86 sentences with beautiful sunshine
fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin
2023-03-23 08:01:02
Complete sentences

1、 You don't love me, it is distance that blows away our promise, not your fault.

2、 The golden sun shines through the cracks on the grass growing on the brown land.

3、 When you travel around the five lakes at sunset, you will feel anxious everywhere. Who should ask Dongliu about the eternal events?

4、 The genial sunlight, through the dense leaves, fell down into golden spots.

5、 It is a bright color, and the spirit of the early morning also comes from it.

6、 The rising sun shines its light on the lake. The breeze suddenly rises, and the small waves jump, stirring up the broken gold all over the lake.

7、 The red sun has just emerged from the sea level, giving the beautiful and peaceful sea a layer of rose color.

8、 Spring is gone with the falling flowers, and summer is coming with the green leaves in the warm wind.

9、 You don't have to worry about the sunset on a long journey. When you are old, you will see that Heqing has been sad and lonely in autumn since ancient times. I say that autumn is better than spring.

10、 The golden sun poured down into the vast expanse of blue waves, making the monotonous and calm sea more colorful.

11、 The late autumn sun is like a quilt covered with an orange lamp shade, emitting soft light, shining warm on the body and face.

12、 What you lose is just a person who doesn't know how to cherish you. What he loses is a person who can give everything for him.

13、 When the sun went down, its extra strong light shot out from the top of the trees, dyeing the white clouds into blood, and the green mountains into blood.

14、 When the red sun shines on the mountain peak, the fog opens like a curtain, and the city gradually appears in the golden sun.

15、 Memory is like water poured into the palm. No matter you spread it or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

16、 A ray of sunshine shines directly into my room, like a bundle of shining golden thread, which not only illuminates the room, but also illuminates my heart.

17、 Who is the passer-by in his life, who is the wheel of his life, the dust of the previous life, the wind of this life, and the spirit of endless sorrow.

18、 The sun slowly penetrated the clouds and revealed its swollen red face, looking at the earth like a shy girl.

19、 The wind was blowing with a slight warmth, and the cuckoo's call came from time to time. It told us: "Spring has returned.

20、 There was no cloud or wind in the air. There was a hot sun overhead, and all the trees stood there listlessly.

21、 The sky was dyed blood red by the setting sun, the pink clouds were reflected on the flowing water, the whole river became purple, and the horizon seemed to ignite a fire.

22、 The afternoon sun gradually jumped out. How warm the afternoon sun is. It hangs in the sky and shines on the earth. It is dazzling but warm.

23、 The sun had just risen to the top of the mountain, and was set off by the bright red dawn. The sun shone down from the cracks in the clouds, like countless giant dragons spitting golden waterfalls.

24、 The afternoon sunshine is warm, and that beautiful lie is my father's warm love. In the winter sky, the warm afternoon sun adds warmth to the sky.

25、 Sunshine is warmth, brightness and happiness. If there is any kind of love that can compete with it, it must be maternal love, it is the sunshine in my heart.

26、 The winter sun shines on the body, warm and comfortable, not as dazzling as the summer sun. It's like my mother gently caressing me with her hands, warm and full of my whole body.

27、 The sun is dancing like this, all over the world, everything is warm, everything is slowly changing, many stories are being staged, and there are many curtain calls.

28、 The beautiful morning sun has jumped out from behind the mountains in the east, and the red clouds are overflowing everywhere, blending with the morning mist rising slowly in the valley, changing into a colorful aura.

29、 Gradually, the fog in the east was slightly red at first, and the red became more and more thick, then suddenly a line of bright red was drawn, and a bright red halo suddenly jumped out of the bright red.

30、 The golden sun lazily sprinkled on a small courtyard at the edge of the city. Like every weekend afternoon, I sat on my grandfather's bamboo and rattan rocking chair, quietly bathing in the sun.

31、 Life needs sunshine, just as flowers need sunshine; Life needs sunshine, just as darkness needs sunshine; Life needs sunshine just as cold needs sunshine.

