90 words of blessing to the company in 2021
Keep up with money
2023-02-21 15:02:23
SMS Collection

1、 After a year of hard work, we can get together happily and happily. Success and failure follow it, and we can climb new buildings in the new year! I wish the year 2020 will be smooth and the career and life will be better!

2、 Today, we will hold a meeting as usual. The host is happy, the theme is health, the focus is peace, and the summary is happiness. Remember to take minutes of the meeting, go back to study hard, and have a happy New Year.

3、 At the end of the year, everything will start from the beginning, and at the end of the year, we will sum up the gains and losses, the successes and failures, turn our heads into empty, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, and the past, pray for the coming year, sow hope, and harvest happiness!

4、 Home is an eternal harbor and a place that will always contain you. At this happy moment when the whole family is celebrating and reuniting, I would like to say hello to my closest relatives and friends for the Spring Festival. Happy New Year!

5、 Solar terms alternate and temperature difference changes; Watch out for flu in cold weather; Add more clothes at the right time; Not to lose weight, but to keep warm; Care sent, SMS wishes: safe and happy, healthy New Year!

6、 2020 weave flower baskets to create success and harvest. Come to 2020 with flower baskets to make flowers like brocade. Wish you all the best in the Year of the Dragon!

7、 Before I met you, the world was a wasteland. After I met you, the world was a paradise. The past years were like a wisp of smoke to me, and the future life was full of happiness because of you. New Year is meaningful for you!

8、 Good wine, sweet and bitter, is good for brothers and sisters. It's hard to get together at the end of the year. The new year will go hand in hand. Good luck and good fortune will always be there. Let's get together again in 2020 and look back with laughter! Wish 2020 a happy year!

9、 No gifts will be given this holiday. The clockwork message wishes you a happy family. Everyone has good health. The Spring Festival food should be reasonable. Going out safely should be the first. Be tolerant when things happen, and be happy!

10、 2020 In order to hide your shadow for a long time, I will put another lock on my heart in the deep winter. 2020 In this joyful day, I seem to hear my voice again from the lock eyes. I wish tomorrow will be better.

11、 2020 is a year of hard work, sweat, hard work, achievements, joy, and ushering in 2020. We are willing to continue our success and have a broader future.

12、 In the good year of 2020, there will be achievements in studies, a beginning in career, help from friends, guidance from relatives, and no need to worry about money. May 2020 be a good omen, and good luck will continue to make achievements. We should work hard to refuel.

13、 2020 is about to pass. 2020 is coming. Looking back on a year, we will downplay gains and losses, look down on success and failure, and forget joys and sorrows. Facing the New Year, let go of the burden, rekindle hope, activate power, and rebuild brilliance!

14、 New plan, new hope, new luck and new happiness in the New Year. The new year is coming again. I send you a message form to wish you happiness here. May you be happy and have fun. Wish you a happy New Year in advance!

15、 The end of the year is coming again. With the glory of 2010, we welcome the beauty of 2020. What you treasure is memory, what you forget is worry, so that the happiness of 2010 will be in line with the happiness of 2020, and life will be wonderful every day!

16、 It's the end of the year when the temperature drops, so you can be assured of cold prevention and warmth. Send a special gift package message, and don't forget to receive it quickly. Health accompanies you to breakfast, happiness takes you to work, happiness accompanies you every day, and peace reads you every minute!

17、 Look back to 2020. Pay, forget fatigue. Once you have gained, don't worry about gains and losses. Laugh and cry, cherish the present. Disappointed, hope is still there. Friend, 2020 is coming, happiness and happiness are beckoning to you.

18、 The New Year is coming, and the New Year's greetings are early. The first worship is good for the whole family, the second worship is less difficult, the third worship is trouble free, the fourth worship is not old, the fifth worship is filial piety, the sixth worship is happiness, the seventh worship is sorrow free, the eighth worship is high income, the ninth worship is safety shield, and the tenth worship is happy and carefree.

19、 We saw off 2020, ushered in 2020, and reviewed 2020. We paid, we gained, we worked hard, and we laughed. Looking forward to 2020, we will have a bright future and achieve a brilliant tomorrow!

20、 Success at the end of the year is a harvest. We should be more ambitious in the past years. We should let go of our entanglements, relax our mood, face our ideals, and be brave in the future. We are willing to sum up our failures, experience our experiences, and strive to achieve success again.

