Impressions of "Heart Beating"
Wait for an old man
2023-10-02 02:22:15
fifth grade
impressions of after reading

Quite interested. I saw a movie tonight. From the micro blog, I saw the love movie that 12 constellations should see, and I chose the Taurus movie "Heart Beating", which was pretty good. I was moved to see that "if I choose, I will go on anyway".
This movie is known to be a love movie at the first sight of its title. It tells the story of the growth and development of Julie and Bryce when they were childhood sweethearts. At first, Julie was fascinated by Bryce at the first sight because he moved here. Although she was very young, Julie pursued Bryce. And decided that her first kiss should be Bryce's. But Bryce never paid much attention to her. Because Julie's family was not very well, he was mocked by Bryce's father, and Bryce agreed. He wanted to get rid of Julie's obsession. Julie was very kind to Bryce, but Bryce was ungrateful and threw the eggs she gave him. Finally, she hurt Julie. Julie began to doubt her wishful thinking and felt very sad. Especially when Bryce agreed with Gary's opinion to insult Julie's mentally retarded uncle, Julie began to stop leaving a place in her heart for Bryce, and began to feel that when she didn't care, she didn't feel so bad when she put it down. When Bryce finally realized that he had been attracted to Julie, he found his mistake. In order to make up for his mistakes, he was crazy. Finally, we found a way to make up for it. He planted a sycamore tree in Julie's yard. Because Julie saw a beautiful scene on the plane tree. Finally, the two people naturally walked together.
What impressed me most was that scene: the dialogue between Julie and her Daddy while drawing. "Which is bigger, the whole or the part". Sometimes in the eyes of some people, the part is more important than the whole and will be far greater than the whole. As long as he is in the eyes, everything else doesn't matter. Another scene is that when Julie looks at the scenery at the top of the tree, she will find more beautiful scenery when she climbs up. Sometimes, if you stay in place for too long, you will think that the original is the best. In fact, if you want to be satisfied with the status quo, you should continue to climb up. This question is up to us only. Maybe the beautiful scenery is higher, sometimes I just forget it and don't want to continue climbing. In fact, as long as you climb up a little more, or walk forward a little more, you may see a more enlightened scenery.
In fact, I was very moved at the end.