Funny sentences for losing weight
To grieve alone when things and people change
2023-07-02 01:20:26
Complete sentences

1. The virus fell in love with my computer. I can only help them.

2. Please don't lose weight, because I want you to take part in the food contest to earn money for me.

3. One's mind will change. I used to want to get rich, but now I just want to get rid of poverty. I'm a mature person. I don't eat until I'm full.

4. When you encounter misfortune, remember to smile at yourself in the mirror, so that you will find that this misfortune is nothing compared with your appearance?

5. We are all children who laugh recklessly in the sun but cry in the moonlight.

6. The daily clamour to lose weight is just to scare the meat.

7. OK, I will accompany you to reduce → → go, go to KFC to buy a whole family bucket.

8. Is it easy for my mother to keep me so fat for so many years? I will not lose weight and will not lose weight.

9. I have a heart to lose weight and a stomach to eat food. They compete with each other every day. I pinched my fingers and figured out that Emma, the stomach won again today.

10. After tonight, I will have more confidence to face tomorrow's life.

11. Fat people are always ignored by people who care about them. It will be very sad. What's more sad is that you have to pretend that you don't care.

12. I would rather have a prince riding a pig than a prince riding a white horse.

13. Life goes on, not only lose weight, but also eat delicious food!

14. If you don't lose weight this winter, be fat and cute.

15. Empty have a heart to lose weight, but gave birth to a greedy life.

16. A man's promise, like a woman's promise to lose weight, is always said but never realized.

17. It is said that people with big faces can't use touch screen mobile phones because they will hang up when they laugh.

18. Since lung cancer is marked on cigarette packs, why not put a dead fat paper on chocolate?

19. If a woman can't control her weight, how can she control her life!

20. Children, your arrival lights up our lives and gives new meaning to our lives.

21. Let's keep company with the world of mortals and eat freely.

22. I have a heart to lose weight, but a good mouth.

23. The difference between people and animals is that they only work, not love.

24. I don't dislike my people when I am fat. I will repay you when I am thin!

25. People don't hate me when I am fat. I will repay you when I am thin!

26. The most self-discipline dinner, food and nutrition coexist, obesity and weight loss coexist.

27. I used to be thin, and I will be thin in the future, so I will gain weight for a while now, or my life will not be complete.

28. Being a stranger in a foreign land alone, I gain three jin every holiday.

29. Even if we survive the whole winter in expectation and anxiety, the next season may not be warm in spring.

30. Beauty, what's the use of losing a little weight? Don't listen to others' hypocrisy. You seem to have lost a little weight. What's the use of being thinner? Listen to others. Wow! You are so pretty! That would be beautiful.

31. In fact, I will be thin. I just put on weight for a while.

32. Anything is possible as long as you keep on losing weight.

33. Since impotence and lung cancer are marked on cigarette packs, why not mark diabetes and fat paper on chocolate?

34. The girls we chased together in those years are now women.

35. Losing weight is like detoxification. Once you take it again, all your previous efforts will be wasted.

36. I want you to know the meaning of the words "overestimate your strength".

37. There is a girl who has only two things in her mind: eating and losing weight.

38. I just want to play with water. How can I get stuck in the swimming circle?.

39. It's said that watching martial arts movies can help you lose weight, because it often says that you will die soon!

40. With constant immersion, the motivation to lose weight is certainly gone. The camera and mirror are not as attractive as they are!

41. People who can't control their mouths should not make trouble to lose weight! you deserves it! Fatso!

42. When I am fat, I don't dislike my people. When I lose weight, I will repay you!

43. Having a heart of learning, he has a life of failing the exam; Empty have a heart to lose weight, but gave birth to a greedy life.

44. The circle of friends is just a pit. It's full of sunshine. Someone cares about you. Some people ask you to enjoy delicious food. Sun the book and someone will lend it to you. Can you just appreciate it.

45. After the sports meeting, some people won the rankings, while others became expression packs.

46. A fat man's life is like a measuring cylinder, destined to evaluate his life.

47. When learning to snorkel, no matter how hard you exert your limbs, you float on the water. You are so angry that you want to throw yourself into the river, but you still can't sink.

48. We should wait until we are full to study weight-loss.

49. Don't always talk about losing weight. My sister was only five and a half kilograms when she was the thinnest.

50. My dream is to live in the Shijia Village, enjoy the beauty of total eclipse every day, and make endless dishes every night.

51. The fruit is sweet and sour, and the food is nutritious. If you want to lose weight, you can throw away both.

52. I have no choice but to do something to make me unhappy.

53. The youth song of fat children is really a meat bun adventure.

54. No food, no love. If you don't believe that you can have a meal without an invitation, let me have a love talk.

55. One's ideas will change. I used to want to get rich, but now I just want to get rid of poverty.

56. The three most beautiful words in the world are not "I love you", but "you are thin".

57. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end. Because nothing can rival time.

58. Come on, meat. Don't be so obsessed with me. If you pester me again, I will become a legend.

59. It is impossible to lose weight, and we will never return to the road of gaining weight.

60. I hope you never regret meeting me, and you are really happy.

61. Now smoking has to pay more premiums. Who dares to say that in 20 years' time, there will be no stipulation that people should pay more for life insurance because they are overweight?

62. I don't want to make progress. I want to have a lot of kebabs.

63. The day I fell in love with you was not because of how good you were, but because the sun was shining and I was full.

64. Every woman who has failed to lose weight for a long time has a girlfriend who has poor weight loss effect.

65. I tell you that I have been losing weight, but I have not lost weight.

66. When talking about being generous and fat, I feel depressed when I think about my weight.

67. A few feet of wasted time, close to Acacia, can not escape, and finally all old. When the beauty becomes beautiful and white haired, I can still sigh with regret that there was a glorious period of time when I walked through, and there was a shining star sky, and I also looked up.

68. When the world smiles, I will laugh together.

69. If my surname is Fuck, it will be your name after my surname.

70. I never hold grudges. I usually take revenge on the spot.