100 comfortable sentences
The sky is no bluer than the sea
2023-08-01 14:12:50
A compendium of sentence making

1、 I finished my homework and lay comfortably in bed. Soon I fell asleep.

2、 My family bought a new sofa, and I felt very comfortable lying down.

3、 This is not a time for relaxation and comfort. Now is the time to be bold and patient.

4、 When guests stay in a hotel, they not only demand comfort, but also pursue a new idea.

5、 The difference between wisdom and education is that wisdom will make you live a comfortable life.

6、 When a person gets rid of his own fear, he will feel extremely happy and comfortable.

7、 Design is a kind of feeling, a kind of mentality, a comfortable and happy lifestyle.

8、 Young people should focus on their studies and work instead of indulging in comfortable life.

9、 I believe that all the purposes of seclusion are the same: to live a more leisurely and comfortable life.

10、 Books make me a happy person and make my life a relaxed and comfortable poem.

11、 If you want to go shopping, remember to wear comfortable shoes. Be kind to yourself in details.

12、 The book is a clear spring, which moistens the heart; Chinese books are cool and comfortable.

13、 A gentleman does not require satiety in diet, nor comfort in living. Be good at action and cautious in language.

14、 Money can buy comfort and enjoyment, but not knowledge and health, sincere feelings and love.

15、 The evening wind in early summer, with the delicate fragrance of jujube flowers and rose flowers, drifted into this simple and comfortable living room.

16、 Try to work in comfortable conditions. Remember, physical tension can cause shoulder pain and mental fatigue.

17、 The Fog Valley in front of us is like a river overflowing with milk, lying comfortably and gently in the embrace of the mountain.

18、 Happiness gives comfort, but it also gives early death; Work can give people a long time, but it can give them a long time.

19、 In spring, flowers are in full bloom, in summer, harvest is busy, in autumn, fruits are plentiful, and in winter, I sit comfortably by the stove.

20、 Safety, comfort and longevity are the pursuit of contemporary people. Pay attention to safety, care about safety and contribute to safety.

21、 When the window opened, I immediately felt a fresh breeze coming in. It was so cool and comfortable.

22、 The pure small jasmine is like wearing a white gauze skirt against the background of green leaves, which makes people feel very comfortable.

23、 Wine makes everyday life more comfortable, less hurried, less tense, and more broad-minded.

24、 Healthy and comfortable sleep can rest muscles, nerves and brain, which can be said to be a natural aphrodisiac.

25、 Make rational use of things to design a healthy, comfortable and comfortable living environment for everyone who works hard.

26、 In the golden autumn of October, the sky is clear and cool. The roadside wild flowers swayed with the wind, silently blessing the harvest of autumn.

27、 In the evening, the sea gently stretches its muscles with the breeze, breathes the comfortable air between heaven and earth, and then falls asleep.

28、 Once comfortable enjoyment becomes a habit, people can hardly feel the fun, but become the real needs of people.

29、 Ignorance and carelessness are soft, comfortable and safe pillows on which a well-designed head can rest.

30、 On the zenith, however, there are no obstacles. The movement of the eyes is very comfortable, and the sky is close.

31、 It is impossible to make the whole life comfortable and happy, because human beings must have an attitude that can cope with adversity.

32、 Wegener is bold and unconstrained, and has an active nature. He is restless in a quiet and comfortable ward, just like a trapped animal in a cage.

33、 I understand the anxiety caused by leaving the comfortable and predictable nest and being forced to open our wings and fly alone.

34、 Once the hard life becomes a habit, the pleasant feeling will increase, while the comfortable life will bring endless troubles.

35、 Money is just a medium that enables us to live a comfortable life. It is just a tool, not the whole world we live in.

36、 Family is a good place to learn manners. If your children behave well as adults, it will make their life more comfortable.

37、 Books have turned me into a happy person, and my life into a lively and comfortable poem, as if the bell of new life was ringing in my life.

38、 Marriage is an umbrella. With it, it is naturally very comfortable when the weather is stormy and hot, but in more ordinary and light weather, an extra umbrella is inevitably a burden.

