83 beautiful and sentimental signatures of qq in 2021
Laugh at life
2023-02-05 07:12:18
Complete set of signatures

1. I want to make you jealous, but you wish me happiness.

2. I want to care about you, but who am I.

3. You can not look at me, but you can not belittle me.

4. I either don't pay, or it's all.

5. Youth is fair, and everything cannot be rushed.

6. The truth of life is just hidden in insipidity.

7. Refuse me to say goodbye, thinking of you on the edge of tears.

8. Just be yourself. Why care about others' opinions.

9. When dependence has become a habit, it is hard to leave.

10. Pompous language, tired smile and blurred eyes.

11. Looking at your head like another woman, my heart aches.

12. You are a function, and I am never in your domain.

13. I love you very much, exhausted my life, exhausted my past.

14. Clean up the messy memory, and then continue to move forward alone.

15. Keep in mind that we will become strangers after this moment.

16. Even if I was born dumb, you can know my expression.

17. If one day we become strangers, then I will know you again.

18. I had a very sad dream in which we fell in love.

19. Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting others to suffer.

20. Customer is God is just a catchphrase, in fact, customers are just fooled.

21. Don't believe too much that the person in your memory may not miss you as well.

22. I thought you really loved me, but I didn't think you were just using me.

23. Why did you leave when I wanted to share with you most.

24. The reason why angels can fly is that they regard themselves too lightly.

25. If I had to choose again, I would not choose to know you.

26. Every inch of the person I love belongs to another person.

27. Time is so good. As time goes by, people can forget a lot of things.

28. Why is there only nostalgia for the dreamy melody and flowing memory.

29. To love someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport!

30. I use the clearest voice to prove that I love you, but you are unmoved.

31. How can you easily let go of the crazy person who once loved you.

32. There are some things that I don't care about, but what can I do if I care about them.

33. There is always a person who has lived in the bottom of his heart, but has disappeared into life forever.

34. The cold is actually quite good. I can't hear the change in my choked voice.

35. Everyone used to be kind, but years have changed our appearance.

36. Breaking up is not necessarily a bad thing, which proves that the person is not your everlasting.

37. Just when you left, just when the wind was strong, just when the tears spilled, just just right.

38. Too much has been lost, too much lost, too much laid down, too much buried.

39. The long-distance love is not lost to distance, but each other has room to think.

40. Eat a piece of sugar every day and tell yourself that today is really sweet.

41. Love is the assimilation of lovers and the consideration and care between lovers.

42. As long as you look back, I will really be willing to forget the pain all over to contain you.

43. At every happy and bright moment on earth, I always think of you so easily.

44. Pet and love are two different things. Pet can have no communication, but love cannot.

45. Couples can only have the first three years of warranty at most, and the rest is just a habit.

46. Since we have missed it, it is no longer possible and unnecessary.

47. If love grows into a thorn and missing becomes a fool, it turns out that heartbreak is also a kind of beauty.

48. Listen to the moonlight quietly, and imagine the moonlight overflowing two faces missing each other.

49. Strange faces become familiar, familiar faces become unfamiliar.

50. If you don't love me, don't be so kind to me, or I will be sentimental.

51. The love I want is not to fight for a lifetime, but to fight for a lifetime.

52. I am so religiously fond of traveling, and also so persistent in hating imprisonment.

53. Some things are not born, so why hold on to them.

54. It is not difficult to fall in love with a person, but it is difficult to see a person clearly and still love him.

55. Having lost everything, I can't extricate myself from the memory of the past, and I don't want to have new choices.

56. I wanted to accompany you to many places, but later they became far away.

57. When I grow up, I want to cut my hair short. My hair is long, my knowledge is short, and my short hair shows my culture.

58. There are many people who like you, but I'm not short of one; I like very few people, except you.

59. If cutting off my hair is cutting off my memory, can I lose my memory if I cut my hair bald!

60. Occasionally, a clean and pure girl knows how to relieve the atmosphere with some interest at the right time.

61. I didn't miss you very deliberately, but I thought of you in many small moments.

62. How disappointed you must be before you can completely forget about yourself.

63. What about our heart that still looks forward to love tenderly? Where did we leave it?

64. Sometimes reason asks us to do some sober and correct things, but emotion goes against the path.

65. This is the way of the world. We are often the least valuable in front of the things we care about most.

66. Is there someone in your heart that you will never mention again, but will never forget.

67. On the way to a fool, I always mistakenly use the accelerator as the brake and rush ahead without paying attention.

68. Time is changing, and people are also changing. No one waits for anyone, and no one gives up everything to anyone.

69. To love a person is not to own him, but to gaze at him silently from afar is to be satisfied.

70. Even the most wonderful music in the world is not as inspiring as sincere laughter.

71. I smile so affectedly, but no one can understand it. That wipe, tears away, so empty, so empty.

72. Some children like to watch mobile phones when they walk. They are not playing games, but want to cover up one's embarrassment.

73. There must be another person in the world who is doing what I dare not to do and living the life I want to live.

74. Destiny is doomed to be a kind of desolation, always hitting the flowers that should have bloomed in the unexpected place.

75. Pick up your mood and go on. If you miss flowers, you will reap rain. If you miss them, you will meet them.

76. You said that women started smoking because they were hurt by heart tearing, and I just wanted to suffocate you in my heart.

77. You can't force others to love you. You can only try to make yourself worthy of love. The rest depends on fate.

78. Just want you to believe me: "If you are always here, I will always love you"

79. If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know you. Not that I regret, but that I cannot face the end of separation.

80. It is not terrible to fall in love with a person, but it is terrible to be out of control; Breaking up is not terrible, but I'm afraid I can't let it go.

81. Youth is not time, but a state of mind. If I could choose, I would rather never understand what I didn't know before.

82. Although I hope to have an everlasting relationship with you and love you well, I can't love you, which is your regret.

83. When they can't meet, they miss each other. But once they can meet, once they get together again, they will torture each other.