A complete set of sentences praising children
Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love
2023-03-22 11:20:12
Complete sentences

1. If you have difficulties, find volunteers; Volunteer when you have time.

2. You made my day happy.

3. This is a good question. Who is willing to help him solve it?

4. In case of difficulties in research, don't shrink back, believe in yourself, and you will be able to do it!

5. The future will be even worse for those who avoid reality.

6. May you be a tree: in spring, you can smell the faint fragrance of a mountain; In summer, sprinkle a cool shade like a spring; In autumn, take a tree of sweet green fruits; In winter, have a good dream of recuperating!

7. Your spirit of trying is valuable in your study.

8. Although you haven't answered the question completely, it's good that you can speak boldly!

9. When you choose the direction and the way, don't complain. Only when you take the wind and rain of the journey, can you finally hold the rainbow all over the sky.

10. You will be great in the future. Work hard.

11. You are all good children who have found so many mathematical problems in life.

12. Self confidence is the first step to success.

13. You have a comprehensive preview and a strong ability of independent learning. Would you like to introduce your learning methods to the students after class?

14. Tired and happy, this is my greatest experience.

15. The moon is cloudy and sunny, benevolence and kindness are in my heart, and spring and winter are innocent smiling faces of silent dedication.

16. You have made great progress. The teacher is happy for you!

17. Thank you for pointing out the teacher's mistakes, so that the teacher will not be wrong for life.

18. Nothing can stop you now!

19. I don't know how much I will achieve in the future, but I firmly believe that I will become a person who will make a difference.

20. Easy to learn, easy to live, be a good child full of confidence.

21. It's really good to find that you are smiling more and more sweetly. Smile more, and we are not afraid of sweetness.

22. Calm down and think slowly, there will be satisfactory answers!

23. The road is chosen by oneself, so let the children learn to be responsible for themselves.

24. Don't wait for tomorrow to come to us, let's go to tomorrow! Only when we change "waiting for a better tomorrow" to "creating" can we have a truly own and better tomorrow!

25. Because you try hard, even if you fail, it is beautiful!

26. You must have spent a lot of time reading such difficult sentences!

27. Can you read it again? Come on, teacher read with you.

28. You not only use your brain, but also have strong practical ability!

29. You have always been a clever child. It would be great if you could think about it again when you encounter problems!

30. You will do this again.

31. Use your unremitting efforts to prove that you are no worse than others.

32. Your expression ability is great. All students should learn from you.

33. My mother hopes that Chen Yichu will be healthy in body and mind, learn and progress in the new year, and be useful to the society in the future. 60 words of praise from teachers. 60 words of praise from teachers.

34. Only a child who likes to use his brain can have such a wonderful answer.

35. Those who love others will love to return, and those who love others will be blessed.

36. There is no time to be quiet, only to carry forward.

37. In fact, your idea is very good. Can you boldly introduce it to everyone?

38. If you lack the courage to break through the ground and fight with the wind and snow, the future of the seed is no more wonderful than that of the fallen leaves.

39. Failure is the mother of success. Smile and everything will pass.

40. Don't wait for opportunities, but create them.

41. Think hard again --- let children learn to think hard.

42. You must be good friends with books, or you won't know so much.

43. His answer is refreshing. Can you answer it in another way?

44. How about school? Be obedient and sensible, study hard, follow the teacher's ideas, and don't play.

45. Your efforts are the glory of you, your parents and other people who care and love you.

46. Although this sentence is mispronounced, the teachers and students admire your courage. Try your best next time!

47. Everyone participates in charity and public welfare, and the dedication of love starts from me.

48. To me, you are the whole world!

49. "I won't." How much courage it takes to say that! Applause for your courage!

50. You can use so many methods to solve a problem. The teacher really admires you!

51. My child, your sweet smile is really cute! May your life be filled with joy forever!

52. Yang Kai, in a new and familiar environment, studies hard, grows happily, and becomes a good student with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique. My father and mother believe that you will do better, which will impress teachers and students. Come on!

53. Lively, lovely, sincere and sincere make you a happy child like sunshine. Carelessness also makes you a little naughty. Can you change it?

54. Diligence is the cradle of genius, and hard work is the source of wisdom. I wish you to be a good child with excellent character and learning.

55. You come bouncing in. A red nylon coat, tied tightly with a belt, looks so light and vigorous, just like a red cloud floating in the sky.

56. Participate in voluntary services and shape the city image.

57. Develop good habits and strive to be a civilized citizen.

58. You are really a knowledgeable child! You know more than the teacher. The teacher is a little envious. Keep working hard!

59. You see, through hard work, you have succeeded. Congratulations!

60. Your idea is very strange, and the teacher appreciates you.

61. Birds can fly only when they spread their wings. Children should use their brains and hands more at the same time.

62. Would you please tell us your findings out loud?