39、 Books have turned me into a happy person, and my life into a lively and comfortable poem, as if the bell of the new life was ringing in my life.

40、 The typical Italian style restaurant has a comfortable and pleasant decoration style, a very good environment, and outdoor outdoor seats for romantic guests.

41、 Getting married is like buying shoes. High heels are elegant, flat shoes are easy, sports shoes are comfortable, and slippers are cozy. But you should always choose the one that suits you best.

42、 I live in this happy school, with the care of teachers, the help of classmates, and this comfortable learning environment. My heart is warm and happy.

43、 Life is not full of hardships and difficulties, it has comfort and joy at the same time; Just like the season we experience, spring follows the severe winter, and sunny days follow the wind and snow.

44、 The greatest wealth in life is health, and the greatest happiness in life is health. Money and power do not necessarily bring you happiness; Comfort and ease can't bring you health.

45、 Those who wish to spend their old age in honor and comfort must think of aging one day when they are young; In this way, when he is old, he will also remember having been young.

46、 Life is to pursue a kind of comfort. This comfort is not material, but spiritual comfort and relaxation. The sense of tension and oppression must not exist.

47、 All people are more or less willing to deal with mediocre people, because that will make us feel at ease and make us feel comfortable with the same people.

48、 Home is like a clarion call for us to fight; Home is like a warm harbor, giving us a comfortable hug; Home is like fragrant milk tea, giving us a rich feeling.

49、 When we enter old age, knowledge will be our comfortable and necessary retreat; If we don't plant the tree of knowledge when we are young, we will have no place to enjoy the cool when we are old.

50、 On both sides of the street, the locust trees are luxuriant, which seems to open green umbrellas to form a continuous sunshade, making pedestrians comfortable and cool in the forest.

51. Many people envy her, but after working for a period of time, she is not satisfied with the comfort of the working environment and the generous remuneration. She is eager to find a job that can create something.

52. This is our beautiful new school. I love our new school. In such a comfortable environment, we should seize the time to study hard and explore in the ocean of knowledge.

53. Generally speaking, if a couple both belong to the comfort seeking type or the stimulation seeking type, they can be at peace with each other: they have reached a consensus on sexual attitudes.

54. Home is a spiritual sustenance for us. No matter how humble the house is, as long as it is a home, as long as there is love, it is more luxurious and comfortable than anywhere.

55. Elegant, exquisite and comfortable, the porch and lobby stretch to the north and south, the living room and bedroom are equipped with low windows and hexagonal viewing bay windows, the dining room is connected to the north and south, and the indoor and outdoor scenes blend.

56. Watermelon tastes delicious, sweet and delicious. In the hot summer, under the high temperature of more than 40 degrees, if you eat a piece of watermelon, you will feel cool and comfortable immediately.

57. What is really valuable is not property, gold and silver, houses and money, physical comfort and pleasure, but truth, honor, modesty, courage, and pure love for the country.

58. Happiness is a gust of wind that makes you feel comfortable; Happiness is a fire that makes you feel warm; Happiness is a cup of tea, which will give you endless aftertaste; Happiness is a sugar that makes your heart sweet.

59. It is no surprise that all of us are more or less willing to deal with mediocrity, because it will make us feel at ease; It makes us feel comfortable to interact with the same people as ourselves.

60. In summer, the fireball like sun makes the ordinary crowded and bustling streets cold and quiet. Because people are afraid of heat and the hot sun, they hide in comfortable air-conditioning rooms.

61. The light of the setting sun is shrouded in the gauze, and the gusts of gentle wind rush towards you with the fragrance of flowers, giving you a pleasant evening wind in early summer, with the fragrance of jujube flowers and rose flowers, floating into this simple and comfortable living room.

62. Being in the sunshine on the balcony, I will lose no time to take a small stool and sit on the balcony, bathe in the sun, enjoy the warmth and comfort brought by the sun, and feel that it is really a beautiful life.

63. Overly comfortable environment and unexpected disasters often bring you more failure than success. You can only enjoy a day if you get a fish, but you can enjoy a lifetime if you learn how to fish.

