Qq dazzle dance english signature
Purple Cloud Dream
2023-03-23 08:12:12
Complete set of signatures

1. It turns out that you are my favorite today, and I can forget you next second.

The original love is you, next second also can forget you.

2. The hope of tomorrow makes us forget the pain of today.

Tomorrow's hope, let us forget today's pain.

3. My love can only let you have it alone.

My love can only give you a person alone.

4. Please tell me how to escape from the wilderness you gave me.

Please tell me how to get out of that desert.

5. Position can increase people's strength, but not their ability.

Position can increase the strength of human, but not the ability to increase.

6. The man is actually a mute, and usually speaks in disguise.

That person is actually a mute, at ordinary times the speech all is the camouflage.

7. Others are always right and I am always wrong, so it is less annoying.

Others always right, I will always be wrong, so that the child is not trouble.

8. I don't want this heartbreaking feeling anymore. I don't need anyone anymore.

I don't want to feel the pain anymore. I don't need anyone anymore.

9. I can't remember the past, I can't find the past.

I can not recall the past, can not find once had.

10. Prosperous yesterday, sad today, everything is a fragmented memory.

Busy yesterday, sad today, everything is a little memory.

11. After taking the initiative for a long time, everyone will be tired. It's not that they don't love anymore, but that they are tired.

Active for a long time, everyone will be tired, not love, but the heart is tired.

12. None of the glitter of a pearl is painted on by others.

Not a pearl of the flash, is to rely on others to smear.

13. Love is just a play. Two people are just props.

Love is just a play but two people are props.

14. Look for a forest and let me live gently.

Looking for a forest, to be my gentle let me live.

15. The happiest time is not when you are here, but when you are always there.

The most happy time is not you, but you are always in.

16. Happiness is listening to a song and watching a movie happily.

Happiness is happy to listen to a song, after watching a movie.

17. With a smile pretending not to care about your laughter, do not care about your departure.

Pretend not to care about your smile with a smile, do not care about your leaving.

18. Don't cover your eyes for small things. We have a bigger world.

Don't cover the little things, we have a bigger world.

19. Being a happy person can influence the people around us.

Make a happy person, happy to the people around us can also affect.

20. You are not playing yourself, but I put too much emotion into it.

ZheZiXi, you did not himself, but I spent too much emotion.

21. If you can spend a day in peace, it is a blessing.

If you can spend the day in peace, it is a blessing.

22. Don't walk on the road you have passed; Don't look back on those you missed.

The way that walks, don't walk again; miss the person, don't turn back.

23. I regard you as my best friend, but you hurt me to the extreme.

I put you as the best friend, but you hurt me.

24. If you can be more open-minded, maybe you will suffer less injuries.

See open a little, perhaps, the injury will be much less.

25. I can only read the blank you gave me and wander alone.

I can only read you to the blank, alone in place.

26. A strong girl will cry, but she will never admit defeat.

A strong girl will cry, but never admit defeat.

27. The happiest thing is that the person you love takes the initiative to chat with you.

The happiest thing is that you love the people to find you chat.

28. When I miss you, go to my heart to find you. You are there as before.

When I miss you, I want to find you in my heart. There you are like once upon a time.

29. God sent me a big gift, that is loneliness and helplessness.

God sent me a big gift, that is lonely and helpless.

30. There are many people who like you, but you are the only one who likes me.

Like you have a lot of people, and like me, only you a person.

31. Where are you and here are I, just missing you and never seeing you again.

You are there, I am here, just miss, no longer meet.

32. When I was young, I cried and laughed. When I grow up, I laugh and cry.

When I was young, I cried and laughed. Grow up, smiled and laughed and cried.

33. I used to like it very much. I used to love it very much, just once.

Once liked very much, once very love very much, just once.

34. Every person who says he doesn't want to fall in love has an impossible person in his heart.

Every person who says that they don't want to fall in love with someone who doesn't want to be in love.

35. Dear, you should hold my hand and make an appointment forever.

Dear, I want to hold your hand, forever.

36. Be merciless with deep feelings, and leave empty after the end of the song.

With love to the ruthless, leave empty.

37. Walk alone and leave a shadow, which makes you feel distressed.

Walk alone, leaving the shadow, let you look at.

38. Will you love me only when you and I are left in the world.

Is not when the world only you and me two people, you will love me.

39. I will study hard and enter a school with you. You will wait for me one year later.

I will study hard and you get into a school, you wait for me a year.

40. The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boredom.

The heavy burden of life is not work, but boredom.

