119 sentences of the latest version of WeChat signature in 2021
Sea Blue Without Soul
2023-03-03 05:15:23
Complete set of signatures

1. Things, karma, first, line, love, love, break, after.

2. Don't leave me too far, I can't bear the pain like that!

3. There is no cold man in the world, but he is not warm for you.

4. The most regretful thing in life is not living bravely.

5. Hey, if you cry again, I will wash your face with Fu Yanjie.

6. We have been silent for too long, and even taking the initiative needs courage.

7. The highest level of love is to stand the ordinary fleeting years.

8. You don't need to like it, and it's not your turn to hate it.

9. Self discipline, self-esteem, self-reliance, self-confidence; Quietness can produce wisdom.

10. Disappointment without any hope is simply disappointment.

11. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.

12. As long as I have one breath, I will call you all to me.

13. Businessmen are interested in those places where they can find wealth.

14. In the corner of the dormitory building, there were traces of love we had graffiti.

15. I am not your guest, but a passer-by in your life.

16. As we grow up, we have too many heartaches and tears.

17. A generous person forgives all people and things before going to bed every night.

18. I want to hold your hand and walk away from this planet.

19. What we can do in the next life is not to let us pass by.

20. Learn to be used to plain days and learn to create a charming life.

21. I only said three sentences, including the one above. My words are over!

22. There is a feeling that is even more painful than lovelorn, which is called narcissism.

23. To love someone who doesn't love you hurts yourself and embarrasses others.

24. Forgetting, like remembering, is the best souvenir for each other.

25. Don't think that you are suntanned, which can cover up the fact that you are an idiot.

26. You silly baby, whoever is close to you will have an IQ of 0.

27. You are lucky to be different from others. Don't change your uniqueness.

28. Your recent situation has nothing to do with me, but in retrospect, it made me walk slowly.

29. You let me down. I let you not even have the chance to step on the stage.

30. Leaving because of another woman is not called breaking up, but abandonment.

31. I am afraid that friends will become enemies, because they know where you are most vulnerable.

32. In the morning, use tears to decorate scars. At night, accompany the air with memories.

33. A person comes to you from a stranger, and then another stranger, from beginning to end.

34. The relationship is like a piece of paper. It is broken, and no matter how you put it together, there will be cracks.

35. How many people copy and paste their signatures and wait for comments.

36. Can keep an unchanged commitment, but can not keep a fickle heart.

37. Everyone came to a perfect end. Only I could talk about my sadness in the corner.

38. Look at the sky, the sun and the moon. They are still and silent; The mountains and rivers stretch from generation to generation.

39. I don't want to say any more love words. I have no ability. I just want to go home with you.

40. Be a temperament rascal, a tasteful sex wolf, and a knowledgeable illiterate.

41. I love him with vigour and madness. My dreams are broken but never forgotten.

42. Some things are just too confused in the world of mortals.

43. Just because you can give me a cup doesn't mean you can give me a lifetime.

44. Explain to the child that he is already very cute, and there is no need to show himself.

45. Once loneliness plus loneliness was love fire, now silence plus silence is more silent.

46. Without a deadline for self improvement, it is doomed to be inaction.

47. Waterfalls have no fear of cliffs, so they sing a magnificent song of life.

48. Empty talk and empty talk are used to decorate themselves, while hard work and hard work are used to create achievements.

49. Open a window for others, and let yourself see a more complete sky.

50. God will not give you a beautiful day like this. You need to create it yourself.

51. Can you give me the time to sing a song and turn the hug into eternity.

52. There is a limit to one's patience. When patience wears off, love will wear off.

53. One of the great advantages of outstanding people is that they are indomitable in adverse and difficult situations.

54. Being strong is like dozing off. Although you hold back, tears still flow down.

55. If what you give me is the same as what you give others, I won't want it.

56. If you have to choose a way of going to heaven, I hope you spoil me.

57. How can I cry without fear when my best friend is not around.

58. I still have a long way to go. Even if you leave me behind, I can't turn back.

59. I really doubt whether these people have drunk too much and always think so.

60. Take the road of choice. Don't choose the road that is easy to follow. Only then can you have your true self.

61. Everything you know or don't know is a heart that I love deeply and deeply.

62. I used to fall asleep when I thought about you, but now I lose sleep when I think about you.

63. In fact, I try my best to eat so fat, not just to have more sites in your heart.

64. There is no such love, which will make me cry in the sunny night.

65. It's just that I can't go back to the summer of that year, and I can't pick up the attachment to you at that time.

66. Tell more jokes and act in a humorous manner, so that life will be easier.

67. It's hard to have such a quiet day in the future. Why not cherish it now.

68. Happiness is in the original promise, in the future dream, and beside you.

69. When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, your tomorrow will never come.

70. We are all children blessed by God, so we should not shed tears easily, but be strong.

71. I just won't let myself go. Now I won't force myself to be attached.

72. The new wound covers the old one. It cannot be covered and repaired well. Only courage is the only weapon for self rescue.