32、 The sun is warm, fresh and natural. Whenever the sun shines on the windowsill, I will hold the gift of nature with both hands and savor the beauty of the sun. The sun is so beautiful.

33、 I look at you smiling, silent, proud and lost just like now, so I am happy with you and sad with you, but I have always stood in the present while you have always stayed in the past.

34、 The sunshine in winter is amiable, light and comfortable, without any violence or arrogance, just like orchids with elegant fragrance, holding your body soft and crisp.

35、 The beauty of the autumn sun never repeats monotonously. Every time you catch a glimpse of the picture under the sun, the natural music set off will become the only chance to meet it in your life, making you fascinated.

36、 I left home, breathing fresh air, bathing in the sun, and a good mood. A gentle breeze blew, slightly bringing the chill left last night, but the warm sunshine drove them away.

37、 Lying in the embrace of the sun, smelling her unique pure sweetness, listening to her even breathing, watching the naughty sun elves dancing on the leaves outside the window, everything was intoxicated.

38、 The sun gradually warms up and touches everything in the world. The wind in the sky also began to slowly soften, and it was no longer cool when it brushed past. It gently slid past without a sound.

39、 People say that the setting sun is the end of the world. When I look at the end of the world, I can't see my home. The sunrise is more beautiful than the fire. In spring, the river is as green as blue. In autumn, the scenery is different. The wild geese in Hengyang go unnoticed. The sound is heard from all sides. Thousands of mountains, long smoke sunset, isolated city closed.

40、 Walking on the corridor in autumn, the sky is so high, the clouds are so light, and the sunny place is a bit dazzling. There is a kind of warm wrap where the breeze passes, or the whole body is coated with a layer of warm smell.

41、 The sun rises in the east and the rain falls in the west. The road is clear and the chaos at the airport will stop soon. People here have their own directions. They take off in a hurry and land in a hurry, taking away other people's stories and leaving their own memories.

42、 Every morning, when the sun shines on the earth, it is singing sweet songs. It is singing for all things. However, we must calm down and listen carefully to understand the wonderful music.

43、 The sun was burning in the sky. On both sides of the road, mature grains bent down and bowed their heads in the heat. Grasshoppers are as numerous as grass leaves. They make faint and noisy sounds in wheat and rye fields, in wheat and rye fields, and among the reeds on the bank.

44、 When the earth is hazy, like a veil, you will show half your face from the east, and then the whole world is covered with a layer of red brocade. You slowly leap out of the sea, red, like a shy girl, quietly watching the world.

45、 Life can not be without the nourishment of the sun, otherwise all good things will be eclipsed. Bring your sunny smile to welcome every beautiful tomorrow; On your words like sunshine, to contribute, to struggle, so that the world is full of sunshine!

46、 Yesanpo in the morning, the sun rises before the morning fog disappears, and the mountains and rivers are bathed in the golden sunrise. A rumbling sound of the locomotive woke up the sleeping Yesanpo. Suddenly, smoke curled up and the whole village was boiling.

47、 After drinking the sweet breath of the noon sun, it brings bleary eyes and weakness. Even though the sun is so intoxicating, the "lovelorn taste" after waking up makes people feel sad.

48、 I sit in the autumn sun. The glass window has been opened. I think even a layer of transparent glass will block the purity of the sun. So, the sun came in close contact with me, from my head to my feet, from my eyes to my heart.

49、 At this time, the sun becomes gentle, and white clouds float in the sky, which seems to give them something more real. Is it emotion? If so, I hope it understands what I feel and think at the moment, and is cozy for me.

50、 Lhasa is the most sunny place in the world. Stepping on this magical land, I found that sunlight can really be abandoned. Walking on the boundless grassland, there is a feeling called lofty. Under the blue sky, as if he no longer exists, only one heart, moved.

51. Warm sunshine shuttles through the breath of tiny gaps. Shuruan is long. The fragrance of red sandalwood is permeated in the spring, filling all the emptiness between heaven and earth. Under the sun, there is a fine dust road, whispering innocence, filled with the once unfathomable solitary and elegant shadow.