21、 In the twinkling of an eye, we are busy with annual accounts and how much we have gained. We should know that gains and losses are all blessings. We will continue to be busy next year! At the end of 2020, I sincerely wish my friends a happy mood and welcome 2020!

22、 2020 is about to turn the page. How much joy we can gain on the way of growth. 2020, let the memory no longer wander, let the happiness no longer lonely, let the dream no longer confused, let the face with a smile, and start a new course.

23、 At the end of the year, the shopping mall has been engaged in a price war. The preparation work should be sufficient. The shopping shop should carefully select the goods. Be careful not to get caught in the trap. The shopping list should be in the forefront of shopping. The shopping mall should be calm, the food and supplies should be transported home, and the heart should be happy for the New Year.

24、 At the end of the year, take stock of the harvest, bury the disappointment, guard the hope, abandon the disappointment, cherish the possession, and ignore the loss; In the new year, open your mind, reconstruct your blueprint, broaden your horizon, continue your struggle, ignite, and create new brilliance!

25、 This is the season of farewell, and all the troubles of 2020 are polished; This is a time of transformation, and the hard work of 2020 will not be in vain! On the occasion of the coming of 2020, I wish you all the best and a happy New Year!

26、 In view of your good performance last year, the New Year is coming, and the fortune will continue to favor you, good luck will flow to you, and luck will come to you frequently. If you forward this message to your friends, happiness will follow you forever!

27、 With the turning over of the old calendar, mistakes and mistakes have passed; Progress and harvest are also far away. When the New Year bell rings, I wish you to stick to your dreams and hopes; Grasp the opportunity and fate; Embrace glory and happiness!

28、 2020 is the end of a year of sadness and pain, and a year of haze and resentment. The year 2020 has come, with happiness, fortune and peach blossom. Good luck in 2020!

29、 In 2020, flowers will bloom everywhere, and my love will also blossom; 2020, the land of China, my career is also smooth; 2020, youth is invincible, go ahead bravely and never give up! 2020, I will continue to be the best myself!

30、 Summarizing the experience of 2020, I don't want to fall twice in the same place in 2020. Share the lessons of 2020, and hope to seriously operate 2020 and harvest a good year. In 2020, I wish you success.

31、 The bell of the New Year is about to ring, and 2020 is about to kick off. In the past year, we have been in the same boat through ups and downs, resulting in higher performance; In the new year, we will make persistent efforts to create brilliance. Wish you good health and happiness!

32、 2020 is another year. Time is running out. There are joys and sorrows in summing up the past. There are many worries and troubles; After all the hardships, we will reap the fruits of our career and friendship. Looking forward to the coming year, I hope my career will be smooth, no worries and no worries!

33、 At the end of 2020, we will bring a cornucopia filled with a year's harvest, put it in the warehouse, empty the basin from scratch, and wish friends your basin of 2020: happy events, happy bags, healthy and happy!

34、 Enterprises are my family, and development depends on everyone. The new year starts with two hands. Pay attention to performance and money at the same time. Based on their own duties, innovate in tradition. Devote to the post and strive to be ahead of the times. Embark on a new journey and welcome new glory.

35、 Wipe away yesterday's tears, heal yesterday's sadness, bid farewell to 2020, take yesterday's achievements, take yesterday's glory, and welcome 2020, my friend, in this new year, I hope you will reap success, joy, and happiness!

36、 There is not much to gain, sum up, pay, encourage, feel, strengthen, experience, think about, live a prosperous year, and live a new life in the New Year. 2020 will be happier.

37、 The year 2020 is over. Because of your hard work, I hereby give you a pitaya fruit. I only hope you will be healthy and vigorous in 2020; The days are prosperous, the happiness is good, the career style is glorious, and all faces are exquisite!

38、 The past 2020 is simple but extraordinary, with sweat and success; We have paid sincerity and gained feelings. In the future 2020, we will bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, quit our troubles and welcome happiness; Give up disease and welcome health.

39、 Looking back to 2020: success cannot hide the desire for struggle, and failure cannot stop the pursuit. Looking forward to 2020: we should also move towards the ideal direction, and finally reach the peak of life! Wish you a wonderful life and brilliant career in 2020!

40、 The fragrance of flowers can't equal your rich fruits, and the sweetness of wine can't equal your outstanding achievements. Happy applause rings around you, and successful smiles bloom on your face. May you continue to work hard and make brilliant achievements in the new year!