73. New wine still uses the old formula, just like meeting many new people and seeing the old one.

74. Recently, there have been many colds. I know that you are very uncomfortable. I wish you a speedy recovery.

75. If it were not for you, I would not become such a psychopath who is worried about gain and loss.

76. Poets often say that love is blind, but not blind love is more sound and reliable after all.

77. Do what you have said. Don't say too much, but do nothing.

78. The world is like a giant doll clamping machine, and I only want you through the window.

79. In the 30 day countdown to the end of the world, I will love and treat every minute of love.

80. The straight line between two points may not be the shortest. Sometimes, detours can reach the destination faster.

81. Our life is only once, but if we can use it correctly, once is enough.

82. Sadness and sadness don't belong to me, but I give full play to them.

83. Complex emotions. Sad world. A disordered society. This is where I live.

84. I started with people, listening to their words and believing in their deeds. Today, I listen to people and watch their actions.

85. I will betray the person who wants to live with me for a person who has betrayed me.

86. I'm just missing one person who wants to stay up and chat with me at night, but also urges me to sleep desperately.

87. The most beautiful love is neither a famine nor an old man. It's just being together, that's all.

88. Justice is the primary value of the social system, just as truth is the primary value of thought.

89. Although I am not very handsome, when I was young, some people praised my left nostril as an idol.

90. The only love in my life is given by you, and the only pride in my life is also given by you!

91. Just because I'm with him doesn't mean I don't love you. Maybe I think you care more about me.

92. I hope that many years later, I can stand proudly in front of you and tell you that my heart is still there.

93. Boredom is the desire for desire. When a person has no desire, he will feel bored.

94. There is a kind of person who has been guarding you until the moment he leaves you, but you will cry.

95. Without ideals, that is, without some kind of good wishes, there will never be a good reality.

96. One year's plan is like a tree valley; ten years' plan is like a tree; A lifelong plan is no better than cultivating people.

97. People are like this. As long as their positions change, their roles will change immediately. I see, I understand.

98. You can't form your own personality by dreams. You must forge your own personality through hard work.

99. Do you forget? It's a pity that when you open your eyes, you are painted in your eyes. When you close your eyes, you are engraved in your heart.

100. Suffering is a wealth, and people who rise up in suffering are the real owners of wealth.

101. Let me stand at the place where my heart is broken, and gently tie a knot, a kind of sewing, to prevent the pain from flowing out again.

102. The best way to keep fresh in the world is to make continuous progress and become a better and more worthy person.

103. Sorry, I forgot. Love is an instinct, and my instinct is to protect myself.

104. When I wanted to find someone to tell my feelings, I suddenly found that I could not find a person to talk to.

105. Put your neck in your scarf, your pants in your socks, and your hands in your gloves. I will put them in your heart.

106. The waves never accompany the small performance hiding in the harbor, but always catch up with the giant ship struggling forward.

107. The spring mud on the swallow's mouth can not build a mansion, but can build a nest of happiness.

108. Human happiness comes not so much from the occasional good fortune as from the daily benefits.

109. When you are afraid, focus on what you must do. If you have been thoroughly prepared, you will not be afraid.

110. It is wrong to love or not. Too many endings have never been thought of. Flying out of my world, you are happier than you imagined.

111. Love, speak out loud, because you will never know which will come first, tomorrow or accident.

112. White jade is easy to bury eternal hatred, and gold is hard to buy a body of leisure. Where on earth does life go? Let go and follow the fate.

113. Fantasy is so vast that an encounter will be unforgettable. If you meet the master, leave a smile. If you don't know him, why not.

114. You are more than just greedy for money. If you can't open your asshole when you see money, you will be in full bloom.

115. I treat you well because I like you; But please don't take my kindness to you as the capital of your meanness.

116. Some secrets are heartbreaking, while others have been hidden for a long time, making people feel as if they are in debt.

117. To love you, I love you with pain, I love you with injustice, I love you with humbleness, I love you without myself.

118. Tonight, I am walking on the familiar road~thinking about the people who make me sad, don't you forget? Once beautiful!

119. There is nothing wrong with crying. But sooner or later you should stop crying and decide what to do.