52. I once asked myself: What is sunshine? You, answer me: sunshine? Sunshine is a selfless aura of light and heat, beauty and happiness. Life needs sunshine, and more needs the warmth brought by sunshine. And this warmth, we? Need to experience and understand.

Fifty three. Walking on the path in the garden, a ray of bright sunshine shines on my face from the trees. Then a few breeze blew in the face, and I spread my arms to enjoy the warmth of the sun. I can't help walking in the direction of the sun, closing my eyes and feeling the beauty and kindness of the sun in winter.

54. The surging cities are colorful. The glass with different colors reflects the sunshine and embellishes the world like the colors in a dream. People begin to laugh here because the warmth and color have infected them. Most people are sentimental, and are often influenced by the environment.

55. At noon, the sun becomes more and more fierce, as if a burst of burning flame is burning your soul. I like to run to the open playground to enjoy the sunshine. When I walk on the boulevard, another ray of sunshine will be projected between the gaps of the leaves, and one by one twisted figure shakes, casting the speckled sunlight figure.

56. The clear blue gray spreads across the sky and extends to the distant east. There are several brilliant golden rays in the colorful clouds and the few star spaces. Then came the beautiful red, so young, so pure, so bright and beautiful. This is us, the sunshine in the morning!

57. It can be seen that the flowers on the balcony are really happy. The emerald leaves reflect the color of life in the sunlight. Under the perspective of the sun, the emerald leaves can clearly see the stretching muscles of the leaves. Only in spring can the green color of onion heart be reproduced under the sun.

58. I don't know when the winter sun seems to stretch and shorten everything repeatedly. People like to look forward to spring in cold days, as if their lives have been compressed and released. They are running and chasing, and the shadow is also busy following them, allowing them to take themselves to different places.

59. The sun is rising higher and higher, the sun is getting warmer and warmer, and there are more and more vitality. In the sunshine, feather birds take off to look for food, and animals run and jump. People open windows to receive light, go out to exercise, and walk out of the warm hall. The sun caresses all things, all things enjoy the sun, bathe in the warmth of the sun, busy with their own hope.

60. After the summer rain, the sun burst out of the dark clouds and finally revealed the whole face. At this time, the sun was straight, but not dull and dull. They shuttle between the branches, weaving golden silk, and stringing the water drops behind the fish into golden pearls. The rare cool feeling in summer is accompanied by beautiful sunshine, which makes people refreshing.

61. In the forest, there is no laughter. The leaves are quietly waiting for the warmth of the sun. Because the stories here are very clear to him, he wants to have a good sleep in the sun now. Even if tomorrow's wildfire comes to burn, he will also say lazily: "Life is like this. He will add nourishment to himself.

62. Living in the world without sunshine is like a disaster. We use it every day, and because of it, we also become sunshine. The hardships of pursuing dreams, the joy of success, the pain of setbacks, and loneliness...... With the advent of sunshine, all difficulties have been solved.

63. The sunlight penetrating through the bamboo forest is not as magnificent as the early sun, nor as melancholy as the setting sun, nor as charming as the sunny after the rain, but rather looming and confused, which seems to make people puzzled. But it is the sunshine that shines through the bamboo forest, making the unknown flowers and grass in the deep of the bamboo forest thrive.

Sixty four. The winter sun is no longer so dazzling, but becomes mild. The sun shines on your face, like a mother's hand gently caressing your cheek; The sun shines on the body, like a hotbed for comforting everything; The sun shines on the lake, sparkling like the autumn waves in the eyes of winter girls; The sun shines on the leaves like a hard gardener delivering nourishment.

65. A new day has begun. The first ray of dawn is always filled with a harmonious atmosphere. Slowly approaching, slowly climbing onto the windowsill, and gradually illuminating my little house. Soon, the golden sun shines through the open window and spreads all over the house. Whenever this moment, I am always intoxicated with this atmosphere, wow! The sunny atmosphere is so fresh!