The weather in April is warm and comfortable, without the torrential rain and the scorching sun. I like the warmth and softness. You can dress casually. It's more or less comfortable. It's really good.

65. If you want to pick a bunch of fresh mountain flowers, you must give up the comfort of the city; If you want to be a mountain climber, you have to give up your delicate white skin color. You can't get everything, so you should learn to give up.

66. Get close to the sea, understand the sea, and feel the voice of the sea. The sea naturally resonates with you. There is no need to force or search. The sea will always kiss you with the sound of the tide, and accompany you with its color!

67. Thank nature for giving us the life of all things. Let the branches sprout, let the birds fly, let the fish swim at the bottom of the sea, give us a comfortable environment, sufficient food and space to manage the trap.

68. Spring is coming. She seems to be a loving mother. She gently touches the top of the seed's head with her warm hands, letting the seed poke its small head out of the comfortable "bed".

69. Eat more simple food and drink less; Do more good deeds and less empty talk; More running points at the construction site, less comfortable and comfortable; More attention should be paid to the interests of the masses, and fewer good traditions should be lost.

Seventy, maternal love is a cup of strong tea. Although the first drink is bitter, it will be sweet and fragrant after a long time; Motherly love is an umbrella, although rough and old, but it can shade and shelter you from the rain; Maternal love is a garment, which is simple and elegant, but close to the body and comfortable.

71. The most important mission of leaders is to force employees to evolve. If there is no evolutionary mechanism and environment, I believe that employees are willing to live in a flat and comfortable environment, and eventually become sheep without combat effectiveness.

72. I never want to abandon my struggle life. I attach great importance to the experience gained through struggle, especially the happiness gained after overcoming difficulties. A person must first go through difficulties, then step into prosperity, and then feel useful and comfortable.

Seventy three, the spring wind is gentle, like a pair of soft hands, gently caressing your face, slowly across your face, mixed with the aroma of peach blossom, and the smell of the sun, giving a warm feeling, very comfortable.

Seventy four, the summer solstice, the summer solstice, the longest day, the shortest night, less rest, fatigue is inevitable, just want the wind to send you cool, rain and dew to send you cool, birds sing to send you happy, insects chirp to send you comfortable. Wish you a cool and comfortable summer.

Seventy five, you are a distant miss; Home is a warm and comfortable harbor. Between the dream and the reality, I want to review every story as if catching the wind and catching the shadow. A family, a table of dishes, a plate of moon cakes, simple scenes are all tear jerking.

76. How many people still don't understand that people want to maintain a long and comfortable relationship with each other by virtue of commonness and attraction. Instead of oppression, binding, flattery, and single-minded pay and moral self moving.

Seventy seven. The winter sun shines through the not bright glass window and shines on the glass plate of the desk. It looks very soft, not as strong and dazzling as the summer sun. In contrast, the sunshine in winter makes people feel comfortable.

Seventy eight, my father is like a comfortable sofa, lying in his arms, full of happiness. My father is like an automatic teller machine. He will be pampered and have no worries about snacks. Father is like a very solid stone, holding him tightly and relying on him.

Seventy nine. Older unmarried men and women seem to have missed the bus stop. Sometimes it is because the seats on the bus are too comfortable to get off; Sometimes it's because I don't know the platform I should get off. What about men and women who never marry? They are bus drivers.

80. Idleness is a poor factory; One cannot expect to be both great and comfortable. The important thing is to be diligent, because only diligence can not only provide people with means of life, but also provide people with the only value in life.

81. Fear not the long road, but the short ambition; Not afraid of being slow, but afraid of standing often; Fear not poverty, but laziness; Fear not the fierceness of your opponent, but the trembling of yourself. Happiness gives comfort, but it also gives early death; Work can give people a long time, but it can give them a long time.

82. In fact, who doesn't want to share happiness with everyone? But as an artist, this sharing is very dangerous. The real happiness is to take more care of this relationship, protect the other party from being hurt, and let the relationship have an independent space to exist comfortably.

Eighty three, the autumn girl came, the leaves gently fell down, and the autumn wind gently blew, making people feel very cool. The students came to the playground, only to see the grass gently blowing on the playground. The students sat on the lawn of the playground, feeling very comfortable.

