Romantic love, warmth, story telling, 2022 (75 selected sentences)
No one is strong for you
2023-07-25 22:54:28
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1. Love without love will never go bad.

2. Love has a wonderful magic power, which makes one person fall for another.

3. Complaining to the opposite sex is the most classic and poetic aphrodisiac in the world.

4. The love with tears is the most moving.

5. Happiness is not to live forever, to be rich in fish and meat, or to be powerful. Happiness is the fulfillment of every tiny wish in life. When you want to eat, you have to eat. When you want to be loved, someone will love you.

6. Love makes us have a distance, and distance makes us love forever.

7. Valentine's Day is coming. I want to send you roses, but the price is too expensive. I want to comfort you, but I haven't learned yet. I want to kneel down for you, but the ring is still in the safe. I can only send a message to chase you. Happy Valentine's Day.

8. Spring blossoms, let your youth bloom; Summer sun shines brightly, making your life brilliant; Golden autumn fruits, let you harvest happiness; The winter snow is romantic, making you tender as water; You are the best!

9. Love is my own. I'm no longer short of something.

10. With the hand of time, warm a bunch of flowers to warm the winter in the cold and thin winter.

11. Love, there is no name in the original, waiting before meeting, is its name.

12. In life, it should be like this, to beautify yourself while fragrant others.

13. When a person is in pain, he will remember that he has been in pain before.

14. She can fade, wither, whatever. But when I look at her, all tenderness comes to my heart.

15. I turned the whole world upside down just to straighten your reflection.

16. Three courses of tea, the first, bitter as life; The second way is sweet like love; The third way is as light as the breeze.

17. Honey, come back when you are tired or injured. I'm still waiting for you here.

18. I believed in the fairy tale you wrote, and I became the blue flower in the fairy tale.

19. I really like you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

20. A smile after forgetting is better than a sadness after remembering.

21. When you think about it, you will see thousands of rivers and mountains. When you think about it, you will see the vicissitudes of life

22. Loneliness is not born, but begins when you fall in love with someone.

23. The pain in the heart will be reduced if someone understands it; The tears in your eyes are worth it as long as someone hurts.

24. Let me live one second longer, let me be with you, and embrace the smell of lavender in the wind.

25. Crouching in the corner, waiting for the wound to heal, feeling free and easy to love, hate and lose.