66. I have a unique feeling about the sunshine in autumn. It is not as sultry as in spring, nor as warm as in summer, nor as dignified as in winter. In particular, the afternoon sunshine is charming, ambiguous and subtle, fascinating and fascinating. Although the autumn sunshine is slightly cool, it is still refreshing, quiet and warm.

67. Some people like the early sun that breaks through the dawn and emits a magnificent momentum; Some people miss the melancholy sunset that reddened half the sky at sunset; Some people appreciate the colorful and charming bright sun when it is sunny after rain... But I have a special interest in the slanting sun, which is cut like silk by the dense leaves of the bamboo sea.

68. With sunshine in your heart, life becomes poetic. The dead leaf butterfly has sunshine in its heart, so it is willing to integrate with nature and hide in nature; The thorn bird also has sunshine in its heart, so it would rather be pierced by thorns to make the most beautiful song in the world. Their lives are so beautiful and moving, moving and admiring, moving and admiring the greatness of life.

69. After lunch, it was ten minutes after noon. The sun is hanging in the sky far away, throwing off a great light and just enough warmth. I went straight to the park in Sunshine Community. When I arrived at the park, I found a clean place on the lawn and sat down with a big bag of dried red dates that I liked best. I slowly ate red dates while quietly enjoying the sun.

Seventy, winter, let everything white. The sun is searching aimlessly, just for a familiar leaf, which wants to penetrate the snow. But the thick snow mercilessly reflected the sun back. The sun was unwilling to melt the last snowflake on the earth with its own strength and confidence. Then, life began to wake up again. The beautiful sunshine overcame the difficulties again, and the warmth flashed into people's hearts.

Seventy one, to have sunshine is to have a firm attitude of "staying still before the collapse of Mount Tai"; To have sunshine is to have a life standard of "wealth cannot be obscene, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be subdued"; To have sunshine is to have the persistence of "taking your own road and let others talk".

Seventy two. Having drunk the sweet breath of the noon sun, it brings bleary eyes and weakness. Even though the sun is so intoxicating, the "taste of lovelorn" after waking up makes people feel sad. It seems that the things you like have been melted and naturalized, and the feelings of your family have disappeared. We fully understand that everything is just a mirror, and we will lose everything in the end.

Seventy three, sunshine, which is the source of rebirth for flowers to bloom; It is the gentle power to let migratory birds return; It is a lively symphony of turning snow into spring water. There is sunshine everywhere in the world. I find it with my eyes, accept it with my hands, and absorb it with my heart. Whether the sunshine in nature or the sunshine drawn with love, bathed in sunshine, it makes me grow.

Seventy-four, light has life. I think the sunshine is always the same, giving the world warmth and light every day, which is the eternal sunshine; And if all things are illuminated, even after years, they can still bring constant feelings and feelings, which is the sun's stainless. I don't know where the sun is the most sunny place in the world. I don't know where the sun is the warmest and softest - but I yearn for the sun without rust.

Seventy five. Light has life. I think the sunshine is always the same, giving the world warmth and light every day, which is the eternal sunshine; And if all things are illuminated, even after years, they can still bring constant feelings and feelings, which is the sun's stainless. I don't know where the sun is the most sunny place in the world. I don't know where the sun is the warmest and softest - but I yearn for the stainless sun.

76. From ignorance to thoroughness, we need to take some detours and suffer some injuries. This is the sign of our journey and the price of our growth. Don't avoid because of fear, and refuse because of protection. Some people and things, only you experience, you can taste the world. Some detours, even if we go, the pain is only for a while; Some seem to be detours, we have bypassed, but that kind of pain, but never dissipated.

Seventy seven, in an instant, I met like this once in my life, and did not shine on any scenery. The calm sun suddenly brightened my indifferent mood, and touched a little love. The beauty made me excited. Hurry back to the office, pick up the digital camera on the desk, and run out. As soon as I saw him, the sun was retreating into the clouds at an imperceptible speed. Before the camera could focus, the red face, which was just soft and beautiful, had quietly disappeared in the sky.

