What are the 83 poems with autumn
The loneliness of smoke
2023-07-23 00:29:20
Complete Poems

1. The General has no anger, but expects it in autumn -- The Anonymous Meng in Pre Qin Dynasty

2. When three autumn leaves fall, flowers can bloom in February -- The Wind by Li Qiao of Tang Dynasty

3. Stay high and far away, not by the autumn wind -- The Cicada by Yu Shinan, Tang Dynasty

4. All trees and trees are in autumn, and the mountains and mountains are only in the sunset -- Tang Dynasty, Wang Ji's Wild View

5. Two Heroes in the Past Years, Powerful and Powerful in the City of Daliang -- A Hero's Journey by Li Bai, Tang Dynasty

6. Sad Farewell to Nanpu, West Wind curling in Autumn -- Farewell to Nanpu by Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty

7. Often afraid of the arrival of the autumn festival, Kun, Huang, Hua and Ye will decline -- Han Yuefu's "Long Song"

8. I'm always afraid of the early autumn wind, but I don't know if you are wandering

9. After the empty mountain and the new rain, the weather is late for autumn -- Tang · Wang Wei's "Mountain Dwelling in Autumn Dusk"

10. Garrison drums and cut off people's travel, and the sound of wild geese in autumn -- Tang Du Fu's "Moonlight Night Remembers My Brother"

11. The autumn wind is bleak, and the waves are surging -- "Watching the Sea/Stone Tablets" by Cao Cao of the Han Dynasty

12. Visiting for thousands of miles in sad autumn, and taking the stage alone after a hundred years of illness -- Tang Du Fu's Climbing High

13. I don't know where to get the autumn frost in the mirror -- Tang Li Bai's "Seventeen Songs of Autumn"

14. The temples enter the autumn pool, and the rustle has faded in the past -- Tang · Li Bai's Seventeen Songs of Autumn Pool

15. Don't turn to the autumn pool, the voice of the apes breaks your heart -- Tang · Li Bai's Seventeen Songs of Autumn Pool

16. Every family looks at the autumn moon and wears tens of thousands of red silk

17. Sorrow is a visitor to the autumn pool, and a strong appreciation of the flowers in the autumn pool -- Tang · Li Bai's Seventeen Songs of the Autumn Pool

18. Hu Jiangli and Pizhi, sewing autumn orchids to wear -- Pre Qin Qu Yuan's Lisao

19. The sun and the moon are suddenly not submerged, and the spring and autumn are in the chronological order -- Pre Qin Qu Yuan's Lisao

20. Seeing the autumn wind in Luoyang, I want to write a book with great meaning

21. The autumn clumps around the houses are like potters, and the fences are gradually sloping

22. Qianzhong Ridge in Qiupu, and Shuiche Ridge is the most wonderful -- Tang · Li Bai's Seventeen Songs in Qiupu

23. There are many white apes in Qiupu, and the sky is as high as snow -- Tang Li Bai's Seventeen Songs of Qiupu

24. The apes in Qiupu are worried at night, and Huangshan is white headed -- Seventeen Qiupu Songs by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty

25. Tian Sheweng in Qiupu, collecting fish and sleeping in the water -- Tang · Li Bai's "Seventeen Songs in Qiupu"

26. The golden ostrich in the autumn pool is rare on earth -- Tang · Li Bai's Seventeen Songs in the Autumn Pool

27. The autumn pool looks like autumn, and depression makes people sad -- Tang · Li Bai's Seventeen Songs of Autumn Pool

28. Planting chrysanthemums near the fence, but no flowers in autumn -- Tang Jiao Ran's "Missing Lu Hung chien"

29. If the world is tired of tomorrow, the old general will arrive in the spring and autumn

30. Peaches and plums blossom in the spring, while Chinese parasol leaves fall in the autumn -- The Song of Everlasting Regret by Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty

