14 beautiful lines on Father's Day
Dream Love Night Star
2023-01-31 12:33:45
Complete Poems

1、 My father begets me, and my mother bows to me—— Anonymous Liao E

2、 My father and brother did not allow me to be my uncle—— Yu Yu's Palace Resentment

3、 My father and brother taught each other that we should not seek fame for gain—— Yuan Zhen's "Valuing Guests"

4、 The father ploughed the land and went to the field, while the son was desolate at the foot of the mountain—— Nie Yizhong's Tian Family

5、 When Sirius dies, father and son will be at ease—— Li Bai's "Youzhou Hu Ma Ke Song"

6、 Green insects are not easy to catch, and there is no fullness in Huangkou—— Bai Juyi's "Yan Poems Show Liu Old Man"

7、 When they came, their parents knew that they were separated from each other, and they put on their clothes like death—— Crossing the Liao River by Wang Jian

8、 My father has not returned to his grave yet. He has divided the gold into fields and houses—— Guan Xiu's Difficult Travel

9、 The father pitied his mother and could not slap her, but she gave birth to a silly smile—— Lu Tong's "Shi Tianding"

10、 Idiot children do not know the father and son ceremony, called Nusuo meal crow door east—— Du Fu's Collection of 100 Worries

11、 If the father and brother are in the same place, let them grow old—— Liu Jia's Ten Songs of Tang Yuefu: Lebian People

12、 My father learned that I was here, and Xiaoxuan opened it for you—— Su Shi's Farewell to Jane

13、 There are banners on the way to success, and the elders come from afar to follow—— Qian Liu's "Song of Returning Home from the Military System in the Brocade of Patrol"

14、 Pleasure respects my father and asks where I come from? Before the question and answer, drive the children to drink—— Du Fu's Gift to the Eight Guards