Yellow Crane Tower
Wake up
2024-02-20 22:24:24
fifth grade
describe the scenery

Looking at the Yellow River Mountain in the east, the male comes out in mid air. In the eyes of Li Bai, the poet, the Yellow Crane Tower is so beautiful. Magnificent and in awe of the Yellow Crane Tower, our family went to Wuhan on the May Day holiday and saw the Yellow Crane Tower that haunted me.
Entering the scenic spot, an antique attic appears in front of you. Needless to say, this is the Yellow Crane Tower, the first of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River. From the appearance, the Yellow Crane Tower is majestic, more majestic than King Li's exquisite tower. The high spire of the Yellow Crane Tower rises straight into the clouds, like a Optimus Prime, standing at the top of the Snake Mountain.
Entering the attic, there were inscriptions and murals everywhere. Looking at these inscriptions and murals, I felt as if I could smell the smell of ancient incense wood again. Looking at "the old people have gone by the yellow crane, and this place is empty in the yellow crane tower", I seemed to return to the ancient times, saw the back of the immortal slowly going away, and heard Cui Hao's praise and regret.
In the attic, there are models of the Yellow Crane Tower from ancient times to the present. Looking at these models, I can't help praising the wisdom of the ancients. After countless renovations, the Yellow Crane Tower is more magnificent and amazing. I really don't understand why the immortals want to go away by crane. Is Penglai Island more powerful than the Yellow Crane Tower?
Climb up the highest seventh floor and look out, the magnificent momentum of the Yangtze River plunging thousands of miles immediately catches our eyes. It is really "misty and rainy, green and green, and the turtle and snake lock the river". On the Yangtze River, there is a "bridge flying north and south, and the chasm becomes a thoroughfare." The so-called Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, like a rainbow, connects the people on both sides of the river and the kinship on both sides of the river. The rolling river, the magnificent bridge and the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower all together make people sigh: what a magnificent scene!! In addition, the Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of the mountain. Looking around, it really has a taste of "being the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains".
After visiting the Yellow Crane Tower, my heart still surges: Ah, the Yellow Crane Tower, you are like the beacon light of the Yangtze River, towering into the clouds, you are magnificent, you are the pride of Wuhan, the pride of the Yangtze River, the pride of China!