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Better tomorrow
2023-04-14 11:19:04
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1. I want to stand beside you, look at your eyebrows, look at your smile, even if you don't speak, I feel very happy.

2. Your gentle smile in the moonlight melts me in your heart. You come with boundless love and joy, and hold you in your arms. You are the only one who loves you.

3. I have to live alone on Valentine's Day this year.

4. There is no one who likes loneliness, but has had enough disappointment.

5. The sky at the beginning of autumn is high and blue; The fresh wind at the beginning of autumn, fresh and comfortable; The clouds at the beginning of autumn are elegant and comfortable. The streams at the beginning of autumn are cheerful and clear; The blessing of the beginning of autumn is beautiful and pure. Wish you a happy beginning of autumn.

6. In the beginning of autumn, the scenery is limitless; The autumn wind gradually rises, and the summer heat gradually fades; The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the worries are shadowless; Broad sea and sky, comfortable mood; The days are bright and pleasant; Refreshing greetings should be sent according to your heart; Relax your heart and be free; May you be happy and have a happy beginning of autumn!

7. Even if I have the whole world, I will not be satisfied unless I have you and can give me a corner with you.

8. All of a sudden, the snow was so pure that it buried me in your world.

9. I am in the sunshine of the south all the year round, and you are in the cold night of the north with heavy snow

10. Forget, this life is not long, restless soul.

11. Winter's indifference is endless under the snow, and the morning is like green silk and the evening becomes snow.

12. The pillow is full of moldy dreams, filled with people who cannot be hugged

13. Stay up all night on New Year's Eve, and go with you safely and happily. When the New Year comes, you will feel healthy, happy and happy. On the fifth day of the lunar new year, there are all promotions and salary increases. Congratulations on the New Year! May my wife be happy and join hands with you forever!

14. It's said that when it snows for the first time, you should walk with your lover.

15. I like snow not because I can play with it, but because it is pure.

16. When the cold winter leaves, the snow melts and the grass turns green. I believe that there must be a new meeting to continue the warmth.

17. The beginning of autumn is pleasant and enchanting, and the end of health preservation is wasteful. The bright sun shines on your back more often, and the happy life will help you to relieve your worries. You will feel tired and happy. You will have balanced nutrition and drink more water. Exercise will not make you tired. Health is the most precious. I wish you a bright smile! Happy Beginning of Autumn!

18. Travel can relax my mood, broaden my mood, forget my frustrations and welcome new happiness. Travel is to find new beauty, pursue a new sense of the world, lose the remaining self, and meet the most authentic self.

19. You can be restricted by whatever protection you are protected from. It can also protect you from the sun

20. The ivy has been buried by years, but has it ever bloomed.

21. Celebrate the stars tonight and the warm day of tomorrow.

22. Crying can't solve the problem. However, I just cried when I couldn't solve the problem.

23. If you always walk in the snow, will you walk to the white end

24. It's the beginning of autumn. It's chilly in the beginning of autumn morning, so as to be healthy and not worried; It is too hot at noon in the beginning of autumn, so try to be relieved and not worry about leisure; Li autumn evening cool breeze swim, try to sleep well sleepwalk; There is a reason to greet at the beginning of autumn, and strive to make friendship always thick.

25. It's snowing. The world is so beautiful. Please love her!

26. It's very hot, isn't it? It will be cool on the Double Seventh Festival.

27. Snow, where did you come from and where are you going.

28. Poverty and age are the only things in the world that can be gained without work

29. Do not make excuses for failure, but create conditions for success.

30. In the afternoon after the first snowfall, I want to share my feelings with you.

31. You can't hide your love for a person. Even if you don't say it, it will come out of your eyes. I like you, serious and counseling, from one to the end.

32. If you ask someone a question and she doesn't answer the question, she has already answered it, and there is no need to ask again

33. When the beginning of autumn comes, the wind and rain will report. When the beginning of autumn comes, the flowers and fruits will shine. When the beginning of autumn comes, happiness and happiness will come. When the beginning of autumn comes, I wish you a wonderful autumn. I wish you good mood, good health, good appetite and a good family!

34. I heard that crying wet pillow will dream of the sea.

35. What kind of me do you like? I have many masks. Take your time to choose.

36. I made a deal with Time to exchange my afterlife for your company in this life.

37. Is it snowing that we can get to the white head together without taking an umbrella

38. Life is like a tour. You don't need to care about the destination, but about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery. Let your heart travel!

39. Travel is to lose yourself and find yourself.

40. On the premise that the three views are normal, it is actually good for people to live willfully. As long as they are upright, they are not afraid of shadow slanting. There is no need to hold their own temper all day to show others.

41. Don't send friends circle when it snows. Tell me where to pay

42. When the beginning of autumn comes, the blessings shine: smile when you are happy; Good luck mask, trouble escape; Ruyiqiao, auspicious embrace; Happy, happy and secure. Wish: Happy Beginning of Autumn!

43. Countless fireworks, countless firecrackers, countless couplets and countless blessings. Joy splits in the New Year's Eve, and worry decays in the New Year's Eve. May your laughter burst and good luck ignite on New Year's Eve.

44. The snow is falling, fluttering down from the sky, onto the roof, onto the ground, very light, like a kitten's footsteps. In the snow, there are several pieces of crystal ice, shining. The tree, dressed by snow, has a white hat, a white cotton padded jacket, and a white scarf. It's a pure white world.

