77 Idioms of War
Life is so hard that some lies are better not to be exposed
2023-06-26 04:58:51
Complete sentences

1. Fight with war: destroy with.

2. Stop fighting: stop or end.

3. Good Samaritan: Make peace and stop.

4. Hard work: refers to the achievements made under neutrality.

5. Wind and dust alarm: refers to the alarm of disturbances.

6. Militant: Abuse the force and levy at will.

7. Experienced in battle: refers to the test experienced for a long time.

8. Retreat: It means to stop arming and do nothing.

9. An eventful period: refers to the year when there are many accidents.

10. "Hurry in the Army": It refers to the urgent and busy military affairs in China.

11. Dragon's blood is black and yellow: It means fierce and blood flows into a river.

12. Cease: Cease, stop: stop. Stop or end.

13. Wind and dust change: wind and dust: the analogy is war chaos. It refers to disaster and chaos.

14. Panic: describe the scene of social chaos and insecurity during this period.

15. Leisure: leisure, leisure. Refers to the leisure time of Zai.

16. Stop fighting and scatter horses: stop fighting and return the fighting horses, which means the end.

17. The way to reduce the cooking range: hide the strength of your army in order to paralyze the enemy.

18. Big fight: on a large scale. It means to act in a big way.

19. Casting armour and eliminating weapons: melting iron armour weapons. By ending, we can achieve peace.

20. The company is in deep trouble. Disasters continue to occur year after year.

21. The disaster of military reform: military reform: weapons and armour, extended to. Refers to occurrence.

22. Stop fighting and promote benevolence: Stop: Stop. Benevolence: benevolent government. Stop and implement benevolent policies.

23. Trafficker: the instigator. Refers to people who profit from incitement.

24. War: weapons. Meet by force. It refers to solving problems with.

25. Defeat in the hand: the person who is defeated by himself or loses to himself in the competition.

26. Formation of grievance company: Formation of grievance: Formation of grievance; Company soldier: Fighting. It happens because of resentment.

27. Returning cattle to horses: herding cattle and horses for war. The metaphor is over, no more soldiers.

28. Sleeping with arms and armor: sleeping with arms and armor. To describe living in it often.

29. Yanjia Xibing: A: protective clothing worn in ancient warfare. Soldier: Weapons. stop it.

30. resorting to force: suing: litigation. Force: military force. Refers to conflict resolution.

31. Chidi Qianli: Chichi: Empty. Describe a natural disaster or a scene that causes a lot of land to become desolate.

32. Light action: light: thoughtless; Gange: Ancient weapons. Use force rashly to provoke.

33. Knife and gun warehousing: no, no armed equipment; Peace paralysis, disarmament, no alert

34. Conscientious and militaristic: militaristic: reckless. Abuse of force and wanton launch. It describes extreme belligerence.

35. Fighting everywhere: fighting: ancient weapons, metaphor. Describe the devastation everywhere.

36. Bloody dunes: ready to flow can float the hills. There are many dead and injured people in the metaphor.

37. War for war: continue to use the human, material and financial resources acquired in the war.

38. Storage of knives and guns: no, no armed equipment; Peace paralyzed, disarmed, not on alert.

39. Reveal shame and prosperity: Reveal: Reveal; Rong: Inadvertent words lead to humiliation and trouble.

40. The sound of gold leather: gold leather: weapons and armor. The sound of weapons colliding with armor. Means.

41. Scar of knife and arrow: the scar left after the wound of knife and arrow is cured. Describe the trauma left behind.

42. The difficulty of the arrow: the arrow and the stone are weapons of war. It refers to being attacked by a centaur in the middle.

43. Non war crimes: not their own crimes. It is generally used as an excuse for failure.

44. Fighting: fighting: weapons, refers to; Hustle and bustle: chaos. Describe the period of social unrest and chaos

45. Horn power: It refers to the situation of cooperating with each other and attacking the enemy, or dividing forces to contain the enemy.

46. Military chaos: famine and chaos: refers to the instability of social order. Describe the scene of social chaos and insecurity during this period.

47. Beacon fire: ancient frontier alarm fireworks. It is compared to war or. It refers to the continuous war.

48. The scourge of war: continuous disasters. The same as "a chain of wars"

49. Fighting: fighting: two weapons in ancient times. On a large scale. It means to act in a big way.

50. Between the armor and helmet: the armor and helmet worn by soldiers in ancient warfare. Borrow means in the middle or on the battlefield.