31. Falling dew of magnolia in the morning, falling flower of autumn chrysanthemum in the evening meal -- Li Sao by Qu Yuan in the Pre Qin Dynasty

32. The lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind or mirror on the surface of the pool

33. White clouds fly when the autumn wind rises, and wild geese return to the south when the grass and trees fall yellow

34. There are many autumn grasses in the south of the Western Palace, and the fallen leaves are full of red flowers, not sweeping away

35. Your return date is not yet due. The night rain in Bashan rises in the autumn pool - Tang · Li Shangyin's "Night Rain Sends North"

36. When autumn comes and September 8 comes, I will kill all the flowers after they bloom -- Tang · Huang Chao's "Ode to the Chrysanthemum after Not Being the First"

37. Planting one grain of millet in spring and ten thousand seeds in autumn -- Tang Li Shen's "Ancient Style II/Compassion to Farmers II"

38. Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring

39. Xiao Xiao and Wu Ye send out the sound of cold, and the autumn wind on the river touches the guest's feelings -- Ye Shaoweng's "Night Book"

40. The horn sounds all over the sky in autumn, and the swallow fat coagulates the purple at night -- Tang Li He's "The Imperial Guard of Yanmen"

41. Disturbing and worrying, the high autumn moon shines on the Great Wall -- Tang Dynasty, Wang Changling, Seven Poems in the Army

42. The autumn shadows of Jianghan and the first flight of geese, and the green breeze on the pot with guests -- Tang · Du Mu's "Nine Days Climbing the Mountain Together"

43. A hundred foot tower in the west of the beacon city, the evening is the only autumn in Shanghai -- Tang Dynasty, Wang Changling, Seven Poems in the Army

44. Hu Bottle Loses His Back, Purple Sweat, Autumn Moon Group in the West of Shattered Leaves City -- Tang · Wang Changling's "Seven Poems in the Army"

45. The green mountains are hidden, the water is far away, and the vegetation in the south of the Yangtze River withers at the end of autumn

46. The east boat and the west boat are silent, and only the autumn moon is white in the middle of the river

47. Laugh this year and enjoy the next year, enjoy the autumn moon and spring breeze, and enjoy the leisure time -- Tang Bai Juyi's "Pipa Line/Pipa Introduction"

48. The wind settles the clouds and the black color in the vast expanse of Russia, and the desert of autumn turns to darkness - Song of the Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind by Du Fu of Tang Dynasty

49. The high wind howls in August and autumn, rolling the triple thatch on my house -- Tang Dufu's "The Song of the Thatched Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind"

50. On the night of autumn and moon in the spring river, people often drink wine alone -- Tang Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing/Pipa Yin"

51. After singing, he once taught good talent to dress, and dressed up to be envied by Qiu Niang. -- Tang Bai Juyi's "Pipa Line/Pipa Guide"

52. Seeing off guests on the first night of the Xunyang River, maple leaves, silvergrass and flowers rustling in autumn -- Tang Bai Juyi's "Pipa Walk/Pipa Introduction"

53. Who is on the swing and whispers in a smile -- Song Li Guan's Butterfly Loves Flowers in Spring Evening

54. Autumn Sea Yin in the south of Danyang City, and Chu Cloud Deep in the north of Danyang City -- Tang · Wang Changling's Farewell to Xin Jian in the Lotus Tower

55. People are looking at the moon tonight, but I don't know who Qiushi is at. -- Tang Wang Jian's "Looking at the Moon on the Fifteen Nights and Sending it to Doctor Du"

56. The autumn scenery is continuous with the waves, and the cold smoke is green on the waves -- Su Mu Shading Nostalgia by Fan Zhongyan of the Song Dynasty

57. The autumn wind blows endlessly, always feeling at the Jade Pass -- Tang · Li Bai's "Midnight Wu Song · Autumn Song"

58. He Dang Jin Luo Brain, Quickly Walk in the Autumn -- Tang · Li He's Twenty three Poems of Horse, Five of Them

59. The autumn wind is clear, the autumn moon is bright, the fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the cold crows perch and startle again -- Tang · Li Bai's "Three Five Seven Words/Autumn Wind Words"

