How to write the slogan of the autumn sports meeting (62 selected sentences)
everything is going smoothly
2023-05-10 06:54:46
A complete set of slogans

1. The power of spirit comes from sports.

2. Senior 2. Class 10, perfect, win the first!

3. I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy.

4. Pay attention to the performance of "17"! Look forward to the miracle!

5. There is no failure in youth, just show your style!

6. Feel the fun of sports and be different.

7. Stride forward and let life realize our glory.

8. Time waits for no man. We should work hard to improve our performance and challenge our achievements.

9. Advance and create one miracle after another.

10. Play against yourself. For tomorrow, beyond today, we are most happy!

11. Don't give up easily. One day, we will fly high.

12. How many strokes can there be in life?

13. Charm is permanent, full of confidence, and wins.

14. The best strength, keep pace with the times and create the future.

15. Every province should be the host of the city games.

16. Sing the youth melody and express the pleasure of sports!

17. Compete to stimulate dreams and sharpen the edge!

18. Ma took the lead, and all the staff made great achievements. The performance was guaranteed with two plum blossoms.

19. Work together! aim high! Never give up!

20. Class 5's joy, boundless, class 5's style, class 5's belief, invincible, class 5's wonderful!

21. The sea is wide and the fish are leaping, and the pride of today is put into play. The sky is high and the birds are flying, and the aircraft is majestic.

22. The essence of sports competition and the Olympic spirit.

23. Fly high and dare to climb high. Go into Central China and succeed.

24. I exercise, I am happy, I exercise and I improve.

25. As long as you are not discouraged, miracles will happen.

26. Dream colorful legend, welcome colorful journey.

27. Sports make the city full of vitality, and the city thrives because of sports!

28. Senior 2 and 19, with permanent charm, full of confidence and victory.

29. Make concerted efforts to achieve good results forever, fight hard and be invincible.

30. I am wonderful and I exercise. I exercise, I am healthy!

31. Success is not far away as long as you fight and fight.