2022 Short slogans for safeguarding national security (slogans for safe production)
Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate
2023-04-07 17:40:16
Complete set of slogans

1. To do a good job in national security, we must adhere to the Party's mass line.

2. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history.

3. We will ensure safe production and promote economic development.

4. People take safety as joy, and safety as prosperity.

5. Actively carry out environmental sanitation renovation and build a beautiful home.

6. Everyone starts to clean their homes and create civilization.

7. Accidents are fiercer than tigers, and safety is as expensive as gold.

8. Front line workers, please note that quality and efficiency depend on you.

9. Pride and complacency are the fuse of accidents, and modesty and prudence are the paving stones of safety.

10. Peace depends on everyone, not just one person.

11. Participation of the whole people, environmental governance, building a clean new countryside!

12. Worry about the world first, and be happy after the world.

13. Remember your parents' childbearing kindness, and leave aside your troubles. I cherish your life and mine.

14. Adventure is the friend of accidents, prudence is the foundation of safety.

15. Everyone is responsible for national security, and everyone can do anything to safeguard national security.

16. The passage of time can not return, only patriotism.

17. Consistency is strong, but disputes are easy to conquer.

18. Build the Great Wall of safety and prosper drilling economy.

19. Don't be careless in safe construction, and remember what your relatives tell you.

20. The death of a man who fell for his motherland is glorious.

21. The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the state, family and the world are all concerned.

22. Smart people put safety first and confused people put safety behind them.

23. Diseases enter from the mouth and accidents come out from the mouth.

24. When the body is dead, the spirit is the god, and the soul is determined to be the ghost!

25. Safe production depends on everyone. You can check the hidden danger of accident, and everyone can check the safety.

26. Only with national security and social stability can reform and development continue to advance.

27. Embrace the spirit of the world, promote the spring breeze of reform, and build the glory of the motherland.

28. I praise the present motherland and its future three times more.

29. It is natural to love your motherland.

30. Ignorance and carelessness will be dangerous, and protection and vigilance will ensure safety.

31. When people are helping and there is congestion, I will be slow and seek stability.

32. Safety creates happiness, while negligence brings pain. Safety is benefit, and safety technology is happiness.