Good night words to heal the soul
Fool Old Man
2023-07-13 13:43:01
Complete sentences

1. Men are the first to transmit women's appearance to the cerebral cortex! Therefore, appearance is the most accurate first impression of a man on a woman.

2. What is left in exchange for youth with love.

3. Time always leaves the best person for you to the last.

4. Come to the place where you live and look for your footprints. It turns out that I don't know when you have gradually become my belief to accompany and support me to the present.

5. It's not that you look good that I like you, but that you give me a feeling that no one can give.

6. Don't say everything you know, and don't believe everything you hear.

7. How many people told you they couldn't live without you. Where were they later?

8. I never need to remember you, because I will never forget you.

9. Marriage and love are investments. Only when you love each other will you have the capital to invest. But will you make money if you have money to open a shop? Therefore, marriage and love are more important than business.

10. With their own efforts to make their own glory more dazzling than the rampant dog days.

11. Go to work without being late every day. The boss said early, why did you come so early? It's good to go out early, instead of taking the bus. Come early, work early, and get paid soon.

12. As long as your heart is not chaotic, it is difficult for the outside world to change you. Don't envy others, don't lose yourself.

13. In many cases, plans cannot keep up with changes. It is good to have a planned trip, but when everything is ready, I have already lost my original idea and heart. Sometimes, a journey with one's heart can better wash one's mind and sublimate one's mind.

14. Lin Xiao walks out of Jianxi's home and sees the embarrassed Guli. That's the friendship I want. When Lin Xiao walks out of the airport and sees the smiling Zhou Chongguang, that's the love I want.

15. What you do now represents how you will live in the future.

16. Accompany you to the horizon, after a long time of suffering, the belief in the world will not change.

17. Memory is a wonderful thing. It lives in the past, exists in the present, but can affect the future.

18. Time will not change love, only the people who love.

19. Leaves leave, is the pursuit of the wind, or the tree does not retain.

20. Don't judge others easily, because you haven't experienced their life.

21. What we give up at the same time is love, not each other.

22. Life friends can be divided into three types: lifelong friends, cup friends and quilt friends. When you are proud, your friends know you; When you are in trouble, you know your friends again.