41. Sometimes we are not necessarily listening to music, but listening to our own feelings.

Sometimes we are not necessarily in music, but listening to my mood.

42. A good way to cherish everything is to realize that you may lose him.

The best way to cherish everything is to realize that you are likely to lose him.

43. Youth is the only time we have the right to weave dreams.

Youth is the only time we have the right to weave our dreams.

44. The past is always the past, and no effort can be made.

The past is always in the past, no matter how hard is futile.

45. I'm so ordinary, don't leave me in the crowd.

I'm so ordinary, don't throw me in the crowd.

46. Don't think about building the sea. You must start with small rivers.

Don't think about the great ocean starts from a small river.

47. Maturity does not mean that people's hearts grow old, but that tears can still smile in circles.

Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.

48. I fell in love with quietness, so I became withdrawn.

I fell in love with the quiet, so I become more and more lonely.

49. A lot of things are between not talking about holding back and talking about affectation.

A lot of things, all is not humbled and said between argumentative.

50. I never look back, but I always smile at you.

Did not give me a review, but I always smile on you.

51. Without you, what would I do to hurt myself.

Without you, what would I do to hurt myself.

52. Some words and omissions hurt, and some people will leave if they stay or not.

Some words and not say is hurt, some people leave and will not leave.

53. When I was young, the old man holding my hand, I thought he would not leave.

When I was young, the old man holding my hand, I thought he would not leave.

54. The best thing about junior high school is that you can see the person you like when you look up.

The best things in junior high school, than the rise will be able to see the person you like.

55. I put all my sincerity in a joke. Can you understand?

I put all my heart into a joke, you can understand?

56. If I leave you, it is not that I don't love you, but that I am hurt by you.

If I leave you, not I do not love you, but I was deeply hurt by you.

57. There are so many people without a really strong backing, only themselves.

So many people, not a real strong backing, only their own.

58. Abbess, you are the devil in my heart. The closer I am to you, the farther I am from the Buddha.

Teacher, you are my devil, were closer to you, is far away from the buddha.

59. You can be very personalized, but sometimes please be restrained.

You can have a personality, but at some point, please.

60. Life is nothing but two kinds. Life plays with you and you are played by life.

Life, is nothing more than two kinds of life to play you, you have been living.

61. When all the glory is gone, only a few drops of sadness remain.

When the splendor falls, only just drop blood sorrow.

62. My world is changing for you day by day.

My world day by day for you to change you did not find.

63. A good friend will not be jealous. Your success will not care about your failure.

A good friend is not jealous, your success will not care about your failure.

64. I'm not a customer service person. You have no right to ask me to answer this question.

Elder sister is not a customer service staff, you have no right to ask the elder sister answer that.

65. I am a madman. I gave up a fool for a liar.

I was a madman, for a liar, and then gave up a fool.

66. Your heart can hold two people. I quit and don't want to make you too hard.

Your heart can hold two people, I quit, don't want to let you too hard.

67. People who really care about you are afraid of losing your news.

Really care about you, the most afraid of losing your message.

68. I refused so many ambiguous things just for your uncertain future.

I rejected so many ambiguous, only for you an uncertain future.

69. I will doubt who gives me the whole world. I will be elated, but I will be in full swing.

Who gave me the world, I would suspect, wild with joy, but bloomed.

70. Let me tell you that a person's determination is only a matter of a moment.

Tell you, the heart was just a moment.

71. The smile after letting go is only used to cover up the painful scar.

To let go of the smile, just to cover up the pain of the scars.

72. Memory is like wearing clothes, which can never be forgotten.

Memory is like wearing the same clothes, can not forget.

73. I would rather live in memory than forget happiness.

Prefer to live in the memories, but also not happy to forget.

74. Loneliness is a lingering poem, which covers you continuously.

Loneliness is a haunting poem, stole over you.

75. It's not that I don't understand love, but that I don't understand you.

Not I do not understand love, but I do not understand you.

76. Find a quiet corner to heal the pain in your heart.

Find a quiet corner, to ease the pain in your heart.

77. Saying that you have forgotten is just a cover up. There are many scars and exaggerations.

Said forget how much a scar just to deceive the public.

78. I said with a smile that I had forgotten, but I actually remember all of them, but they are meaningless.

I smiled and said that I forgot, in fact, I remember, but these are not meaningful.

79. One person can give you a lot of pain, but no one is the same.

A person can give you a lot of pain, but no one is the same.

80. Before correcting others, reflect on whether you have made mistakes.

Before correcting others, first reflect on their own mistakes.