enjoy the autumn sunshine.

15. Fallen leaves her mother and travels alone to experience the colorful life. She will use her last strength to interpret the most colorful movement and the most wonderful song in life.

16. Autumn girl came to the forest, yellow leaves like butterflies flying in the air. Only the leaves of pine and cypress are green. They straighten their bodies and stand on the hillside majestically.

17. In the field, on the dirt road and by the side of the path, no matter what green plants are, they will basically wither. Especially the grass, which is waiting for the arrival of spring, to add a green to the world.

18. Although it has been a long time since autumn, the feeling of soaking in the sweat all day in the hot summer this year is unforgettable. It seems that the afterglow of summer is still lingering.

19. Some opened completely, revealing the goose yellow stamens; Some are half open, like a shy little girl, especially the budding flowers and bones, which are particularly delicate against the background of green leaves.

20. In the autumn night, I lay quietly in bed and listened attentively. The sound of crickets made me excited and excited. It was clearly a wonderful music that filled my heart with fantasy.

21. Autumn night is my favorite scenery. It can bring us peace and happiness. At night, I watch the moon in the yard. I found that as soon as I left, the moon also took a step. How strange!

22. In the sky, the changed leaves are dancing. In the mountain stream, the ding dong spring is dancing and singing softly. Are they silently blessing autumn flowers? Or enjoy this warm moment of quiet beauty with autumn flowers?

23. When I came closer, I saw oval leaves set off golden flowers, like several fat dolls lying in a cradle. Close to a smell, a strong fragrance rushed over, making people never tired of hearing.

24. The ginkgo leaves in autumn are far less vigorous than those in spring and summer, but they are full and mature! Because it understands dedication, it is just like now, selflessly and silently dedicated to the reincarnation of life.

25. Walking here, there are not too many gorgeous decorations or sad scenes. It is a warm feeling. Looking at the people on the chairs, they all hung a sweet smile, which added several gorgeous colors to autumn.

26. Looking at the autumn fields, I was thinking that autumn is not a withering season, and autumn is full of vitality. Autumn is beautiful. We should step up our efforts to add beauty to our life in this lovely season!

27. The autumn rain has a very pleasant smell. Pear fragrant, pineapple sweet, and apple, orange, many sweet smell, are hiding in the drizzle! Children's feet are often caught by the fragrance.

28. As soon as September comes, there will be a sense of autumn. It will slip in a foggy dawn and disappear in the hot afternoon. It tiptoed across the top of the tree, dyed several leaves red, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

29. The sky in autumn is as blue as the sea, and seems to have been washed with a brush. The white clouds are like boats sailing, floating leisurely, full of the cool atmosphere of autumn. All kinds of flowers are fighting and blooming.

30. The tender sunshine lifted the colorful and golden journey of life. A pure girl under the white clouds washed her clothes at the riverside of her hometown. The sparkling waves reflected her youthful fitness, and the intoxicating sunset filled her charming smile.

31. In autumn, the grass and flowers on the campus withered away; The creeper on the campus railing has changed from dark green in summer to maple red in autumn. It is very beautiful and looks like a rendered ink painting from a distance.

32. The long pine needles are covered with dew in the autumn morning. When the dawn shines, they twinkle with crystal light; When the sun sets, Evening Dew puts on a bright red colored dress for her, adding some color to the pine forest.

33. The autumn wind is rustling. With a little melancholy in my heart, the leaves are still dancing, and I can't see any sadness. In people's eyes, autumn is often sad, however, in my eyes, autumn has a strange beauty.

34. Although winter is not as tender as spring, as beautiful as summer, and as rich as autumn, it brings another style to the world, which is probably why I like the campus with winter dance.

35. The sky in autumn is beautiful. In autumn, the sky is bright and crisp. In the blue sky, there are several white clouds, which are as white as snow, in strange shapes. The long white clouds look like a beautiful scarf. The sky added a scene.

36. In autumn and October, the sparse leaves on the trees are as dry as dry tobacco leaves. Mother Earth opens her broad mind as if to welcome the children who embrace and return. The fallen leaves return to Mother Earth's arms and sleep with the earth sweetly.

37. Walk into the fragrant orchard and see the fruit trees whose branches are bent by fruits. The fruits are ripe. How much sweat did those hardworking gardeners pay. They have watered the fruits with hard work and sweat, and today they can grow so plump.

38. Once sad, once melancholy, once infatuated, once crazy, every beating note is still in front of me, every melodious melody is still in my ears, I am glad that I have all these things; I am sad, I lost all this again.

