74 figurative sentences
Laugh at the world of mortals
2023-08-02 13:12:44

1. How wonderful it would be if one's soul could be as transparent and clear as that of rose blossoms!

2. A crescent moon is high in the dark blue sky, and the clear light like water shines on the earth.

3. At night, the full moon rose, and a tranquility was sprinkled on the earth with the silver mist like moonlight.

4. The sun flashed like a huge ruby, and dyed the water red.

5. Spring is like a writer, whose articles are full of poetic and picturesque flavor, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

6. Spring is like an alarm clock. It wakes the sleeping grass and adds a color to nature.

7. Spring is like a strong youth, with iron arms, waist and feet, leading us forward.

8. The moon opened her eyes wide and looked kindly at the villages and fields, which was very like a polished copper plate.

9. A friend is a beacon in the days of failure, silently dispelling the haze of your soul.

10. Childhood is the memory of forever floating sweet smell of rape flowers in the field to catch bees.

11. These tadpoles have big heads and big tails, like little girls' braids. They are black and beautiful!

12. On the grass beside the road, there are clusters of dandelions, small white flower balls in the shape of umbrellas, scattered in the wind.

13. The raindrop fell into the pond and made many ripples, just like a flower on the head of a goldfish.

14. The raindrop fell into the pond and rippled like a flower on the head of a goldfish.

15. A dim moon was emerging from the transparent clouds like cicada wings, shining with silver light.

16. The rosy clouds in the eastern sky are always changing, like frost maple, like pomegranate, like agate, like amber.

17. Friendship is like a bridge between us. With this bridge, we are more friendly.

18. Friendship is like a fine leaf falling with the wind, which forms a beautiful scenery in the golden autumn.

19. Friendship is a plum blossom standing in front of the snow, blooming and warming our hearts.

20. The grass is swaying under the gentle wind, as if it is singing and dancing quietly with the morning wind.

21. The spring breeze is like a kind mother, brushing your cheeks, making you feel comfortable and relaxed.

22. The moon rises silently from the center of the river, round and shiny, like a silver plate.

23. A friend is the cup of tea that wakes up at the beginning of the afternoon nap, which moistens every happy mood with infinite sweetness.

24. In late autumn, the withered and yellow leaves fall from the trees like flying yellow butterflies, and the ground is covered with fallen leaves.

25. Looking at the rose from a distance, it looks like a flaming fire in the sun and a bright sunset glow.

26. The sky there is always so blue and bright, like a sapphire washed with water.

27. A good book is a good society, which can cultivate people's feelings and temperament and make people noble.

28. He seemed to have suffered a great injustice. He was so excited that the big arteries around his neck could see the beating.

The full moon of the 29th and 15th Five Year Plan looks like a snowball, embedded in the dark blue dark blue night sky, which is particularly bright.

30. The river is as clear as a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the arms of the earth.

31. Spring is like a naughty child, driving away winter at once, and blowing warm wind at once.

32. The moon rises and glows like a red lantern on the eastern horizon.

33. The leaves of the rose flower slowly spread out, and a lot of whiskers like sheep mustaches grew out.

34. A friend is a heater in the cold winter, warming up every cold corner of your heart.

35. Childhood is like stars blinking happily, illuminating the heart of every lovely child.

36. When the reeds bloom, from a distance, the yellow and green reeds seem to be covered with a thick layer of snow.

37. Pea sized raindrops fell on the ground and splashed water, which looked like small fountains.

38. The girl's face suddenly burst into a smile, blushing like a drunken peony flower.

39. Rainwater flows down the eaves, beginning like broken beads, and gradually connecting into a line.

40. Childhood is like beautiful white clouds, which lead the knowledge of every child who wants to fly.

41. Childhood is like the stars in the sky. When I recall it, I always feel warm, but I can never go back.

42. The downy seeds of dandelion are flying in the air, as if they are saying goodbye to autumn.

43. The peach tree with thick mouth grows luxuriantly, and small peaches look like abacus beads.

44. The rain spreads from the sky to all corners. The raindrops are like crystal clear pearls. They are very beautiful.

45. A silver gray hovercraft, like a thoroughbred horse, flies across the glittering sea.

46. He picked a bunch of grapes like amethyst balls, and each one was so full that the sweet juice was almost flowing out.

47. The rain in summer is gunpowder, rumbling, rumbling! Hit the tree, how powerful the sound is.

48. A full moon is rising, and the silver moonlight reflects a few feather like light clouds, which is wonderful.

49. A crescent moon rose from the distant forest. It was as white as fresh silver.

50. When he said this, he was very excited. From his neck to his face, the veins in his temples were as thick as beans.

51. She is full of feelings, which like a flood that has opened the floodgate, overflow from her eyes and lips.

52. Small raindrops, like small crystals, silently fall to the ground and splash small water.

53. This sentence seems to be a beam of warm sunshine shining directly into my heart, soothing my injured young soul.

54. A bunch of grapes are long, green and transparent, as if they were carved out of crystal and jade.

55. The night sky is full of stars, and the moon is like a fishing boat, as if sailing in a wide silver river.

56. I stood in front of the window and watched the rain quietly. The rain was like a broken bead, dripping down.

57. I stood in front of the window and looked at the rain silently. The rain was like a broken bead, dripping down.

58. Spring is like a little angel who loves to help others. It makes trees wear new clothes, and it makes small trees grow tall and strong.

59. Winter snow is like a crystal clear elf, flipping playfully on the mountainside and falling on the earth.

60. Her white jade like face glowed like pomegranate flowers, and she was intoxicated by people's admiration for her beauty.

61. Spring is like a pair of wonderful hands, pulling out small flowers and grass from the soil, and pulling out the buds from the branches.

62. The leaves of Chinese rose are shiny, fresh and attractive. They seem to be self-defense weapons.

63. The reeds are blossoming, and the reeds are fluttering, white and soft, like clusters of light feathers, swaying in the wind.

64. After the rain, the grass field and wild flowers are blooming like a flower scarf that has just been soaked in water. Even the dew is colorful!

65. Snowflakes are flying in the air. They are like happy notes, dancing out the warmest picture in winter.

66. The rising moon hung over the mountain top. Although it was as pale as a cloud, it became brighter every moment.

67. Spring is like a shy girl, hiding and hiding; Spring is like a baby, small and lovely.

68. The bright moon like a jade plate hangs high in the light blue sky. The moonlight pours down like flowing water, and the earth is silvery white.

69. The excited look is like an art collector getting a priceless famous painting by chance.

70. Raindrops roll down the grass's stem, one drop into the soil, another into the grass's mouth, and can't be found.

71. There is only a small part of the glow left, which is like a dog eating the moon. Little by little, it disappears in the western sky.

72. A gentle wind blew, and the roses swayed in the wind. The whirling shadows were like a young girl dancing.

73. The moon is like a newly married daughter-in-law. As soon as it comes up from the east, it shyly goes into the leaves of the tree and hides.

74. The first crescent moon hanging on the treetop west of the door has turned into a golden watermelon instead of a curved eyebrow.