Sentences of love
2023-04-06 20:12:43
Complete sentences

1. It is better to meet once than never.

2. Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

3. The fish got hooked because it fell in love with the fisherman and was willing to use its life to make the fisherman smile.

4. If life is just like the beginning, I would rather that the person is not you. The person I have been waiting for is still on the way.

5. Love should not be rekindled. If it burns again, the beautiful memories of the past will disappear.

6. Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt, cruel people choose to hurt others, kind people choose to hurt themselves.

7. Just want to find someone who can bear my tears when I am frustrated; When I am happy, I can bite on my shoulder.

8. I miss you every day, I miss you every night, I dream about you, I look at you in my eyes, hold you in my hands, and I love you in my heart!

9. Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are doomed to just rush by.

10. Life has you, sunny; Life has you, four seasons warm; Life has you, not afraid of difficulties and dangers; Life has you, looking forward to forever.

11. We may love two people at the same time and be loved by two people. Unfortunately, we can only stay with one of them until old age.

12. If you fall in love with someone, don't let go of the opportunity easily. Being rash may make you regret for a while. Being cowardly may make you regret for a lifetime.

13. Life is like a glass of water, very light! Love is like chocolate, very sweet! Let me add chocolate to our life and make it sweet!

14. My love for you is fused into my bone marrow, and nothing can shake my determination to love you, because of you, so I, because of love, so love!

15. In my heart, you are the only difference. I don't care if I understand your love. Your joy and anger make me moved, and I would like to be the wind under your wings.

16. There are many things I want to say to you. There are a lot of helplessness to ask you to help solve it, but in the end, one word. It's good to miss you!

17. Love is a flower growing on the edge of a cliff. If you want to pick it, you must have courage. The following is "". I hope it can help you!

18. If you know that love is painful to the other party, don't let it continue to move forward and give up. If not, freeze it in the deepest corner of your heart.

19. Love is originally the sand in the sea. Only when you concentrate on protecting it, moisten it with tears and hard work, and let it become a crystal when intoxicated with your heart.

20. Your glance, like a crystal spring flowing into my heart, is more profound than poetry, more beautiful than painting, just like the morning of a new century in my life.

21. We can't control the origin and extinction of causes. What we can do is to cherish the short time in the time of karma meeting.

22. We may not be inseparable, but we must cherish each other; It may not be icing on the cake, but it must be a timely help; Not always in touch, but always worried about!

23. I hope you will become happier because of me, and I will not let you shed another tear; If a rose changes your smile, I will send you roses all over the world!

24. This life has you, so my love is so strong. In fact, I have already understood the last look back when you left, which is the most helpless decision in the world. Your reluctance is silence.

25. We are not thirsty for perfection, which is far beyond our reach. Can be loved by you, what's wrong with all kinds of holes? But you said I was too perfect. What you said is a lie I will never believe.

26. Why choose to hurt when you care too much about a person? Use attack to test the bottom line, and use injury to ask for love! Can not go back to the past, helpless wayward, a broken heart, two people experience!

27. Pursuit and desire can lead to happiness, depression and disappointment. After depression and disappointment, we learned to cherish. If you were once unloved, you will cherish the person who loves you in the future.

28. Touch your inborn care in the turbulence of reality, fly to your heart's address at the speed of light in the dark street, weave the temperature of love with the pulse of dreams, and just want to tell you I miss you!

29. It's cold, I'll give you a coat: the pocket is called warm; The collar is called care; Sleeves are called considerate; Buttons are called missing; Let this coat closely accompany you through every minute and every second. You must be happy.

30. The soft moonlight brings romance to you; Brilliant roses offer you true feelings; True feelings, happiness for your life together; Idiotic words, for you to express my true love: dear, I love you!