39. In the morning of late autumn, the ground, roof and branches are covered with frost. The rustling autumn wind blows, and the yellow leaves are flying. However, it stands upright, stretches its branches, opens its leaves and blooms its flowers, which shows its character of being proud of frost and cold.

40. The autumn morning is misty, and everything is covered with gauze; Autumn afternoon is busy, people put the fruits of hard work into baskets; Autumn night is charming, like a beautiful girl, wearing different clothes.

41. In autumn, in this charming season, leaves fall from the branches and geese fly southward in herringbone formation. Mature sorghum looks like endless sunset, and golden chrysanthemums bloom more brightly in autumn.

42. The fields in autumn are golden. The sun shines brightly, dazzling, like gold sprinkled all over the ground, and the autumn wind blows like waves on the sea. On a closer look, the ears of grain are dense and full, like strings of bells. They lower their heads as if they had made some mistakes.

43. The autumn sun shines with mercury. Grass crawls on the green leaves. A kind of intoxication and fragrance will not leave you. Red stars and maple leaves whisper in autumn. The sun shines on the ground through the forest, making people yearn for it. It is very beautiful.

44. The autumn rain is falling. Looking far away, green wheat sprouts grow in a field, and the earth has enough water. After a while, the clouds dispersed, and the rain stopped. The green wheat seedlings, yellow leaves, and persimmons hanging all over the branches formed a beautiful scene.

45. Autumn is also the harvest season. The golden paddy field is full of romance of autumn thoughts. The rustling autumn wind washes the gloom in the chest, making people feel fresh and refreshed. The grain in the warehouse is fragrant, and the ideal warehouse is quietly plump. The red fruits are ripe and full, which makes people excited.

46. My hometown is in a small city, where the winter is very special. Without the tenderness of spring, the heat of summer, and the coolness of autumn, there is only a vast expanse of whiteness. He was jokingly sprinkling butter to God, everywhere.

47. Osmanthus fragrans trees are standing in front of my house. It has luxuriant branches and leaves. Among the green leaves, lovely little farewell flowers look like shy little pump mothers, looming in the lush branches and leaves, sometimes hiding, sometimes showing half a face, as if playing hide and seek with us!

48. In autumn, the leaves on the playground turn yellow. A gust of autumn wind blows and falls one by one. I like playing basketball on the playground at this time. Every Saturday afternoon, our basketball specialty class will train hard on the basketball court under the guidance of Mr. Zhang.

49. Autumn morning is lively. Groups of innocent and lively primary school students go to school with school bags on their backs. Mom and Dad also started a busy day with briefcases. The most leisurely people are grandparents, some of whom are dancing in the small square, others are singing.

50. What a beautiful autumn! Here is no longer scorched earth and ashes. It is a prosperous land with thousands of mountains and winds covered in red carpet. The red pine covered with bullet skins is still alive, standing proudly on the high rocks, whistling in the valley and flying slowly in the paddy field.

51. Some people like spring because of its myriad colors, summer because of its vitality, winter because of its ice and snow, and I like autumn because of its rich fruits and the joy of harvest. I like autumn and the fields in autumn!

52. Autumn is like a fairy in a golden dress. She brushed away the heat of the sun with her light sleeves and scattered brightness and freshness to the earth. The cool wind rises and autumn comes. The mountains are red and the maple leaves are like boats. Look at the clusters of maple leaves hanging all over the trees and spreading all over the ground.

53. The autumn river is the most eye-catching. The autumn wind gently blows the Buddha on the river, and the river is extremely beautiful! It seems that Miss Qiu is gently touching the river. At dusk, the beautiful sunset is reflected on the river like a colorful picture, and the river is like a fairy tale world.

54. There is a row of green grass beside the road in front of my house, which is not so eye-catching. They are enjoying the kiss of rain and dew and the gentle breeze. In this grassland kingdom, everything seems so quiet and peaceful. Grasses fall asleep on this warm morning.

55. On autumn nights, the dark sky is always dotted with stars. The bright spoon like Big Dipper in the sky and the bright Polaris hang in the sky for a long time, pointing out the direction for the tourists going home. The silvery moon emits bright moonlight, mysterious and beautiful, covering the quiet night.

56. When the autumn wind comes, the ginkgo leaves begin to fall, which lasts for more than a month, from a little bit to a lot. Gold and yellow ginkgo leaves fluttered with the wind, like beautiful little fans, which swept away the heat of summer, the cool of autumn and the cold of winter.

57. Autumn is coming. The sky is bluer, purer and clearer. The sun is so bright, brighter and softer. The clouds are so flawless, giving people a delicate feeling. Seeing the clear autumn, the mood becomes comfortable. The autumn wind became cool, giving me a fresh and comfortable feeling.