41、 Feeling your beauty, nostalgia for your happiness, aftertaste of your warmth, and summary of your efforts, 16 years have come to an end, thank you for your care and company, and wish you good health, smooth work, happy every day, and all the best in 17 years.

42、 Get together, get together, get together, get together, sum up, go through 11, experience wind and rain, increase friendship, harvest achievements, welcome 12, willing to continue cooperation, success, unity and harvest.

43、 In 2020, success and failure have all been experienced. The good and bad are all over. Happiness and sadness are gone with the wind. In general, we have gained a lot! 2020, wish us good health, career development, family happiness and prosperity of the motherland!

44、 You can't act casually, you can follow your heart in the past, you can't walk casually, you can see things according to circumstances, you can't grasp everything from beginning to end, you can look at the time, you can't take back 16, you can be brave 17, the time still passes, the time still comes back, I hope you can create another wonderful.

45、 The direction of life can't be tortuous, the guidance of dreams can't be confused, the passage of time can't be stopped, the sky in the future is full of hope, the experience of 2020, sum up the new strength, meet the light of 2020, and wish success to fly with you.

46、 After a year of harvest, I hope that you can take the lead in the new direction, grasp the new power, correct the new goal, and stabilize the new dream. I hope that 17 years of hard work will create new achievements, strive for new dreams, and I hope that your 17 will be brilliant.

47、 The good performance in 2020 depends on everyone's cooperation. When encountering difficulties, we can shoulder them together and share the joy of victory. The new vision of 2020 still needs you and me to unite and forge ahead and work together to boost new power! Wish you a better year in 2020!

48、 2020, my deepest yearning, let the wind carry my best wishes and fill your sweet dreams. I wish you a brighter and more brilliant 2020, and I hope you will be happy every day in 2020!

49、 As we bid farewell to the glory created yesterday, the memory of our concerted efforts is still shining; Look at today's impressive success, and the scene of our close cooperation has been pulled into the past; To welcome the brilliant prosperity of tomorrow, shake hands with integrity, invite each other to unite, and wish our tomorrow will be better.

50、 On the last day of 2020, sow the seeds of happiness, use the sunshine of friendship to fertilize the fertile soil of life, and water the happy drops. When the flowers bloom in the warm spring of 2020, let me verify this tree of love! I wish you happiness!

51. It's not easy to work hard for a year. Today, we gather together to raise our glasses to the success of "16". We are very excited. I wish you all good health, good luck, happy work and great achievements in the 17 years. The company will create another brilliant future in the coming year and create miracles in the Year of the Rooster.

52. In the summary of 2020, I met many setbacks and happiness, learned to grow happily in tears, heard, saw, and gained a lot, and matured a lot. 2020 will go further with the harvest of 2020, believe you and me, and I wish you to fly higher!

53. At this happy moment, at this summing up time, I hope you will reward your body, liberate your mood, sum up your experience, grow your own 16, drink your friendship, and talk about your happiness. I hope you will work harder and create more glory.

54. Achievement comes from diligence, success comes from cooperation, wealth comes from creation, friendship comes from sincerity, strength comes from team, and happiness comes from harmony. 2020 is coming to an end. I hope our company will go to a higher level next year, and everyone will be happy and busy working.

55. Unconsciously, 16 has come to an end. Work and life have come to an end. Calculate achievements and experiences. Carefully sum up 16, calculate happiness and happiness, conclude 16 happiness, calculate goals and directions, take 17 as far as possible, calculate life and journey, and continue to go far in the future.

The year 56 and 2020 will soon become the past tense. The harvest of sweat will soon become the past perfect tense. The year-end summary is in the present continuous tense. The year 2020 is the general future tense of hope. I wish you to cherish your time, forge ahead and write a wonderful future.

57. In 2020, if you want to make a fortune, work is too hard; Depending on stocks, there are risks; Winning the lottery is too slim; It may be illegal to speculate. In 2020, I hope you can make money by honest labor. I hope you can be calm, worry free, and money free. I wish you happiness.

58. At this moment, we are filled with emotion. The old year has passed, and the new year has come. Looking forward to the future, we are waiting for a better day to struggle. We hope that in the new year, we can continue to withstand the test, overcome difficulties, and make the company's business shine again!

59. 2+0=1+12020 Gain=pay, study hard+correct attitude=excellent performance, work hard+sweat=appreciation of the boss, and pay more. In 2020, giving is equal to twice the harvest. Work hard, and next year will be more beautiful flowers!

