Classic Quotations of Sentimental Sentences
Youth is used to waste
2023-04-10 15:47:03
Complete sentences

1. We all exist in each other's memories.

2. What do shallow and deep represent? Just forget earlier and later.

3. I dreamed of you in my dream and cried. When I woke up, I found that the reality seemed to be more heartbreaking than that in my dream, so I cried more fiercely. I really want to fly to find you secretly. I will recognize you at the first time by the warmth you give, and rely on them to pursue every place where you are, because the light you bring is enough to surpass any distance.

4. I hope that one day, I can suddenly remember the broken and incomplete fragment in my heart, which once appeared in its world and accompanied me on a journey with an umbrella. But now I have put my umbrella away and walked out of the lost vision. The fragment prays sincerely, hoping that the star in my heart will live happily forever, so that maybe one day I can take in the lost fine dust.

5. Life or love has always been full of stations, airports and ferries, where we meet and leave each other. But we are too happy to know that every meeting is also the beginning of departure. We always took Meimei's luggage to meet us. Later, we dragged heavy luggage to the next unknown place alone.

6. I just, just love your silly, just love your lonely figure. I thought about holding your hand, but I can't feel your feelings. I still haven't left, but I can't figure out what you are thinking, so my left hand is still holding my right hand, and I slowly feel that you are getting cold and haggard!

7. I have been together for one year, two years, three years and four years, and I have walked through countless years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, experienced countless joys and sorrows, and experienced numerous small disasters and disasters. The person who finally walked on the red carpet with you hand in hand is not me; And the man standing beside me is not you. My biggest fear is that I will not marry you in the end.

8. Disappointment is sometimes a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, so we will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.

9. When I can not leave you, you have left me.

10. If you can choose me, you will still appear in my life. If you can choose, you will still not choose to return to my world.

11. When I woke up, tears soaked the lines of poetry. This friendship has never gone far, but you said you should stay away. I know, I've always known. You are a cloud, a wandering cloud. You only occasionally project to my city, and I just accidentally fall in love with your world. You just gently plucked my heartstrings, making me mistakenly think that this is the most beautiful chance in the world of mortals.

12. The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also loves you.

13. The rain drenched air, the tired sadness, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

14. Initiative is because you care. The reason why I don't contact you is because I feel redundant. Sometimes, you choose to let go not because you can't persist, but because you find that something is doomed to be impossible. Some things can only be done by one person. Some of them can only be passed by one person. Some roads can only be walked alone.

15. Love, the most needed is comfort. If you feel free and comfortable, then you are right in love; If you feel that you are constrained everywhere and have no self, it is time to consider adjustment. Love is to rely on each other, warm each other, encourage each other to move towards the unknown future.

16. We are like needles on the surface. We keep turning and watching the time rush away, but we can't do anything about it.

17. I look at you smiling, silent, proud and lost just like now, so I am happy with you and sad with you, but I have always stood in the present while you have always stayed in the past.

18. Why does happiness also leave tears, irrigate my wilderness, full of roses, I'm not tired, I don't sleep, I don't rest, I don't close my eyes, I don't want to waste every second, here, there is your world.

19. If time can really go back, I would like to forget all those past events. Where the passing wind stays is no longer the point. How can a lost love expect it to blossom and bear fruit. No matter where you are, there are too many people coming and going in your life. In the end, you are not alone.

20. You think your carefulness can move him. You think he will stand on your side and love your carefulness. Don't tease him. If he really likes you, he won't let you be careful. It's hard to forget the people you shouldn't love, but as long as you want, you can do it.

21. There is a kind of pain that you don't understand. I can cover it with a smile and pack it with indifference. This kind of pain, you do not understand, because we are at the end of the road, you indulge in your world, I stick in my heart. Some people can accompany you far away, but that is just the intersection of the surface, and there has never been a collision between the hearts.

22. Once you smile, I can be happy for several days; But once you cry, I feel sad for several years.

23. At the beginning, when you are together, you even think that the other party is cute when you are angry. It's just how you look. After a long time, aesthetic fatigue, everything tends to be flat. If you are a little anxious, you are making trouble without reason. If you are a little angry, you are like a shrew in the other party's heart. This is the reality. Love cannot be kept fresh forever. If you are still dreaming of love, you should wake up.

24. The ferry of reincarnation, I finally see your familiar face again. In a trance, I seemed to see the Cherry Blossom Forest again, once the amorous young man. The world of mortals life, reincarnation I, you have no memory of my figure. The person who forgets is not the most pitiful person, but the most pitiful person is the person who has not put down me.

25. We have been searching, searching, that we all have an end.