110 short love sentences express feelings
Tell yourself to be strong
2023-04-10 13:02:08
Complete sentences

1. I will grow long hair, waiting for the person who loves me.

2. What will kill you, my love.

3. How stupid love is, how cruel time is.

4. It's enough to be by your side, and I will accept both far and near.

5. Sunshine and you are the future I want.

6. The shadow under your feet is my missing for you.

7. If I haven't slept all night, I still feel heartache.

8. To say, I have no meaning except you.

9. I quarrel with you because you are too important to me.

10. In the summer of parting, sweetness is the prelude, and sadness is the end.

11. You can laugh and rush forward, because you are yearning.

12. No matter how much I explain, it's just a cover up in your eyes.

13. I still love you, I can do nothing for myself.

14. Let go of the happiness, to meet my happiness.

15. Some things, in an instant turn, have already deteriorated.

16. No matter what happened before, at least he really loved you.

17. There is no too much language, only plain happiness.

18. I miss your past, but I don't want to miss your future.

19. Ma Ma said: Happiness is when you think of your loved one and smile.

20. Not that I don't want to find you, but I think you don't need me.

21. Don't talk about love easily. A promise is a debt.

22. Your predecessor loves you more than I do. How dare I associate with you.

23. We also hugged each other tightly and said the words of eternal love.

24. I will always be by your side, watching you and getting married.

25. I'm waiting for a deadpan who will not leave me.

26. I try my best to perfunctory myself. Why do you say sorry to me.

27. Smile heartlessly, just don't want to lose the only pride.

28. The scar hidden in my heart will never heal.

29. Thank you for your joke, which has destroyed all my pride.

30. Don't rely too much on one person, because dependence is more terrible than deep love.

31. I hope you are my most beautiful scenery, and I am your long-awaited return.

32. Promises are often like butterflies, which disappear after beautiful hovering.

33. I want to say a lot to you, but I have no chance to say it again.

34. I always end my tears secretly, and I am stronger than anyone after going out.

35. One is injured, one is healed, and one is lonely to death.

36. I thought that love could last forever, but then it became weaker and weaker, didn't it.

37. The countdown days are my last days with you.

38. How sticky you are when you are together, how painful you will be when you are apart.

39. It takes seven years to forget a person, but it is so simple to remember a person.

40. I don't miss you very much. I just think of you first when I wake up.

41. Everything is clear, except for love.

42. Time goes by, years run aground, mottled shadows reflect thousands of words.

43. There is a tacit understanding that I will not contact you, and you will not contact me.

44. Affection is not as good as long-term company. All departures except death are betrayal.

45. You always say that I am lazy. Yes, I am too lazy to give up if I like you.

46. When we first met, I didn't expect you to be so important to me.

47. Promising is like farting. At that time, it was earth shaking, but later it was powerless.

48. What was once unforgettable is now so ridiculous.

49. No one can stop hooligans from practicing martial arts. Anyone who knows hooligans is afraid.

50. Red and white make men ambitious. A woman's amorous feelings can be seen in the flimsy nature.

51. Now, let's have a six-year love affair, and then get married on MM/DD/YYYY.

52. When someone marries me, I will blow up the divorce office immediately.

53. In a few years, I will understand my family's tears and have no courage to say goodbye.

54. Don't be afraid that your life will end, but be afraid that it will never start.

55. In love, are girls often not treasured after taking the initiative.

56. I like listening to love songs as before, but now I am so sad.

57. People who love you will not buy high-heeled shoes for you, because they are afraid that you will suffer.

58. Please remember me, my name and the years I scattered on you.

59. When you are most afraid, the name you shout out must be the person you love most.

60. From love at first sight to love after a long time, we have a process but no result.

61. My heart is not open 24 hours a day. You are not welcome at any time.

62. You are the first thought in the morning and the last thought at night.

63. When will I be your special concern? I have always been in the public group.

64. If you want to leave when I am down, don't come back when I am brilliant.

65. In the time when I was extremely ignorant, I took your hand and slowly matured.

66. I am irritable, my head is blank, and the melody of music may comfort me.

