Sample Essay on Reading Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai
Northern Girl
2023-08-17 11:13:32

The story of "Butterfly Lovers" is widely known in China, and it has various forms of expression. Both opera and music are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the contemporary era, film and television plays based on it are also popular. When I picked up the book "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", I first thought it was a picture album shot with shadow play as the base. After careful reading, I found it was a picture book imitating the form of shadow play.

I almost hit the road when I didn't notice it for a while. When I talked about shadow play for a long time, it would be quite different. The characters in this set of picture books draw lessons from the shape of shadow play. The shape of the characters shows the wave edge marks of the shadow play knife everywhere. It is quite new to see in a picture album. The buildings, flowers and trees in the scene are not shadow puppets, but a bit of ink and wash. The combination of two phases is an innovation and a heritage of ancient culture in new forms.

In the movie "Divine Whip", silly two cut off the braid and can say with confidence: "The god is still alive after the braid is cut!" The kung fu on the head is changed to the superb skill of the shooter, who is holding on to the old thing, silly two understand that it will not work. For the development of ancient art, I'm afraid that it involves a question of how to modernize. We should consider the communication and audience. Of course, the most important thing is the economy. The old model has lost its time and space, and everything will change. Once a skill is reduced to a material cultural heritage, it may be unlucky. If it is scarce and protected, it will lose its mass base. It will be popular on the street, or it will become a relic of the museum. Alas, how to choose? From this point of view, this album is a process of learning, absorbing and innovating traditional culture, which is worth encouraging and constantly trying.

There are two kinds of beauty in the picture album: one is the rich beauty of the figure's clothing, and the clothing texture is carved with a knife, with some symbolic brocade clusters; Secondly, the painting brush of the architectural scene presents the symmetrical beauty of Chinese architecture. The courtyards are mostly orthomorphic, the pavilions are cut in gold characters, and the portal boats are symmetrical between the rules and scattered. The auspicious clouds, mountains and valleys, ginkgo leaves and even butterflies all have the traditional symmetrical beauty, with a bit of paper-cut art characteristics. These integration is quite ingenious. In today's era of rampant Japanese comics, It is commendable that art workers are willing to innovate, trace back to the tradition and highlight the Chinese style.

If you want to spoil the scenery and talk about some shortcomings, the characters in the book are in the form of shadow play, which is a little stiff. The description and action of the characters have a sense of one thousand people, and cartoon characters can't take off the facial expressions of the characters. Because of the imitation shadow, the shape is single, and it is a natural flaw. The facial emotions cannot be presented. Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, the schoolboy, and the maidservant all have red eyes, and everyone is stained with red lips. Shadow play is dynamic, and singing can make up for the shortcomings of this way of expression. It does not have such advantages when it is moved to the picture album. The author of this department should seriously think about and revise it.

The book also presents the appreciation method of the famous dulcimer performing artist Guo Min's playing the song "Butterfly Lovers". After listening for a while, the mind turns into a dynamic scene, and music and painting condense into a sad and beautiful scene in the heart, which can be described as "dancing again when the butterfly turns into a butterfly, and the feeling is elegant".