70 words of blessing for good friends
Dancing and flying
2023-04-06 16:32:59
SMS Collection

1. No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping on your feet.

2. Sunflower told me that as long as we work hard in the face of sunshine, life will become simple and beautiful. good morning!

3. In winter, the snowflakes come again. The north wind blows chilly, and the snowflakes float happily, leaving their worries behind. Wish you happy every day, sweet winter.

4. The cold wind blows away the mildew and germs, and the snow falls. The golden flakes fall. The light snow is here. I wish you happiness, health, and take care of your body and clothes!

5. Give the arm to the sparrow and it will be happy; Throw your heart into the sea and it will be vast; If you leave your eyes on the sky, it will be profound; Wish you a happy weekend!

6. Time is shining because of blessings, air is fragrant because of blessings, and mood is blooming because of blessings. When you open the message, may blessings make you happy at this moment!

7. That night, a meteor pierced the night sky, and I immediately prayed for your happiness in your life. Later, I was happy, and I knew that you were praying for me that day.

8. Trust is the source of love, sincerity is the source of friendship, industry is the source of wealth, patience is the source of success, and water is the source of life. Wish you all the best on the occasion of World Water Day!

9. The cool wind is blowing, and the moonlight is curling; The autumn rain is continuous, and the leaves are rustling; Missing each other so much, so far apart; Greeting voice, blessing surging. In the season when the wind rises and flowers fall, take care!

10. It is not only the privilege of the sun to shine, but also friendship; Warming is not only the patent of fire, but also greetings. Friend, gently greet, sincere blessing, I wish you happiness!

11. When the summer solstice comes, a thunderbolt scares away the bad luck, a heavy rain will deliver the good luck, and the sunshine seems to be surrounded by health. A short message says hello to you, and I wish you a happy life of Pepsi Cola!

12. With your colleagues, I feel safe; With your encouragement, I am full of strength; With your missing, I feel happy; Wish my best friend happy every second, happy every day!

13. Gently we get together, unlimited laughter and laughter; Gently we have to separate, friendship ties up each other; It is difficult for us to get together after graduation. Let my blessing follow you along the way.

14. I want to comfort you, but I haven't learned it yet. I want to kneel down for you, but the ring is still in the safe. I want to send you roses, but the price is too expensive. I can only send a message to chase you. I hope we will never blow it.

15. During the period of holding hands, misunderstanding is inevitable. It is in the process of misunderstanding that the hands are held more tightly and the contradictions are eliminated. Let's cherish this friendship! Continue to walk forward.

16. When I was young, my mother said that a few grains of rice left in the bowl would grow a few pockmarks on my face, so she ate every grain of rice for the sake of future beauty. Thank my mother for making me a fat man without pockmarks.

17. Winter is coming quietly, all the things that are stacked up are missing, all the things that are on the mind are peace, all the things that are intertwined are care, and all the things that warm you are blessings. I hope that good mood will accompany you every day.

18. Pick a thousand stars to light up your future; Plant a thousand roses to intoxicate your mood; Fold a thousand paper cranes to make you happy at all times; Find a thousand reasons, I hope you have no worries!

19. When your store opened today, I send you a couplet to express my congratulations. The first couplet: look forward to the prosperity of the boss's career; The second line: I wish your store a prosperous business; Horizontal scroll: unstoppable!

20. A cup of tea moistens the mouth, a pot of sake warms the stomach, a breeze cleans the lungs, a wisp of fragrance makes the heart drunk, a song of songs is not tired, and when summer comes, it will be free! Wish you a happy summer!

21. Our common cause forms our deep friendship. In peaceful and peaceful days, it will bring fulfillment and comfort, and in hard and difficult days, it will bring sustenance and hope. Willing to keep in touch.

22. Squeeze 3 cups of juice for you: one cup is grape juice, allowing you to drink purple romance; One cup is cucumber juice. I wish you green and healthy; One cup is orange juice with honey. May life be more sweet than sour!

23. Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green and the sky is blue. The familiar songs and farewell scenes are still the same. How many reluctant, with the arrival of parting, more and more. Friend, wish you a pleasant journey!

24. The cold is biting, the temperature drops suddenly, the yin is full, and the cold is abnormal. I hope you can take care of yourself, take good care of your waist and kidney, take timely tonics, strengthen your body, wear warm clothes to prevent colds, and be cautious of colds. I hope you are healthy when a small cold comes!

25. The bright moonlight in front of the bed may be frost on the ground; Look up at the bright moon, bow your head and think of your friends; Move your finger slightly to send SMS quickly; Talk about your friendship, and skillfully convey your wonderful words; I wish you good luck and five blessings!

26. The diffuse fog is wrapped with happiness; The flying snow condenses good luck; The cold month, exudes joy; The gentle blessing contains countless warmth: remember to take good care of yourself when it is cold.

27. Caring does not start today, nor does blessing end today. The most sincere blessing, the most warm care, will reach the acme when today's winter solstice comes. A plate of dumplings shows true feelings, and I hope you are happy every day!

