Message for sacrificing heroes and martyrs on Tomb sweeping Day (89 selected sentences)
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2023-02-27 09:50:14
Complete sentences

1. I deeply mourn those heroes and great people who gave their lives for the birth of New China, because we have a happy life with them! Because of them, we have the current international status! Because of them, the Chinese nation once again stands proudly among the nations of the world.

2. Our happy life now depends on the blood of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs. When realizing the great Chinese dream, we should always remember the revolutionary martyrs!

3. We will never forget those heroic martyrs who gave their lives for China. We will study hard, grow up and build our country.

4. I don't know who you are, but I know that you are a Chinese, a brave martyr, a lovely person, a treasure of parents, a revolutionary martyr we admire and like to wear.

5. We can't forget the deeds of those martyrs. On Tomb Sweeping Day, we will pay tribute to those souls who have noble integrity. We sincerely salute them

6. I am a glorious Young Pioneer. I wear a bright red scarf, pretending that I know the meaning of the scarf. It is dyed by the blood of the martyrs and will be remembered forever.

7. Be determined, grow up happily, remember the martyrs, be a virtuous youth, and study hard to realize the great Chinese dream.

8. I would like to thank those soldiers who died. They fought for us and lost their lives. Without them, there would be no perfect life for us now.

9. Heroes, your blood has dyed our red scarves red. I salute you! I will study hard, cherish today's happy life, and contribute to our motherland!

10. Great rivers and mountains, heroes have all come out, and the martyrs made this day, I am grateful.

11. Without your heroic dedication, there would be no happy life for all of us today! Your reputation is immortal, and your spirit is immortal! Salute to you! Learn from you!

12. It is the Tomb Sweeping Day of another year. Seeing the martyrs dye the red flag, without their contribution to life, there would be no happiness for all of us now. I will not forget to remember the martyrs and salute them.

13. Tagore said, "There is no trace of wings in the sky, but I have flown over.

14. You who stay in this winter have become angels to continue to guard us. The light of the dawn will eventually break through the darkness. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the years be healthy.

15. The ancestors are dead, but the spirit is eternal. The revolutionary pioneers exchanged their lives for our comfortable life today, which should be remembered by future generations forever.

16. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, let's all remember the martyrs and place our sorrows on our hearts

17. Heroes! You have exchanged your hot blood for the peace and tranquility of the country, and your life for the happy life of all of us now. We will keep you in mind, live up to your hopes, study hard and carry forward the new China. Salute to you!

18. Without your protection, there will be no stability for us. May the flowers bloom on your way, and the spring breeze will blow your face. You will always be in our hearts [candle]

19. Heroes are you who bought our happy life today with your own blood and life. We will study hard and inherit your will in the future. Your pride will always be remembered in our hearts.

20. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, it rained in succession, and passers-by on the road wanted to die. Under the baptism of rain, the Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs looks particularly solemn. Remembering is not to remember the past, but to inspire the future.

21. The revolutionary martyrs are immortal. In the long river of history, we deeply remember your roar when defending the motherland. You will live forever on the land of China and in the hearts of the people!

22. In Tomb Sweeping Day, remember the martyrs. I have gone, but I still remember.

23. I love my motherland. We should all draw strength from the countless revolutionary martyrs and work hard to learn cultural knowledge to build our motherland more beautiful, prosperous and strong.

24. History is written by the martyrs. It is the martyrs who died for their country that we have today's happy life. Rest in peace! Martyrs! You have left a heavy mark on the stage of history!

25. Remember the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the revolutionary tradition, study hard and make progress every day!

26. The martyrs built our new Great Wall with blood and sweat. The prosperity of the motherland is hard won. It is also the Tomb Sweeping Festival. Let's remember the martyrs together!

27. All of us are now living with your life. Although you are no longer here, you will always live in our hearts. I want to learn from you, love our country, love our home, and strive to be a good student.

28. The heroes of the martyrs hit the country, and the loyalty of the bones spread to China. The land of China will take on a new look, waiting for future generations to start again.

29. Martyrs, you are so great. You have exchanged your blood for a better life. We all miss you very much.

30. Countless revolutionary martyrs have given their precious lives to our happy life today. We should cherish and work hard to make our home better. I salute you on Tomb Sweeping Day.