Sentences about sticking to love Eight words about love (76 selected sentences)
Begonia fragrance
2023-03-08 23:52:36
Complete sentences

1. Revolutionary morality does not fall from the sky. It is developed and consolidated from daily unremitting struggle and exercise, just as jade becomes brighter and gold becomes more refined.

2. I love you: I don't want much, a glass of water, a piece of bread, a word I love you; If you are extravagant, I hope: water is poured by you, bread is cut by you, and I love you is what you said to me

3. The train glides silently on the railway track, the snow sleeps on the wilderness with dreams, and your face is chasing after me quickly; The sun is bright and beautiful, and your charming lips are like roses, quietly revealing their beauty to me at night with the fall of locust flowers!

4. Some people say that deep love is humble. Yes, love to the deep, this love must mean true love or love, and humble, must also be a modest and tolerant heart.

5. Health examination before marriage and intelligence test when in love!

6. I can't write beautiful words to express my love for you, but I have been thinking of you in my heart. You said that as long as you know each other well, you will have a good understanding. I still like to stand in the wind, but no longer lost.

7. To succeed in this world, we must persevere in the end: we cannot let go until we die.

8. Our meeting may be the continuation of a story that has never been predestined or completed in a previous life. Any effort, no right or wrong, no consideration of whether it is worth it or not.

9. In addition to expressing, there are many ways to like someone. I want to use the most beautiful words in the world to express my love in my heart; However, when I am shy and silent in front of you, do you understand my love.

10. The fire of love ignites in our hearts, and we will be melted together from now on.

11. Miss you, but dare not contact you! I love you, but I dare not tell you! I hate you, but I can't forget you! This is love!

12. Indeed, I really let you not forget, especially my unique beauty. Every time you think of me in a daze, it's like we have endless happiness together.

13. If there is predestination, time and space are not distances, and if there is no predestination, we cannot always meet; Don't care too much about everything, let alone insist, just let everything go.

14. Therefore, when the sky is about to take on a great task, people must first suffer their own mental hardships, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies. They will act in a disorderly way, so they will be patient and strengthen their abilities.

15. Your breath exists in my love, maybe the more fascinated the more simple love.

16. Learn some ways to spoil men, or how to kill so many boring men!

17. We have never complained about the unfairness of God, just silently strive to encourage each other. Because we believe that only hard work can get what we need. Sincerely thank you for accompanying me along the way.

18. Some pain, I can't resist, love to the depths, let the world revolve sigh. Is there a kind of love that can travel through time and distance in a twinkling. Without you, I would rather be stubborn and naturalized all the way.

19. A game of life and death, write an ending for our story.

20. How are you doing now? If you don't live well, I will be relieved

21. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

22. Yes, I am happy, but I still can't forget those days that have passed away: silently looking at your photos, carefully appreciating your eyes, hair, and even every cell... At this time, there is always a sweet feeling of missing and daydreaming that is as deep as the current.

23. Not every effort will yield, but every effort must yield, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

24. People who really love you will not leave you even if they lose their lives. People who change their minds cannot be replaced with their lives.

25. It is not easy to fake love that shows from the eyes!

26. Sometimes I take out your photos at night and look at them over and over, as if you were beside me, so in love.

27. Looking up at the sky, we can see the smoke and clouds, and the sound is far away. Only the lingering attachment in our mind always presents an intoxicating fragrance in our thoughts, which is given to the flowing water and speechless in retrospect.

28. Gou Youheng, why get up at the third hour and sleep at the fifth hour; It is most useless to be afraid of ten cold days in one day.

29. When you were holding a plate of cheap strawberries, you knelt on one knee and said, "Marry me!"! So I became a bride. Because the strawberry is too cheap, I ask you for a kiss every day

30. Men can't give everything to women, but women always laughably think that men can give them a planet. The woman forced the man into a rocket, roaring to another planet --- the arms of another beautiful woman, and the original woman would scold the man

31. One day, ten days. The rope cuts through the wood, and the drop of water wears through the stone.

32. Because we love someone with all our heart and feel that we are alive, this is the greatest reward we can get from love. As for the other party, how much love they can return to us is not the most important.

33. The space formed by singing is free to come and go in time, so the face of the person who is still protecting has never changed and there is a huge and endless hatred

34. Don't give up because your parents oppose you. You will find that the love you give up for this reason will be your lifelong regret.

35. Love is not selfish, love is not demanding, love is not extravagant, love is dedication, love is giving, love is waiting.

36. The memory is that the water poured into the palm will flow clean drop by drop from your fingers no matter you spread it or hold it tightly.

37. Love is not a game, because we can't afford it. Love is really giving, forget that you can't really do it. No matter where I go, I think I should keep a pure beauty in my heart.

38. Men's habit is to say "I want you" with vigor and vitality; When saying "I love you", I feel powerless!