28. Work is always busy, the road is always rough, the body and mind are always tired, and there are always too many worries. Although I often forget to contact, I still cherish my friendship. I always pay attention to rest and take good care of myself.

29. You offended me, so I curse you, buy millions of lottery tickets, pick up money on the road, work effortlessly, get a raise and promotion, and most importantly, I curse you, have a happy weekend!

30. Recently, do you often feel irritable, sleep poorly, tired, and sleepy during the day? Don't worry, it's the dryness of autumn and the fatigue of autumn. I'm sending you this message, and I hope you can be in a clear mood and relieve your spring difficulties!

31. Eat when hungry, and rest when tired. Be busy at work and comfortable at work. A good mood will lead to good health. Only with good health can we have a good future. I wish you happiness after work.

32. The solar term in the summer brings chills, and the autumn cicadas chatter about the gradual change of the season. I ask the sun to send my best wishes. I send a winding short message to tell you how much I miss you. I wish you good luck in your work and good health.

33. The spring is cold and the yearning warms the mood. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. The season makes troubles go away. When winter goes and spring comes, good luck comes online successfully. Spring fills the world with deep wishes. Spring is beginning. May your life always be spring!

34. The frost has fallen, the weather is cold, and the white dew has become frost. The thin white frost cannot freeze my enthusiasm for you, reduce my missing, or stop my greetings. I wish you endless happiness when the frost falls!

35. I often send messages to wish you happiness every day. May our cooperative relationship be as frequent and close as SMS. May our work be fruitful. Let's live happily.

36. The breeze brings the breath of spring, the drizzle brings the baptism of spring, the thunder brings the balderdash of spring, the warm sun reflects the beauty of spring, and the SMS sends the hope of spring: the willows and willows are green and blue in spring, and the life in spring is as sweet as honey!

37. There is cool wind in summer, snow in winter, flowers in spring, moon in autumn, and autumn is coming. The Mid Autumn Moon is approaching. I miss you more at this moment, and my blessing will be sent to you with this SMS!

38. Beginning of summer is a symbol of prosperity. May your dreams thrive; Beginning of summer is a symbol of vitality. May your ideal climb the ladder of realization; Beginning of summer symbolizes harvest. I wish you a happy life and good luck.

39. We know what happiness is when we have experienced setbacks. We can not be afraid of suffering when we have experienced setbacks. Even though there are too many ups and downs in life, we have always been confident. After graduation, I wish you a happy and confident life.

40. Listen, that voice is the joy and vitality of spring; Listen, the voice is the call of joy, the cry of joy; Listen, that voice, the transmission of my blessing, is the continuation of happiness. Wish you a happy beginning of spring!

41. On weekends, I like to lie in bed and watch the clouds roll through the skylight. Listen to music, your body will float on the clouds, and your mind will travel in three mountains and five mountains. Jielu Creek, devote yourself to cultivation, cultivate with devil's heart, live with heaven, and grow old with you!

42. The late autumn has arrived. May my warm greetings reach your heart directly, so that you will not feel a chill this autumn. I wish you success in your work, happiness in your family, good health, good luck in everything, and a safe and happy life.

43. Think in the right way. The problem is very simple; It's easy to look at things from another angle; Change your mind to look at life, life is more wonderful; Life is more beautiful when you treat others with your heart. Know flexibility, life is more casual!

44. Dear students, fate has made you and me friends in college. Thank you for your help and care over the past four years. Thank you for your wonderful and unforgettable memories. After graduation, I sincerely wish you every success in your future work!

45. In today's hot summer, we send our best wishes to you. The sun is hot, and you will be greeted and cared for. Let the night breeze blow away the days of intense heat, let the stars' eyes shine and miss their hearts, let me send a message with sincere wishes, remember to take care of yourself in the heat!

46. The busy Mondays, the late Tuesdays, the busy Wednesdays, the dark Thursdays and the dark Fridays before Li Mingqian have all been abandoned. Weekend, together shouted: we only want to be happy, refuse to bother!

47. Here is a beautiful invitation card made of fresh green, inviting you to watch the three months of warblers flying and grass growing, enjoy the dancing of bees and butterflies, taste the rain and wind painting, feel the charm of happiness and experience the happiness of life.

48. After work, lock your pressure in the drawer, throw your troubles into the trash basket, sweep your depression out of the door, sort out your happiness, keep your good luck in mind, and bring peace and happiness home. After work, I still wish you happiness!

49. It's just hot today, not really hot, nor too hot. Because it's hot, not light, and you won't get heatstroke, because it's you, not him or her. I received my only blessing: I wish you a cool summer!

50. Xiaohan, hand over your troubles, and I want you to be happy and wonderful; Give up your tiredness, I want you to be carefree; Give up your sadness. I want you to be happy and peaceful. Don't refuse to pay, don't keep, wish you good luck!