Seventy eight. The countryside is empty and far away. In addition to the sun, the sky is still the sky in autumn, which is much purer than spring and summer. The mountains in the distance are extremely clear in the sun. This scene reminds me of Haizi's poem "August passes away, mountains are clear, rivers are smooth and undulating, and then the sky is seen. The sky is higher than the past" Yes, "the sky is higher than the past" The sky at this time is indeed much higher than the past.

Seventy nine, at noon, the bright sun danced fiercely in front of the window, sweeping away the darkness in the room, making the room shiny and emitting the smell of the sun. So, I let the sun spread all over my body to enjoy the enthusiasm it showed, and let the sun expel all the small shadows that flash in my heart because of setbacks. I know that sunshine will accompany me to overcome setbacks and cross trenches. It will make me always surging and enthusiastic. I open my heart to the sunshine.

Eighty, the morning sunshine is like a shy little girl. She only peeps out half her ruddy face from behind Sister Yun quietly, but later she boldly leans out and chases each other with the leaves; The noon sunshine is like a Siguang, like a Sichuan sister. She is pretty, but her personality is hot, so people have to yield to her high enthusiasm; The evening sun is like a child who has played all day. Although reluctant to give up and go home, he can't ignore his mother's call and slowly embark on the return journey.

81. Walking on the corridor in autumn, yellow and orange leaves fall from time to time under the sun. They like many no longer brilliant creatures, with helpless abandonment, with endless memories, with reluctant feelings, with beautiful vision, quit the stage once full of vitality and splendor; They lost their luster like tired butterflies, stiffened their beautiful and fragile wings, and drifted with the wind weakly, but finally fell into the embrace of the earth, and worked hard to wait for their next season.

Eighty two, when do you like to look up at the sun, until the corners of your eyes are pierced with tears. I remember when I was young, the old people always liked to gather in groups in the sun in winter, squint their eyes and enjoy the warm sun in winter, as if drying a book lying in the cellar that was moldy. The more golden the sun is, the more old people gather under it. What we are talking about at the moment is undoubtedly some dusty past events that have long missed the sunshine. Take it out and let the sun shine. Don't turn it into rotten soil in your heart. Sometimes, I believe that the sun is green.

83. Step on the rhythm of the sun. If you are a hardworking gardener, you can feel the smiling faces of the sun in the journey of children's tender growth; If you are a cultivator of crops, you can insert your hands into the soil and feel the vitality of spring in the frozen land; If you are an angel, you will feel the happiness after suffering in the coming process of life... When you feel the strength of the sun, you will have a healthy and moist face and a healthy and upward bright heart.

Eighty four, the sunny mood, the sunny sky, and the sunny breath make people's hearts can't help singing on the sunny land. The bright spring breeze is everywhere, and the warm sun is everywhere. The familiar and long lost song hidden in the bottom of my heart can't help but burst out of the singing voice and float in the sun. What a cool day! From the first ray of sunshine through the window of the platform, the day is blooming with charming smiling faces. People can't help holding the hands of the day, and the whole body is full of infinite power.

Eighty five, said not to love, said not to want, said to forget, said to give up; Sometimes, people's memory is always so fragile. Often a glass of wine, a song, an intersection; It will remind you of the memory of having you, just like a mirage. See your beauty, your smile, your tears; See my mistake, my bad, my drunk; See that we once held hands. Once the oath. Once happy, I looked at you smiling, silent, proud, and lost just like now, so I followed you to be happy and sad, but I have always stood in the present while you have always stayed in the past.

86. In the morning, a round of orange sun rose from the horizon, and painted a layer of rays on the land shrouded in dense fog. Although it was winter, the thick white frost covered the grass, field mounds, vegetables, fields and fields. However, the yellow light dispelled the hazy morning of fog and frost, and the blood condensed by the creatures living in caves for a long time came back to life. It has been a cold winter for a long time. With the bright light, almost every household is scrambling to wash clothes, rub sheets, and turn over and dry the bedding. The sunshine is delicious. Lying in the quilt exposed to ultraviolet light at night, the tulip is strong, and even the dreams are so sweet.