58. Spring rain is like a bird of good news, bringing spring news and driving away bacteria; Summer rain is like an excited heart, which wakes up the earth and soaks nature. The autumn rain is like the news of return, sending back the leaves and birds; The rain in winter is like condensation, embellishing the dryness and gathering the compatriots.

59. Look at the rice fields here. The golden rice is ripe, and the heavy weight of the rice makes the rice stems bend. A gust of wind blows, causing waves of rice. The front wave didn't run far, and the rice wave behind caught up with the front wave. The back wave caught up with the front wave, layer by layer, and finally became one piece. How beautiful it was!

60. The orchard in autumn is more distinctive. The tree is full of fruits, red persimmons like little lanterns. You squeeze and touch the yellow oranges, as if you are competing to pick them for the farmer uncle! The bright red apples grow big and sweet, just like a little girl's face. The farmer uncle saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

61. One or two nights later, the autumn frost will cover the valleys under the moon, and then return to the mountains in the north to stop for a while, so that the golden early autumn can gently comfort the earth. A slight smell of fennel fills the sky. And the fragrant smell of chrysanthemum. The fog billowed and was broken by the moonlight in September, revealing a blue sky.

62. Autumn comes with the sound of falling leaves. The morning is as fresh as dew. The sky emits soft brightness, clear and ethereal, making people want to hear a burst of skylark singing, just like looking at the blue sea and hoping to see a white sail. The setting sun is the wing of time. When it flies away, it unfolds in an extremely gorgeous moment. So it was dusk.

63. The autumn rain comes gently. With a bang, who knocked over the ink bottle? The autumn rain came under the cover of clouds. It was a magical painter. The earth becomes more beautiful under its pen. The trees are straight and the flowers are beautiful. In this way, the autumn rain comes back in change, and its beautiful figure is branded in people's hearts.

64. When I came to the field, I saw that the rice had changed into golden clothes, and the field road was bustling with cars and people. Some transport corn, some pull sorghum; There are also beans. Grain trucks are loaded with the joy of harvest. In the vegetable garden, the number of Chinese cabbages is the most eye-catching. Each Chinese cabbage grows so plump.

65. The autumn rain hit their faces. Piles of dark gray clouds are pressing the earth low. It is late autumn, and the endless trees in the forest are bare. The old tree stands gloomily, letting the brown moss cover its wrinkles. The relentless autumn stripped off their beautiful clothes, and they had to stand there bald.

66. Autumn is a beautiful season; Autumn is a season with fruit fragrance and harvest joy; Autumn is a season full of childlike interest; Children can catch crickets and pick fruits. They can also fly kites in the golden fields and pick up leaves in the woods; When the collected leaves are put together into patterns, they will be the most beautiful pictures in the world.

67. Clusters of golden sweet scented osmanthus, about the size of a grain of millet, are like golden sesame seeds. Each yellow flower has four petals, which tightly wrap its stamens, as if afraid of being touched by others. Close to a smell, a thick aroma came to the nostrils, refreshing, always want to smell enough sweet scented osmanthus.

68. She reddened the sorghum, put an orange skirt on the corn, and put a golden suit on the rice. The autumn wind blew in and the rice bent down as if to thank Miss Qiu.

69. Tasting the autumn rain carefully, let's walk into the street in autumn! On both sides of the street, the old trees with luxuriant branches and leaves seem to have lost their due color. The sky was pale silver, and the continuous autumn rain was as thin as cow hair. The continuous autumn rain slowly falls and flows into the earth; Into the stream; Flowing into the Yangtze River; It flows into people's hearts.

70. There is a strong sense of autumn. The autumn leaves are flying all over the sky, like butterflies flying. The fallen leaves fall slowly, as if they cut the breath of autumn and spread it to all corners of the world, giving warmth to everyone, leaving happiness to everyone, and giving blessings to everyone. In autumn, the mountain top was surrounded by thick fog, as if Grandpa was wearing a big white straw hat.

71. The autumn sunset is also poetic and picturesque. The sunset reddens the clouds in the sky. The big round sunset soon falls on the wall against the clouds, and the dark shadow gradually covers the earth. At last, the sun jumped into the mountain like a hide and seek, and the darkness engulfed the earth at once. Then, like the light of the day, it lit up, breaking the short and precious night.

72. The scenery of the fields in Grandma's place is really beautiful. The sky is high and the wild geese return to the south. The maple leaves are like fire and fruit. The autumn there is unique and beautiful. Standing in front of the paddy field, looking at the golden color of the mature rice, it seems that the earth has been plated with a layer of gold. When the breeze blew, the rice bent down as if to welcome us.

