After Reading Red Sun
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2023-11-14 05:19:17
fourth grade
reaction to a book or an article

"Red Sun" is a novel with the theme of the War of Liberation. It takes the two campaigns of Laiwu and Menglianggu as the background, describes the thrilling battle scenes, and depicts the heroic images of our senior commanders and many commanders.
The story mainly tells that the 74th Division of Chiang Kai shek's ace reorganization launched a second attack on Lianshui City in the late autumn of 1946. In order to preserve our strength, our army took the initiative to withdraw north. However, the enemy troops were very rampant. They joined 83 divisions and formed a force of 200000 people to invade the Yimeng Mountains in Shandong in an attempt to defeat our main force. But our soldiers are morale inspiring, brave and tenacious. However, in the battle, Lian Changshi Donggen was careless and fell into the treachery of the enemy's false surrender, which caused unnecessary losses to the troops. After the battle, he was intoxicated with victory and complacent.
The commander Shen Zhenxin criticized and educated him, making him realize his mistakes and actively correct them. In the subsequent Menglianggu battle, he was brave and resourceful, destroyed the enemy's command post, killed the enemy's division commander, annihilated the 74th division, and won the final victory.
After reading this book, I think we live in a happy era. Our happy life is the life and blood of the martyrs. We should cherish it, study hard, serve the motherland when we grow up, and make our due contributions to the motherland.