A Bird
happy is he who is content
2023-12-13 22:27:07
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

During the summer vacation, I read Bing Xin's Collection of Works. The "A Bird" in it made me unforgettable for a long time.
In the story, there is a bird whose plumage is not yet full. Its nest is built on a high branch. As the bird's feathers are not plump yet, it can't fly far away. It can only chirp in the nest every day and talk to two old birds, but they all feel very happy. The birds sing in the trees every day, attracting a group of children. Gradually the children fell in love with the bird and wanted to raise it. One morning, the bird stood up again and was hit by a stone just as it was about to sing. Two old birds flew like arrows, caught the birds and put them on the nest. Blood drops from the nest to the ground. From then on, the singing ceased.
What a pity that such a lovely bird was killed by a group of ignorant children! It loves life so much and is full of vitality. It returns to nature with songs every day and brings joy. This story is also reminding us that protecting the earth and protecting the environment is the top priority that we humans must pay attention to at present. Now we still have fresh air, clean water and beautiful flowers and trees. But if we don't cherish and protect them, and only care about the immediate comfort and enjoyment for our own benefit, we will pay a heavy price for this in the future.