Appreciation of Good Sentences about Trees
Short haired woman
2023-06-20 11:51:06
Complete sentences

1. What came into sight was a tall and straight Chinese parasol tree, which was even higher than the floor. You must look up to see its canopy like a big umbrella; It is like a loyal guard, guarding the campus day and night, "protecting" our lovely campus.

2. The white birch trees in the north are white all over, like bright mercury tube lamps, lighting up the vast and gloomy mountain forests in the north.

3. The old trunk, like twisted bundles of steel bars, is tall and straight, soaring into the sky, as if a god man stood between heaven and earth.

4. The roots of banyan trees, which protrude from the ground like small mountains, are like countless feet of octopus, stretching in all directions, and each nail tightly clasps the soil.

5. The mulberry leaves in the morning are fresh and nutritious. Silkworm babies will grow quickly after eating them. The juice is still trickling down on the petiole of the mulberry leaves just picked.

6. The naked banyan tree, with thousands of fibrous roots, is hanging, thick as a young vine, thin as silk thread and long hair.

7. The pine trees, which absorb the green glow and are young, spread their leaves in mid air, like competing with the wind and clouds for the sky, or playing with the wind and clouds.

8. The big green tree, which is as naked as a tent, is eye-catching. Its leaves are dark and luxuriant, without a ray of sunshine. Its trunk bones are prominent, and its thick roots like giant eagle claws encircle the earth.

9. In front of us stood a tall maple tree, which looked like a towering giant and a powerful sentry. Its thick and straight trunk pierced the sky. On the top of the tree, clusters of red maple leaves looked like flames.

10. Melia azedarach has a tall trunk, dense leaves, and white flowers. From a distance, the clusters of white flowers are like snowflakes falling from the sky.

11. When the spring breeze blows, the old elm trees change into new green clothes. The students all over the campus also wear the latest and most beautiful clothes with the old elm trees, and the old elm trees become beautiful angels.

12. Climbing up among the ancient cypresses is very quiet. The air is full of the green and bitter taste of cypress leaves, and it seems that you are surrounded by the incense in the Qionglou Fairy Pavilion.

13. Ah, the tung tree in your hometown, among many trees, your trunk is not tall and straight, and your flowers, leaves, fruits and seeds are not the most beautiful; But you have a wide range of uses. You silently dedicate yourself to human beings.

14. The persimmon trees are covered with heavy persimmons. These bright red persimmons, like small red lanterns, look more colorful and lovely against the dense and green holly trees.

15. In the dissolving moonlight, camphor trees are verdant and luxuriant, and the dense leaves are like white wax, hazily emitting moist light.

16. The leaves made a rustling sound, as if they were crying sadly.

17. Willow, with its huge body and luxuriant foliage, its branches are very long and grow fast on the ground. The tender leaves on the branches are very green, which is a good place to enjoy the cool in summer. The willow tree's huge body, branches and leaves embrace us like a great mother.

18. The small Chinese parasol tree is only as tall as two chopsticks, as thin as my fingers. On the top of the green trunk, there is a brown bud, like carved with dark red gemstones, covered with fine hairs.

19. The pine tree is lonely, like a forgotten sentry stretching out its melancholy head and its twisted branches and fan-shaped clusters of leaves.

20. The trees shook like the heads of drunken Cossacks and hummed drunken songs.

21. The maple grove is beautiful beyond description. The whole grove is shining under the cool autumn sun, and the dense branches drooping from the purple leaves are stuck open all around, just like the wings of a mythical bird when it flies from the ground

22. Some spruce trees seem to have been combed from top to bottom with a small comb, some are fluffy, some are very young, with resin, some are old and have green beard (moss).

23. Walking further inside, you will find three tall banyan trees beside the playground. Their sturdy trunks need five or six people to hug. The branches and leaves of the banyan tree are very dense, and the sunlight can only light a few points.

24. Ah! Gleditsia sinensis, how beautiful and tenacious you are! In summer, you fought with the scorching sun and defended our beautiful and lovely campus like a soldier.

25. The thick roots of willow trees were submerged. I thought the trees were drowned. I was turning around to walk. I found that the water level dropped again. Soon, the roots were exposed, and other trees did the same. Finally, the water was "sucked". The trees straightened up, dug their roots, and threw water.

26. Behind the rocks, there is a big apricot tree. The flowers have fallen, the leaves are thick and green, and there are many small apricots the size of beans on the top.

27. The small birch outside the window stands in the moonlight like water, gently swaying its green leaves like a coquette, longing for the moisture of night dew.

28. The leaves of many miscellaneous trees have turned golden, while those of maple trees are fiery red. They are scattered with green pines, which is a rare brocade in the world.

29. The sunflower tree is simple and unadorned. It never changes its clothes all the year round. It is thick, strong and sturdy. It just stretches out its broad palm. Its sharp fingers, like countless swords, point to the injustice in life.

30. Although it is late autumn, the sun still goes to work every day to give plants enough light and heat so that they can grow well in the cold late autumn.

31. The pine trees are like a cloud, too thick to blow into the wind; But there was a string of huge pine towers hanging between the needles.

32. The autumn girl stayed in the breeze, and leaves fell one after another. Only the leaves that were not afraid of the cold wind remained motionless, resisting the autumn wind. Red, yellow, green... Autumn is really a colorful season.

33. The canopy shaped like a canopy is covered with beautiful details like red clouds.