60. In 2020, life will be beautiful, and one year's hard work will lead to fruitful returns. Sweat, bleed, and not cry. The company's performance has developed, and a lot of bonuses have been returned. Parents, wives and children smile and meet friends again in the New Year. I hope you will work hard again in 2020, and be a golden tortoise!

61. Thank you, 16 years of support, bless you, 16 years of care, remember you, 16 years of friendship, warm you, 16 years of help, may good luck cover you, good fortune surround you, opportunities surround you, wealth embrace you, and may you be happy and successful in 17 years.

62. Looking back on the year that is going to pass, I can't help feeling a lot. I have experienced setbacks, learned to be strong, and learned to work hard after failure. 2020 is coming, so we should lift our spirits, start from scratch, lay the foundation with strength and efforts, and create our own beautiful future.

63. Happy New Year Exercises: shake your head, clap your hands, and you will live to 99! Twist, jump, worry, no luck! Lift your legs and waist; Your money is full! Blink your eyes, smile, and happiness will come! Take out your mobile phone and squint, New Year's greetings come early!

The sixty fourth and sixteen year journey is full of thorns, leaving bitter memories, the heart of 16 years of growth is full of vicissitudes, leaving a tender feeling of regret, the brilliant smile of 16 years is full of maturity, leaving a happy blessing, blessing full of 17 years: happiness surrounds your life! Success accompanies your work!

65. 2020 is not flat; We have paid hard work and gained fruitful partners; Paying sweat and gaining success; I made great efforts and got the transcript; Looking back on the past year, I am pleased to make a wish at the same time: continue to work hard to shed sweat, adhere to good work in 2020, and strive for glory forever!

Sixty-six. We have worked hard and gained success and joy; Hard work and hard work, achievements and joy; Pay persistence and perseverance, and gain achievements and gains; Looking back on 2020, it is really hard and tiring. I hope 2020 will be simpler and more brilliant!

67. Failure is the end of the weak and the starting point of the strong. No one will fail forever unless he gives up. At this time of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, everyone should make new preparations. Instead of regretting the past, it is better to work hard for the future. Come on! You are strong and my heroes.

68. Happiness and pain; Sweat, tears; There is hard work and harvest. In the past year, we have tasted all the flavors of life and made certain achievements. In the new year, we will continue to work hard, start from a new starting line, and use our labor to cultivate more fruitful results. come on.

69, 2020, flat and light. Year after year, day after day. Sweat and look forward to success. Plant the ideal and wait for the harvest. The four seasons come and go. 2020, as promised. I wish you hard work and don't slack off. Grit your teeth and challenge yourself. Take a step further.

Seventy, I have sighed about the helpless years, the flowers can not stay in bloom, I have sighed about the life like water, the moon can not control the full moon, I have thanked the emotional friendship, the true feelings can not stop, I have been moved by the hard work, and I can not stop moving forward. The goal of 17 is farther, the happiness of 17 is longer, and the future of 17 is willing to be crazy without limit.

71. Only with everyone can there be 16 achievements. Only with everyone's unity can there be 16 successes. Today's celebration is due to everyone's efforts. Today's summary, I hope you will enjoy it. The success of the new year still depends on everyone. I hope you will work together and work hard to create new achievements for the company.

Seventy two, wash your hands and face to wash away the bad luck of the year and usher in new luck; Eat spicy food, eat delicious food all over the world, and develop a good appetite; Housing, living in the World Building, enjoying the beautiful life; Traveling in mountains and rivers, you can see wonders all over the world and broaden your horizon; May 2020 carry forward the success of 2020.

73. Light up the sky in 2020 with a smiling face in 2020, wash the scenery in 2020 with tears in 2020, choose the way to 2020 with a yearning prospect in 2020, and convey blessings and feelings with a string of clear songs in 2020: I wish you and I can achieve everything in 2020!

Seventy four. I pray for happiness for you every day, wish you peace every month, and think about making you happy every season. This is all my work in 2020. Since 2020 has come, I have decided to continue to carry forward the spirit of 2020 and give myself a new task in addition. I wish you all the best every time.

Seventy five, 2020 I quit smoking, lonely but always accompany around, others sweet and touching, when will my lover return? 2020 I will quit drinking, but my happiness will not last long. I will sit alone in an empty room and miss my wife forever! My wife, you have worked hard. In 2020, I will always wait for you to go home and be happy together!