60. Under the fence, yellow flowers bloom everywhere and autumn looks like wiping -- Qing · Qiu Jin's "Manjianghong · Dwelling in Beijing"

61. Stay in Beijing for a short time. It's early again. The Mid Autumn Festival - Qing Dynasty, Qiu Jin, "Manjianghong, Stay in Beijing for a short time"

62. Crying at the golden well in autumn, the frost is slightly bleak and the mat is cold in color

63. Kick off the swing, get up and relax to adjust the delicate hands - Song Li Qingzhao's "Touch the Crimson Lips, Kick off the Swing"

64. Autumn is far away on the Qingfeng River, and the ancient trees near the Baidi City are sparse - Tang · Gao Shi's "Send Shaofu Li to the Valley, and Shaofu Wang to Changsha"

65. People become different. Today is not yesterday, and the sick soul is often like a rope on a swing

66. Boats crossing the Guazhou in the snow at night, and the iron horse and autumn wind breaking through the customs - Song Lu You's Five Books of Anger, One of Them

67. Independent cold autumn, Xiangjiang River going north, Juzizhou head -- Modern · Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring · Changsha"

68. The world is a big dream, and life has been cool for several times in autumn -- Song · Su Shi's "Xijiang Moon · The world is a big dream"

69. The autumn wind is hard for the old three pearl trees. They are still close to each other, and their pipes are crisp and their shells are clear

70. Day, after the Mid Autumn Festival, write this song to say goodbye to others -- Song · Sushi's "Water Melody: An Shi in the East China Sea"

71. The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, and the grass and trees shake down and the dew turns into frost. -- Cao Pi, Wei and Jin Dynasties, "Two Yan Songs, One of them"

72. Affectionate parting has hurt people since ancient times, and even more so, the Qingqiu Festival has been left out in the cold

73. The sky of Chu is clear in autumn, and the water goes with the sky. The autumn is endless

74. The white haired fisherman and the woodcutter are accustomed to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze on the riverside - Ming Dynasty, Yang Shen, "Immortals in the River, Rolling East of the Yangtze River"

75. The heavy lake is stacked with clear hills, and there are three autumn osmanthus, ten mile lotus flowers

76. Close to the green water, the pavilion reflects the swing, the grass gathers, and the women travel in pairs -- Song Wanyi's chant "Three Terraces: Clear Brightness Should Be Made"

77. Showing the drizzly rain in the evening to clear the autumn - Song Liu Yong's "Eight Voices of Ganzhou: Showing the drizzly rain in the evening"

78. If life is just like the first sight, what's the matter that autumn wind is sad to draw fans? -- Qing Dynasty · Nalanxingde's "Mulan Ci · Imitating the Ancient Poems and Refusing to Say Ci to Cambodia Friends"

79. Seeing off the autumn geese in the long wind, you can enjoy the high buildings -- Tang Li Bai's Farewell to Uncle Yun/Song of Accompanying the Imperial Uncle Hua Climbing the Building in Xuanzhou

80. The Mid Autumn Festival work was originally named Little King Qin, and when it was sung, it was the Yangguan Song. When the clouds were full, it was cold. Song Sushi's "Yangguan Song, Mid Autumn Moon"

81. Come to Yanqiu for a long time to stay with the poets, singing and drinking in a frenzy -- Jin Yuan Haowen, "Fishing, Yanqiu Ci/Maibei Pond"

82. Eight hundred miles under his command, fifty strings across the Great Wall, and the battle on the battlefield in autumn -- Song Xin Qiji's "Breaking the Array, Giving Zhuang Ci to Chen Tongfu"

83. It means not to leave early as a warning, but to take the joy of retiring as a comfort. Yun'er Anshi is in the East China Sea, and is engaged in shocking the autumn