Eighty four, several peach trees are particularly eye-catching. They are swaying, as beautiful as girls, and as naughty and cute as children. On the ground, the carpet made of peach blossoms is particularly soft, which makes people can't help sleeping on it. It looks more comfortable than the bed.

85. Literature tries to give things a layer of comfortable and pleasant light, while poets are forced to raise things to the realm of truth, purity and eternity. Literature seeks comfort while poets seek happiness, which is far from comfort.

86. Such a voice, though not melodious and melodious, can turn small blocks of bricks and stones into high-rise buildings, making people's lives convenient, fast, stable and comfortable. The creators of this sound are construction workers.

Eighty seven, I looked up at the sky. The night sky is like a huge blue silk, with a round golden moon set on the silk, emitting silver light. Countless naughty stars lie comfortably on the silk, blinking their eyes, as if they were greeting me!

Eighty eight, if you step on the water and soil, do you remember that this is the sweat of the reclaimers and the wisdom condensed by the land. Stand on it and enjoy the comfort brought by the gentle sunshine. It seems that every reflection tells a different story.

89. Smile like a sweet cake, giving you happiness and beauty; Smile like a cup of steaming milk tea, giving you warmth and leisure; Smile like a bright lamp, giving you comfort and light; Smile like a good friend talking and laughing with you, giving you freedom and happiness.

Ninety, Grandma stretched her right foot and slipped into the shoe opening. Her muscular hand tightly grasped the door frame and gently lifted her left foot. She carefully inserted the tight foot into the shoe opening and then stuck it in again. Then she stepped on it a few times to make her feet more comfortable and went out satisfied.

Ninety one, autumn is a comfortable season, fresh and cool. Autumn is a season full of expectations, with many fruits on the branches; Autumn is also a beautiful season, it is colorful. Let's listen to the song of autumn in the rhythm of harvest!

At this time, the moon was round, like a pure white plate. The moonlight was like water, shining on the ground, pine trees, pool water and us. The ground is as sharp as a pine needle, and the moonlight shines on it, as if the sharp leaves have become soft and comfortable.

93. With the development and progress of society, the improvement of productivity, and the rapid change of science and technology, people's competitiveness and pressure in life are growing, and the role of mental health is becoming more and more important. Good psychological quality is the strong backing of people's comfortable work and successful career.

Ninety four. Under the sunshine, you will feel as if you are in a paradise; In the sunshine; You will feel endless strength and comfort, and keep a quick mind; In the sunshine, you will get unlimited wealth. May you grow up happily in the sunshine.

95. Of course, I know that the sun has a terrible heat. Sometimes a small ray of light will burn people, sometimes it will make people suffer from heatstroke, sometimes it will break people's comfortable life and make it difficult to move freely under it. So I like the sun in winter.

96. It is important to get used to sleeping in bad places at the beginning. This is the way to be afraid of bad beds in the future. Generally speaking, once the hard life becomes a habit, it will greatly increase the pleasant feeling, while the comfortable life will bring infinite troubles.

97. It is important to get used to sleeping in bad places at the beginning. This is the way to be afraid of bad beds in the future. Generally speaking, once the hard life becomes a habit, it will greatly increase the pleasant feeling, while the comfortable life will bring infinite troubles.

Ninety eight. The autumn is coming with fresh wind, cool air and comfortable and pleasant weather. In this growing sense of autumn, the leaves of some plants change from green to yellow and from yellow to red, making autumn colorful and becoming a very beautiful scenery for people to travel in autumn.

99. Tolerance is like a flower, emitting fragrance. Even if someone steps on one foot, they will still leave the fragrance on the sole of that person's shoes; Tolerance is like an umbrella, which gives people comfort. It's going to rain cats and dogs. Even if you are in the rain, you will always be the "sky" above others' heads

In order to adapt to the environment, the cactus changed its originally broad leaves to needle shape. There are small needles in its needles to protect itself, and its spherical "body" is surrounded by needles. Its dark green "body" makes people feel comfortable, but cannot be touched.