Reflections on Lei Feng
Middle aged grey hair
2023-12-24 11:22:16
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

On holiday, I saw the film Lei Feng. I'm glad to learn the touching stories of the revolutionary ancestors again.
The film mainly talks about Uncle Lei Feng's most prominent questions about serving the interests of the people. The film tells Lei Feng's first intention is to go to the battlefield and win glory for his country. Later, I listened to the guidance of instructors and served the people regardless of time, order and position. Lei Feng came to his senses. The instructor gave Lei Feng a set of Selected Works of Mao Zedong, which was awarded to the instructor by the superior! Since then, whenever Lei Feng had time, he would hold up books and study hard. After carefully reading Selected Works of Mao Zedong, he concluded that every soldier is a screw, and he wants to be a screw that will never rust in the revolution. Later, he continued to do good deeds for the people. Go to the construction site to carry bricks during the holiday break; Send the old lady to the destination; Donate money to disaster areas; Help the pupils plant trees together and so on. Lei Feng never leaves his name when he does good deeds. In this way, many moving and glorious deeds were left behind. I was very excited. Lei Feng was a child of a poor family. His father was killed by the Japanese, his mother was forced to die by the landlord, his brother was tired working at the landlord's house, and his brother died of hunger in his mother's arms. Lei Feng was alone and lonely. This also tells us that today's happy life is really hard won. It is the blood and life of the revolutionary ancestors. We should cherish the present life!
Uncle Lei Feng's good spirit of helping others and saving has left a profound impact on me. There was a scene like this: one Sunday, Wang Dali, uncle Lei Feng's comrade in arms, washed all the socks and clothes of all the soldiers in the company. Lei Feng couldn't find his own socks, so he looked everywhere. His comrade in arms, Wang Dali, said: "Lei Feng, you have so much money, why are you reluctant to buy a new pair of socks? You see, your socks have several holes, so it's not too uncomfortable to wear them on your feet." Uncle Lei Feng said: "As long as I don't delay my work, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. We soldiers don't wear socks to others." These words reflect Uncle Lei Feng's good spirit of diligence and thrift. He only had a monthly allowance of 6 yuan, but he put the money into the bank. Uncle Lei Feng donated all the money he saved to the people in the disaster area. At that time, the Chinese people were very poor, but he was reluctant to buy a new dress.
"Learn from Lei Feng's good example, be loyal to the revolution, be loyal to the party, and be the screw of the revolution..." Now this song commemorating Lei Feng is heard all over China, and we also regard March every year as the month of learning from Lei Feng. We should learn from Uncle Lei Feng, do a good job, start from me, and serve the people.