Reflections on "Socialist Core Values"
Oriental woman
2023-09-13 21:20:03
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Recently, I carefully read a good book - "Socialist Core Values", and really benefited a lot. Through reading, I know that China is a country of etiquette and integrity. Honesty is honesty and trustworthiness, which is a moral tradition inherited from human society for thousands of years, is also the key content of socialist moral construction, and is the way of being human and the foundation of standing.
The integrity virtue of the Chinese nation has a long history. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Shang Yang of the State of Qin presided over the reform. Shang Yang ordered to erect a three zhang piece of wood outside the south gate of the capital city, and made a promise in public: who can move this piece of wood to the north gate will be rewarded ten liang of gold. People don't believe that such an easy thing can get so many rewards, so no one tries. Shang Yang raised the reward to 50 taels of gold. There must be brave men under the reward. Finally, someone moved the wood to the North Gate. He immediately acquired 50 taels of gold. In this way, Shang Yang quickly established his prestige in the hearts of the people, thus successfully carrying out the reform, making Qin increasingly strong, and finally unifying the six countries. This story tells us that if we want to be respected by others, we must be honest and keep promises.
In today's life, my father often tells me that honesty is the foundation of life. I always think it's a platitude. Until one time, my father used his own behavior to let me really understand the truth.
That happened last summer vacation. My father took me to Beihai to play. The ticket price of 100 yuan per person is marked on the signboard at the door of the "Window of the World". I took 200 yuan out of my father's wallet to buy tickets. "Aunt, I'll buy two tickets!" I said to the cashier. The cashier smiled and asked, "Children, how tall are you? It's half price below 1.5 meters." I looked at the body line and thought, "If you can save 50 yuan, Dad will be very happy". "One meter five, big... probably not." I stammered back. I quickly put a 150 yuan note in her hand, quickly walked close to the height line, slightly bent down, shrunk my neck, took two tickets and left. But my father's face immediately sank, and he asked in a low voice: "Xiaoshan, do you think it's right to do this?" "I'm just a little bit higher. It's too bad to pay 200 yuan, isn't it?" I pleaded in a low voice. "Not at all. Honesty is the foundation of life. Is your character worth only 50 yuan?" I lowered my head in shame and hurried to make up the money.
This experience has taught me that honesty is the bottom line of life. Once lost, no amount of money can be changed back.
Confucius once said: "Words must be kept and deeds must be resolute". Yes, honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. It is like a light in life guiding our way forward. Let's face the society and others with an honest heart since we were young, and be honest and trustworthy.