51. I have too many worries. If each worry is worth one yuan, then I am a billionaire; If I were a billionaire, I would buy a villa for you to live in. Wish you happiness forever!

52. I care about you most in special weather; In the dog season, I care about you most; I carefully prepare a blessing message, which is full of fruit fragrance and cool feelings. I will send it to you in time when you need it most. I wish you a happy and pleasant dog days!

53. In life, I am comfortable, in work, happy, sharing, depressed, nagging, reunion, separation, concern, greeting, blessing, friend, I am.

54. One week's work is very busy; Look forward to the weekend to relieve pressure; Listen to music and feel beautiful; Play games and have fun; Go out to play and bask in the sun; Friends are always connected and get together when they are free. Wish you a happy and sweet weekend!

55. It's winter, and you should dress reasonably; Influenza prevention, keep in mind; Drink more hot soup, not cold; Black food is good for kidney and body; Regular living and energetic; Keep your legs warm, cold starts from your feet; Follow the tips, be healthy and comfortable!

56. Time urges people to work hard, and the pressure of work increases day by day. Learning should be persistent, ability should be constantly improved, life should be modest and low-key, work should be better, will be more frustrated and more brave, through your efforts, the career will be smooth!

57. Autumn went and winter came and began again. The tide rose and the wild geese fell without a trace; When the flowers bloom and fade, the heart of yearning grows stronger; Good wishes from friends are always there, and the concern has not changed; It is also the beginning of winter, and the friendship will never fade. Happy Lidong!

58. Health preservation in autumn: bean curd and spinach should not be cooked together, as harmful substances are easy to deposit; Boil red and white radishes separately to avoid nutrient loss; Pork snails should not be eaten together, which is cold and hurts the stomach; Beef and chestnuts should not be stewed together to damage digestion and vitality. May you be healthy!

59. There is a kind of belief that has never changed, a kind of pursuit that has never given up, a kind of persistence that has never wavered, and a kind of persistence that has never changed. It is dreams that inspire life, and dreams that inspire us. Let's fight for dreams together!

60. Although Meiyu is beautiful and mildew proof, it is a good thing if things do not get mildewed, hard work if things do not get mildewed, happy life if things do not get mildewed, and good things if things do not get mildewed. Well, check quickly to see if you are a good thing.

61. Happiness is like rain, watering your heart. Happiness is like rain, moistening your heart. Wisdom is like rain, soaking your mood. When the rainy season comes, may the rain wash away your troubles, accompanied by happiness, and the rain wash away your worries, making you feel comfortable!

62. Mang seed season is always busy, busy body and busy mind. The wheat is ripe and the harvest is busy, and the grain warehouse is full of smiles; Sowing grain in time, leaving early and returning late, singing loudly; I hope the weather will be good and the country will be peaceful and the people will be happy. I wish you happiness!

63. When the cold dew arrives, the cold air strikes, and warm care is delivered. Cough and cold should be prevented. Keep the trachea warm. Eat more apples and bananas. Jujube and water chestnut are indispensable. Cold dew is good for health and healthy life. Dear friends, cold dew is healthy.

64. At the beginning of the autumn season, I send you a refreshing text message to wish that you should be responsible for your family and not worry about your work. Treat your friends sincerely and never lose heart in your career. The beginning of autumn has come. The weather has changed. Keep an eye on it. Eat well and sleep well.

65. Snow floats in the cold season, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are wrapped in silver, red plums bloom to welcome the cold, and the sun shines a light of happiness. A blessing crosses the glacier, and sincere messages are sent. Happiness always surrounds you, and good luck often embraces you. In the cold season, I hope you will be happy and happy together!

66. When you first enter the workplace, don't be afraid. You should be timid. If you make a mistake, you should honestly admit it. Honor should never be exclusive. Turn dedication into a habit. Look away from failure. Failure is the best teacher for success. Put down your posture, and you will find that the road is wider and wider. I wish new workers a smooth sailing.

67. Some people, remember deeply, may not be happy. Some pain, light look away, not necessarily experience. On the rough road, give your side a warm, stormy life and give yourself a smile. Life is about understanding and understanding, putting happiness in your heart, melting quietly and spreading slowly! good morning!

68. Whenever fireworks bloom in the air, I would like to see a family of three rippling in the "flower". This dream has lasted for more than 40 years. Doraemon will help me realize my dream and take us there to dance and sing. Look forward to this exciting moment and see this wonderful scene as soon as possible.

69. Send you a bright smile, make you happy, send you warm blessings, let you warm the deep feelings of "summer", let you sweet the enthusiasm of "summer", let you happy the beginning of the summer, and wish you happy "summer" and good luck "summer"

70. Don't be careless at the spring equinox, and get ready for the "four modernizations". Frequently moisturize the throat, lungs and skin; Regular exercise is "continuous", healthy and healthy; Get up early and go to bed early; Relax your mood and laugh happily. The spring equinox is coming, remember to be healthy and happy.