45. When the wind and snow blow all over your head, you can count as white head.

46. The greeting of the beginning of autumn is the beauty of happiness. Wrapped in the cool breeze, embracing the pleasant dream, carrying the fragrance of flowers, carrying the bright moonlight, containing the taste of happiness, hiding the happy smile, whispering: Happy beginning of autumn melody, I wish you a happy beginning of autumn!

47. The snow in Yanshan Mountain is as big as a mat, blowing down the Xuanyuan Terrace one after another

48. Both the murderer and lover will return to the scene of the crime.

49. Several plum trees in the corner, Ling Han opens alone! A casual shot, there is unique beauty!

50. Even if the world abandons you, I will not abandon you.

51. Today is also a happy duck after receiving the gift of the Double Seventh Festival.

52. Don't blame your food because you have no appetite

53. I love you and hate you. It hurts me most.

54. Open your eyes every day to see that the world you are most familiar with is still bright, and your relatives have arrived home safely every night before going to bed. Peace, safety, health, health, and well-being are the simplest and most stable happiness! Today is the beginning of autumn.

55. Life is like a journey. You don't need to care about the destination. What you care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery. Let your heart travel!

56. Later, you took me to live together and wrote more difficult romances than others.

57. A word of cold and warm, a line of noise: a word of exhortation, a note of legend: an Acacia, a heart to look forward to: a greeting, a word of love.

58. As long as you are always with me, other things are no longer important.

59. How lucky it is! It snows when it comes! Beautiful city!

60. Maybe this world is the hell of another planet.

61. It's the beginning of autumn. Autumn comes with cool autumn wind and continuous autumn rain; Autumn comes with the blessing of harvest in yellow dress; Autumn comes with happy songs and happy dances. Happy Beginning of Autumn!

62. The green shade is paved with new light, and the early days of the wind are long.

63. I want to travel alone without a camera or a mobile phone, but I must carry some books on my back, enjoy them in the sea of flowers and grass, and wander in the sea of books in leisure time.

64. I haven't seen snow in my hometown for many years. It's perfect!

65. Don't expect anyone to be morally clean. Every soul in the world is half human and half ghost. Nobody can see it when you get too close

66. I still remember the snow that accompanied my loneliness all night, until my heart was frozen and I could not feel your presence any more.

67. I am spring all the year round in the sunshine of the south, and you are snowing heavily in the cold night of the north.

68. Take your parents to visit the Forbidden City, hoping that your family will be healthy and safe in the new year. It's said that the Forbidden City is beautiful when it snows. I hope it will snow again.

69. In the beginning of autumn, the wild geese fly south, and the fruits are fragrant and the harvest is noisy; The sky is high, the air is cool, and the mood is wonderful; As time goes by, don't be sentimental; Wish you good luck at the beginning of autumn, and the days will be more wonderful.

70. When your kindness is criticized, remember to tell yourself that your kindness is only responsible for your own conscience, and you don't care how others gossip.

71. The coldest day is not the snowy day, but your hand hidden in the sleeve.

72. On the eve, my sister spent time alone, strolling around the street with chocolate.

73. If you are willing to wait for me for a month, I will love you all my life.

74. Traveling is not to see the scenery, but to find yourself the most authentic self

75. It's snowing. If we go straight without taking an umbrella, will we be able to go all the way to Baitou

76. Stepping on the white snow, like stepping on a white blanket, it is soft and comfortable.

77. Life is a wonderful journey, just on the train that never returns. Experience it with those new and old people! Maybe this is an irresistible fate for a person. There are you, me and him.

78. My shattered dreams will become snowflakes and be sent to your heart.

79. It snowed in my city, but it was a pity that there was no you.

80. I love you is the most vulgar and beautiful sentence in the world.

81. On Tanabata Festival, if you are alone, if you have a loved one, then tell TA!

82. Cool in autumn wind; Autumn rain drops, irritable except; The autumn dew is cool and refreshing; The autumn scenery is beautiful and the eyes are full; The autumn is misty and the heart is intoxicated; The beginning of autumn comes, happy. Wish you a pleasant and comfortable beginning of autumn!

83. The snow is really beautiful. Ruiyun promises a bumper year. I really want to play in the snow, snowballing and snowball fights

84. The reason why half a glass of water makes you uncomfortable is that you can't make sure whether it is full or left

85. The best travel in life is to find a long lost touch in a strange place

86. You said that you loved the snow in abundance. You should marry me in the abundance.

87. It's a good hand to comfort others, but I know I can't get through any of those difficulties myself.

88. The white snow covered the whole city. People were happy like ants bursting into flames. They rushed into the position and fought with each other in the long-awaited snow battle. The white dog ran like a silver dragon flying on the wide snow. It was a happy scene.

89. At least there is snow to accompany me all night.

90. "This is a best effort game. I'm not talking about a game."

91. You don't want to plant flowers. You said, I don't want to see them wither. Yes, to avoid the end, you avoid the beginning.

92. Getting to know you for the first time is the destiny of fate. Like you is the bond of the soul. Falling in love with you is the beginning of happiness. Having you is the only way to live without separation.

93. When you ask someone a question, if she doesn't answer the question, she has already answered it. There is no need to ask again.

94. Want to turn into snow and fall on your shoulder

95. Is the sky white with such heavy snow.

96. People always feel happy when they are close to happiness, but they are worried about gains and losses when they are happy.

97. With deep and heartless feelings, people are not old and have a boundless heart.

98. I thought the sweetest strawberry jam in the world was you.

99. When traveling, you should learn to take things as they are, be calm and stop walking.

100. Time is warm and time is quiet. How dare I get old before you come.