The latest inspirational quotes for junior high school students in 2022 (95 selected sentences)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2023-07-23 01:51:34
A complete list of famous sayings

1. The wind and rain in summer, autumn and winter, sharpen a sword in ten years. Use our own wisdom to achieve our dreams.

2. Man cannot live like a beast, he should pursue knowledge and virtue. Dante

3. Stand at a new starting point, meet new challenges and create new achievements.

4. Opportunities are always given to those who are ready.

5. Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Only virtuous and virtuous can be submissive to others. Liu Bei

6. Fight for a spring, summer, autumn and winter, and change your life without regret.

7. A winner is wise and a winner is strong. It is not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little.

8. Let's take dishonour as the heaviest part of punishment! Montesquieu

9. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. leo tolstoy

10. Reason is higher than heart, and thought is more reliable than emotion. Golgi

11. Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because virtue is the strength and vitality of the soul. Rousseau

12. For the best results, let's go crazy to the end.

13. Looking at the country and family of the former sages, success has changed from diligence and thrift to extravagance. Li Shangyin

14. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness. La Rochefoucauld

15. I am the best, I will succeed.

16. Don't find reasons for failure, but find ways for success.

17. Hear the chicken dance to create a strong fighting force, and heaven rewards diligence to reproduce the brilliant king style.

18. Life is empty and insipid only in the eyes of insipid people. Chernychevsky

19. The most sad thing for a person is the death of his conscience. Guo Moruo

20. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you. Turgenev

21. If everyone likes the public, the world will be at peace; If everyone engages in selfishness, the world will be in chaos. Liu E

22. selflessness is a rare morality, because it is unprofitable. Bertolt Brecht

23. When your hopes fail one by one, you should be firm and calm! Longfellow

24. In order to play your role in life, love life. Rodin

25. Even though there are thousands of feet of snow in Kunlun, I also swear to cut off Kunlun.

26. The sweat on the eyebrows and the tears under the eyebrows, you must choose the same!

27. Shyness is the emotion of fear or fear of humiliation, which can prevent people from committing some despicable behaviors. Spinoza

28. I firmly believe that only moral citizens can pay an acceptable salute to their motherland. Rousseau

29. We judge people's activities according to their purposes. Only when the purpose is great can the activity be said to be great. Chekhov

30. Unplanned brilliance; Only the beauty that comes out.

31. Do not think of danger in times of peace, and refrain from extravagance and frugality; Si sought for luxuriance by cutting roots, and wanted to grow by stopping the source. Wei Zheng

32. Do a good deed with calm mind; If you do an evil thing, you will feel ashamed. Shenhan Light