76. The company is a ship, sailing in the ocean of economy. The boss and staff worked together. In the stormy waves, we passed 16 ports and welcomed 17 ports that we yearned for. I wish the company's ship will carry us farther and farther together. I wish you more treasure on this ship's route!

Seventy seven, 2020 has become the past. If there is a wound, I wish you an early healing and a new life towards 2020; If you are negative and decadent, I hope you will always look forward and cheer up for 2020; Empty and boring, wasted time, may you ignite the ideal in your heart, let its light guide you into 2020.

The memory of 78 and 2020 is a kind of feeling. May all our memories be sweet; The release of 2020 is a kind of friendship. May all happiness surround you; May your wealth be like a fat pig; Body stick, strong like a bear; Love is sweet and beautiful like a bee; Good luck again and again, as much as cattle hair!

Seventy nine, 2020, we have achieved two goals: performance improvement, wage increase, and elimination of a phenomenon: there is no violation of discipline, and we have also won two firsts: unity first, effort first, and 2020. We will add one first based on 2020: performance first, and the New Year 2020, cheers!

80, 2020, I am a busy cowboy, eager to learn, roaming the sea of books, learning knowledge; In 2020, I am a superman who can't fly, save the ideal, and work hard; In 2020, I will be a happy child, deepening family ties, strengthening friendship and finding love. 2020, I hope I can be more happy.

81. I put my tears in the pages of old books, I wrote my joy in the flying jasmine in spring, and I placed my sadness in the snow in winter. 2020, after experiencing joy, sadness, and growth, let us forget, forget 2020, unload the burden on our hearts, and gently wait for the arrival of 2020!

Eighty two, 2020, with tears streaming down my face, I have been sad, bitter, and lost; 2020 Smile, joy, sweetness and harvest; 2020, remember the kindness, leave happiness and preserve the touch; 2020, forget the injury, throw away the pain, delete the depression. Wish you happiness forever in 2020!

83. Go to the gate of 2020, at the gate, cut off the worries of 2020, wash away the dust of 365 days, forget all the merits and demerits, put on a "blessing mantra" and often recite it. Your 2020 must be happy: little difficulties, little obstacles, big dreams, and much happiness!

Eighty four, in 2020, Shenzhou 8 was launched, the Harmony was derailed, Gao Xiaosong was jailed, and finally the United States was shot. In 2020, we can't look back, there is loss, there is confusion, there is sadness, there is disappointment. But in 2020, let's stick to our original dream. No matter how difficult the new year is, we should always keep hope in our hearts!

Eighty five, 2020, all the things that should be busy are busy. All the things that should be passed through are busy, and Bajie will no longer chase Chang'e. Because 2020, it is time for Bajie to chase Little Dragon Girl. Your ideas should be busy. It is also time to plan new goals like Bajie. I also wish you well. Step by step, the goal will be achieved! Come on 2020!

86. Because of your courage, 2020 will give you confidence, because of your dedication, 2020 will give you greatness, because of your loyalty, 2020 will give you happiness, because of your diligence, 2020 will give you happiness, because of your efforts, 2020 will give you success, because of your perseverance, 2020 will give you blessings: may your life be sweet and beautiful! I wish you every success in your career!

Eighty seven. Heroes are straightforward, while villains are always worried. Heroes always aspire, while villains always aspire. At this time of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, and at this time of inheriting the past and opening up the future, you bid farewell to the sweat of yesterday, usher in the fruits of today, and move towards the glory of tomorrow. Be frank and stand tall, and celebrate the New Year. You are the hero in my mind, the purple air comes from the east, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Good things again and again, another year!

Eighty eight, 2020 is going to die, and the last "dinner" will "pack" disappointment, "carry" sadness, "swallow" trouble, and reap hope, happiness and growth. 2020, work harder, wish you success in your career and happiness in your family.

89. 2020 is "troublesome": happiness always revolves around, and happiness accompanies you; The spring breeze always blows on my face, and the sunshine spreads in my heart; God of Wealth is lucky to earn money every day; The moon old man came down to find me and said he would send me a happy companion! Hehe, 2020 is coming, I hope it will continue to be so troublesome!

90. I heard that in 2020, worries will "go bankrupt", losses will "go bankrupt", and sorrows will "demolish". In 2020, hope will "build new buildings" and happiness will "prosper". To bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, I wish you more success and good luck in 2020.