WeChat signature about girls' sadness in 2022 WeChat personal signature (select 100 sentences)
Filial piety is the first
2023-06-24 07:55:47
Complete set of signatures

1. Once thought, sad is will flow a lot of tears; It turns out that the real sadness is that there is not a drop of tears.

2. Some people, some things, lost no longer come back, to blame their own did not cherish.

3. I'm trying to be like you, but you tell me that you love her.

4. Mistakes are temporary, but missing them is always a pity.

5. Your heart, I do not understand, my heart, has been broken.

6. Don't think too great of yourself. You should know that in other people's world, no matter how well you do, you are just a supporting role.

7. The more you try to forget, the more you remember. Memory is a torment.

8. Network, we are close at hand. In reality, we are thousands of miles apart.

9. After years of waiting, all that came was that you were not there.

10. Single cycle is actually an emotion.

11. Happiness is like walking on thin ice, but pain is like a shadow.

12. I would rather regret having done it than having missed it.

13. Some people, only miss not contact; Just pay attention and don't disturb.

14. Our love is like singing half a song, off and on.

15. More and more capricious is because love is too deep. More and more silent because it hurts too much. The reason why people become more polite is that they are disappointed.

16. After breaking up, we can't be friends because we hurt each other. Can't be the enemy. Because we loved each other deeply, we became the most familiar strangers.

17. Sometimes I do everything for one person, but I can't do anything for others.

18. I hope I am still a child. No broken heart, no painful tears.

19. I tried my best to make you pay attention to me, and finally found that I was too sentimental.

20. Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

21. When I was young, my dreams were beautiful; Grow up, beautiful and dreamy.

22. Familiarity becomes weariness, and weariness becomes disgust.

23. My beloved teenager, I love you with my dreams and my purest feelings.

24. There are always many reasons to tell others that you don't care, but there is no reason to convince yourself.

25. If the ending is not what I want, then give up everything.

26. In your world, there is no me at all.

27. Some things can't stand another time.

28. Tell yourself - don't be emotional, don't miss it secretly, and don't look back.

29. God also has tragedies, let alone I am a person.

30. It is not necessary to put on a couple's outfit, and not all lovers in the world can get married.

31. Once naive, cruel reality, let me know: the hypocrisy of the world, the indifference of people!

32. Moment, it is the fairest thing in the world.

33. The lonely corners of the eyes are always wet with the tenderness I want to give you.

34. Some people have too many smiles on their faces because they have too many tears in their hearts.

35. Sometimes, when I accidentally know something, I find that what I care about is so ridiculous.

36. In fact, no matter it's windy or rainy, as long as you are around, it's enough. What's the cold in winter?

37. It's not that I don't love you anymore, but that I find you don't need me anymore.

38. Usually, I always smile happily. It doesn't matter what I do, but when I turn around, I can see that I have no choice but to smile

39. I love you so much that I ignore myself. I believe in you and doubt myself.

40. You are the dream that I can have only when I turn off the light.

41. Gorgeous silence may be liberation.

42. Use harsh songs to cover up your helplessness.

43. Farewell is doomed to be an irreversible outcome

44. My heart has been broken once, and I can't bear it anymore.

45. Warm love is an irresistible desire.

46. The furthest distance in the world is that when I stand in front of you, I can only wish you happiness.

47. The reason why you feel lonely is not that no one cares about you, but that the person you care about does not care.

48. Everything is good, but you are not enough.

49. Waiting...... May not be easy; It's easy to hurt.

50. A woman likes the boy who makes her laugh, but she really loves the boy who makes her cry.