51. War after war: war: company: succession; Knot: associated. One after another, it has brought endless disasters.

52. Chu Boundary Han River: the boundary and river between the areas under the control of Chu and Han. Later is often compared to the front line.

53. Beacon fire rises all over the place: the flame burns from all directions. It describes that the border defense is not peaceful and the enemy invades everywhere.

54. Fighting: fighting: weapons, refers to; Hustle and bustle: chaos. Describe the turbulence and chaos of social order during the period.

55. Division, old people and poor people: Division, army; Old: Tired. The army is tired and the people are in distress. It describes years of tiring soldiers and making people suffer.

56. The chief culprit: the chief instigator; The culprit: the leader who caused the trouble. Refers to the culprit.

57. Exposed: exposed. The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild. A tragic scene favored by description or disaster.

58. The difficulty of the arrow: The arrow and the stone are weapons of ancient warfare. Difficult: Unfortunate experience. It refers to the danger in the middle.

59. Golden Goggle and Iron Horse: The horse is equipped with iron armor. Metaphor. It also describes the heroic posture of a soldier with a gun.

60. Cutting down crimes and suspecting people: cutting down: crusading. Hang: condolences. Criminalize and save the people. It is often used as a slogan for launching.

61. Bitter edge: edge: the tip of a knife or sword; Dysprosium: Arrow. It refers to the pain of cutting and shooting. Describe suffering.

62. The first song is "Volunteer": lead with "Advocacy"; Soldier: Fight. The first to launch justice.

63. The Golden Goggle and the Iron Horse: a metaphor. It also describes the heroic posture of a soldier with a gun. The same as "Golden Goggle and Iron Horse"

64. Willing to be the military leader: Willing, willing; For: do; Rong: military, expedition; Rong Shou: The instigator. Willing to be the mastermind.

65. Take the initiative to fight: put the weapons upside down, which means that there is no peace in the world. The same as "fighting against each other"

66. Original work: original work: shipment and collection; Gange: two weapons in ancient times. Collect the weapons. No longer resort to force.

67. Wait for work with ease: leisure: leisure; Lao: Tired. It refers to making full preparations in the middle, recuperating and waiting for the tired enemy to attack head-on.

68. Gange: ancient weapons. Refers to weapons. Za: Function words. Original: Gather and hide. Put your weapons away. It means no more use of force.

69. Rest: rest: where to maintain; Survival: population reproduction. It refers to reducing the burden of the people, stabilizing their lives and restoring their vitality after or after major social unrest.

70. Mutual development of military leather: military leather: weapons, clothing and armour, metaphor; Xing: Initiate. War broke out one after another. It describes that the current situation is unstable and wars are frequent.

71. Scattered soldiers: brave: refers to the soldiers temporarily recruited during the Qing Dynasty. It originally refers to the fugitive soldiers without a commander in chief. Existing refers to people who act alone in an unorganized collective team.

72. Drum failure and exhaustion: drum: battle drum sound; Fade: weak. The war drum sounds weak, and its power has been exhausted. Describe the tragic situation when you are close to failure. It also describes the slack at the end of the article.

73. To fight against the enemy: to turn the edge inward; Set: furnishings, placement; Gange: two weapons in ancient times, generally referring to weapons. Putting the weapon upside down is a metaphor for peace in the world.

74. Shangbing Famou: superior, extended to the best. Soldier: refers to the use of troops. Expedition: crusade, attack. Famou: To smash the enemy's tactics with tactics. The best way to use troops is to win by strategy.

75. Extinguishing criminals and hanging them from others: crusade against criminals and save the people. It is often used as a slogan for launching. "People" are regarded as "people" because they avoid Taizong's taboo. Same as "cutting down crimes and hanging people"

76. Chu River Han Boundary: The boundary where Chu (Xiang Yu) and Han (Liu Bang) faced each other when they fought. Later, the boundary between the two sides of the Chinese chess board was written with "Chu River and Han Dynasty", which is also a metaphor for the general front. Also known as "Chu Jiehan River"

77. "Breaking Axes": Poem · Bin Feng · Breaking Axes: "Breaking my Axes, but also missing my". Axes and "" generally refer to weapons. Later, the price must be paid in the description of "broken axe".