73. Miss Qiu took a box of colorful paints to find Uncle Xia to change the guard. It painted the maple leaves red, and the maple leaves looked like stamps. Floating, floating, sending the cool autumn. Look, it gave the yellow to the banana again. Yellow bananas are like shining moons. It also gave orange yellow to oranges, orange yellow oranges like the sun.

74. In autumn, you must go to the hills to see the mountains are red and the forests are stained. I like the autumn sun in the afternoon. Facing the warm sunshine, I sit alone on the hillside with sparse trees. Colorful leaves, either hanging on the branches or flying in the air with light, gently dance its elegant spirituality with the melodious wind bell, giving you a pleasure to fly and sing.

75. I like the autumn night, when the stars are dotted, and I watch the lights in the world. There is no wind, it is quiet and peaceful, and the moonlight pours into every bedroom or small living room like flowing water, where I listen to the joy and sorrow of the world quietly. But he never commented on everything, just savored it and left quietly. I don't know whose baby is crying, which makes the moonlight appreciate the noise of the place.

76. It rains in autumn, but there is no heavy rain in summer. Sometimes detailed, sometimes dripping. Let people's thoughts drift far away. Every time the rain falls, the pace of autumn is closer, inch by inch. Autumn is high and cool. The autumn rain washes the impetuosity of summer, making the earth slowly quiet. The mood also quieted down, retreated from the restlessness of summer, and quietness became the theme.

77. Autumn is sometimes white, which is pure white without a trace of fine dust. "Jianjia is green, white dew is frost, and the so-called beauty is on the water side" makes people imagine autumn as a woman in white who comes out of ancient ink paintings. With a touch of sadness, she is neither charming nor beautiful, but is pure, fresh, and touching with every look and smile. This feeling is only in autumn.

78. The autumn wind, autumn leaves, autumn colors, and autumn sunshine constitute a wonderful picture of autumn scenery. There are many secrets hidden in the picture. As long as we are good at discovering, we can uncover them; There are many life philosophies in the picture. As long as we actively seek, we can understand them. The picture shows a lot of colorful life. As long as we correct our attitude, we can have it.

79. A breeze blew and the leaves on the tree rustled. I bent down and picked up a leaf. It looked like a small hand. The red on the tip seemed to drip down. Eh, why did the maple leaf turn red in autumn? Oh, it was because the temperature in autumn was low, which broke the chlorophyll in the maple leaf and turned it into anthocyanin, So the maple leaves in autumn are red.

80. The persimmon tree on the right is covered with heavy persimmons. These yellow persimmons look like cute little lanterns. It looks more colorful and lovely against the dense and green holly trees. When the autumn wind blows, "little lanterns" flicker gently and sparkle. The dead leaves of Chinese parasol trees were falling down in the autumn wind, as if there were butterflies flying all over the yard.

81. Walking on the road, sunshine and autumn wind come together. It is quiet and serene all around, listening carefully, as if you can hear the rustle of them playing and shuttling among the fibers of sweaters. Sweaters are like being placed on a dryer. They seem to swell gradually and wrap me warmly like hot air balloons, as if they are going to take me to fly, making my feet more and more light and my heart lighter, turning into the gentlest wind and flying to a better place.

82. After a while, we came to the Gui Garden. We saw many sweet scented osmanthus trees, all planted straight. The color of the sweet scented osmanthus was yellow, white, pink, red, and the leaves were dark green. Moreover, the sweet scented osmanthus tree wore a beautiful dress, and it was hard to see the sweet scented osmanthus as big as a grain of rice, We also saw wild flowers like lavender in the grass as if they were having a concert!

83. Apart from the climate, there are many differences between autumn and summer. For example, the color contrast of leaves in autumn and summer is greater. In autumn, the green leaves on the trees are not so bright green, and gradually change from green to yellow. With the deepening of autumn, the leaves of most trees are golden and bright. Under the blowing of autumn wind, the yellow leaves begin to fall on the earth, which is quite spectacular. On the country path, the smell of soil gradually becomes strong. When doing morning exercises and taking a walk in the evening, the wind blowing gently has a faint chill.

84. What a beautiful osmanthus tree! Under the shade of green leaves, sweet scented osmanthus blossomed so vigorously and lively that it was really a riot of flowers. The clusters of sweet scented osmanthus seem to be little golden stars. Maybe these stars are too naughty and sneak into the world from the vast sky along the Rainbow Bridge. They also look like golden pearls. Maybe this is a precious gift from Miss Qiu to Grandpa Land. It's more like pieces of broken gold. Maybe it's the necklace made by Grandpa Land for Miss Qiu!