67. I would rather use silence to break the indefinable loneliness.

68. Who first touched the love string, and who forgot it in the corner of his mind.

69. The story of metamorphosis is the pain of tearing, but after the pain is the relief of breaking the cocoon.

70. This sentence is true: If you like someone too much, they will dislike you more and more.

71. What do I gain from my firm waiting? It doesn't matter that you keep me waiting.

72. When I love you, the sun is bright and supreme. When I don't love you, it will be dark in an instant.

73. Trust me. Why is it so hard for you to believe me? It's rare that I want to destroy myself.

74. Turning around, a ray of cold fragrance is far away, the snow is deep, and the smile is shallow. Would you like to ferry me in the next life?

75. That dim face that seems to smile rather than smile. Like narrow cold, withered flower fragrance.

76. I don't care about a person I don't care about, nor do I care about a person who doesn't care about me.

77. Be such a woman. Love. It hurts too much. I cried. Laughed. Then continue to be strong.

78. People who love, persist, and fear no injury will eventually be turned into people who will only be loved by time.

79. Only later did I know that love cannot be forced, and how humble it is to beg for love.

80. It takes a lot of effort to cultivate the feelings of the heart, but the feelings of rupture are really instantaneous.

81. If a person's chatting with you depends on whether he is busy or not, then he doesn't care about you at all.

82. If there is a next life, I must be your heart because if I don't beat, you will die.

83. I want to say that it is better to miss each other than to meet each other, but they are all urging themselves that it is better to miss each other than to meet each other.

84. Sometimes I seem cold. Don't blame me. Don't think too much. I really don't want to talk.

85. I can walk without you, but I can run if you are here.

86. Love is like a knife deeply inserted into my heart, and it is only painful when it is mentioned.

87. The most terrible thing in the world is that the person who pushed you to hell once took you to heaven.

88. Maybe I have lost everything, but this is just to save you. Now you have to leave me.

89. You are ashamed to break up with me. Why am I ashamed to stab you behind your back.

90. Because I am always eager to be nice to the person I like, I ignore whether such a nice person wants it or not.

91. One of the best things in life is that because of you, someone is smiling.

92. He has a crush on me. I accepted him six months ago. I'm trying to like him as much as he likes me.

93. Let those who understand understand, let those who do not understand understand, let the world be the world, and I am willing to be my cocoon.

94. I don't know when the people and things that used to be so dedicated have become dispensable.

95. If you are lucky, no matter where you go, there will be the same person willing to hold your hand with you.

96. Dreams always like to take people to a dead end and give you a short hole to climb.

97. Are you sick? I admit that I am ill, but do you know that you are the medicine that God gave me.

98. I don't know why you suddenly turn cold and hot to me, but I know you must like someone else.

99. Do you have to ask me to help you get hurt and block the gun, so you can hold me and cry bitterly.

100. Secret love is a kind of politeness, narcissism is a kind of pride, explicit love is a kind of style, and non love is a kind of taste.

101. It's troublesome to have an object, but people who see people in pairs on the street are the most together and envious.

102. I met you and spent all my luck, so I am not the one who will grow old with you. I'm sorry.

103. You told others that you cried for a person's leaving. Could you also cry for me once.

104. The best people, like children, are sincere. As warm as the sunset. Like the sky, quiet.

105. Some people can't be together in this life, but there is a feeling that they can hide in their hearts for a lifetime.

106. Don't be friends after breaking up. The love was so true and deep. It's better to be a stranger than a friend in the end.

107. I thought I could get you if I gave up the country, but now I understand that even you will leave me without the country.

108. In front of the person you like, you can not cry without crying. You can make any changes for the person you like, but you don't try to change him.

109. Maturity means that if you ignore me, I will not say more. If you satirize me, I will laugh. If you love me, I will love you more.

110. My mobile phone password is my initials. Today, I played with my android mobile phone. I habitually lost my initials, but turned on my mobile phone.