I hate rainy days. 69 sentences
Why go far without dreams
2023-02-10 03:02:03
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1、 Hate thunder and rain.

2、 It rained early in the morning and remained single.

3、 Walking in the rain with an umbrella.

4、 When it rains, I slip on the ground and fall down.

5、 Splendid rainbow, always after rain and sunshine.

6、 When it rains every day, I am bored to death.

7、 In rainy days, I like to have my hair covered, which is more atmosphere!

8、 Trapped in a city that guards you, be a king without authority.

9、 That night, you held an umbrella for her, but you forgot that I was also afraid of rain.

10、 Listening to the crackling rain outside the window, the world is quiet.

11、 I'm not used to holding an umbrella for you on a muddy rainy day.

12、 In fact, I prefer that rainy days will always be a classic old song.

13、 Rain, rain with me cry, can not see, I do not want to see.

14、 On rainy days, I suddenly want to go out in the rain to wake up.

15、 It rains in every city, just like I miss you wherever I go.

16、 When it rains, you can take an umbrella; When it rains, what should we do.

17、 The rain fell silently, and all I heard was the whimpering of the fallen soul in the clouds.

18、 The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves where I hide from the rain with you.

19、 The heavy rain was whipped by the wind like countless whips.

20、 I would rather run alone in the heavy rain than throw myself into your hypocritical embrace.

21、 When you want to cry, you can only cry enough in rainy days, and you can only smile in front of people.

22、 I hate rainy days. If I can't find my favorite umbrella, I will get wet.

23、 You said you would be my umbrella, but where is your man now when it's raining?

24、 At midnight, people want to cry the most because that is the most lonely time.

25、 You chose the road, you chose the people, and I will wait to see how regretful you are.

26、 It's raining again this day, waiting for the Shenma bus. Everyone arrived at the station and the bus was still in sight.

27、 This day, it's raining again. Wait for the Shenma bus. Everyone arrived at the station and the bus was still in sight.

28、 On rainy days, I just want to stay at home, listen to music to ease my mood, and find someone to accompany me.

29、 Just like I hold an umbrella in countless sunny days, God will not pity me for giving me a rainy day.

30、 No matter it's windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, there will be only you in the eyes.

31、 The sky is gray, you are not alone in sorrow; When it rains, you are not alone in crying.

32、 Finally, the whole world was covered by the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. After letting Hua thank him, the mountains and rivers would never be left.

33、 After many trials and hardships, who knows how to suffer? The past is hard to follow. Looking back at old friends, it is lonely.

34、 Like the rain, because of comfort. Like the rain, just because of happiness. Like the rain, because it is like me sad.

35、 Every time I listen to the sound of rain, my mood is extremely calm, with a trace of sadness in the calm.

36、 Gradually like the rainy day, holding an umbrella, listening to the sound of rain dripping on the umbrella.

37、 When it rains, you need to hold an umbrella on your head to cover the sky that can be seen everywhere.

38、 Where on earth are you invisible? Is it right that I can reach it only by following the petals falling in the rain.

39、 When it rains, you are in a bad mood. There is no sunshine. Take an umbrella when you leave the house. Maybe you will get sick.

40、 I like rain. I like to stand in the rain and get wet, because no one knows even if you cry.

41、 If you want to leave me, please choose a rainy day, so that you won't see my tears rushing down.

42、 Remember, one rainy day, you said you would hurt me very much, and now, it's raining again, taking away all our vows.

43、 Make a cup of tea and sit at the window quietly watching the rain falling outside the window. The air is filled with a fresh air.

44、 "Walking in the Rain" This song comes to mind every time it rains. I like it when it rains. Every sad child can understand it.

45、 Today's rain is a bit complicated, as if it is crying, intermittent and long, and the people under it are also upset.

46、 In the evening, the light rain rose from drizzle to drizzle. It was really cool.

47、 There are rainy days in one's life, but it will always be sunny after rain. A good friend is an umbrella. No matter it's sunny or rainy, he will accompany you.

48、 I sent a message saying: It thunders when it rains. I'm afraid of thunder. I immediately replied to her with a smile, which is hypocrisy.

49、 Inexplicable happiness, inexplicable unhappiness; Need a reason? Happy: Can the weather be good today. Unhappy: Does it rain today.

50、 The low oxygen content in humid air is easy to make people lose their spirits. In addition, the skin will also be upset when it comes to moist air.

51. Raindrops, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, gently drift through the hair without knowing it, or the green tiles on the roof knock out crisp notes.

52. In my heart, there is a plum rain, which doesn't seem to fade away with age. Let it fall, in my sentimental life.

53. When it rained after school, I gave my umbrella to her to cheat me. Besides, she took the umbrella and smiled at me, then gave it to him and walked out of the school together.

54. The autumn rain was like smoke and fog, silently falling on the rubble piles in the open space. The withered branches and withered leaves wetted the ground, the house and the trees.

55. The rain splashes clothes, caresses the face, and stands alone on the top of the mountain. For who knows, there are thousands of tears, or tears or rain, and I don't care. I just want to hear his heart from afar.

56. Rainy days are the time for me to cry out because no one can see my missing in my heart. Rainy days are the time for happiness to go away because of you. Tired of having me around.

Fifty seven, I waited for a rainy day... but it was cloudy and humid; Tired of waiting, give up waiting.

58. Silent rain is better than sound; The funny rain is really pleasing. You can walk around outdoors without wearing raincoats. The rain is like honey and wine, nourishing the soul.

59. The rain mercilessly slapped my window and aroused scattered water spray. Suddenly, I felt very depressed, as if every impact of them hit my heart.

60. The wind suddenly became cold and whistling, trying to break into the thick collar. The continuous light rain came from time to time, and knocked down on the passers-by's colorful umbrella, which made people yawn and yawn.

61. It's raining again. Gradually, it's raining more and more heavily. The water on the road is a little higher, and the rain has stirred up a circle of ripples. The rain fell on the roof again with a crisp sound.

62. Rainy days are a kind of feeling. I don't know when I fell in love with rainy days. I only know that every rainy day has a different feeling, and every rainy day before, in and after rain also gives people a different taste. This may be a kind of expectation, to feel the world of rainy days at will.

63. Rain, the naughty elf, always flirts with sensitive people and triggers deep feelings in his heart. Sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter, sometimes sour, sometimes salty. Gazing at the rain alone, I always have an unspeakable feeling, very familiar, very far away.

Sixty four, I always like to raise my neck, sing and taste the fine rain. The rain flowers are blooming on the gravel road, full of beauty. With joy, it gathers into a clear stream, moistens the earth, and in a soft and quiet place, it flows a little leisurely feelings.

65. Listen! When the rain falls on the roof, it is like playing percussion music. When the rain came to the pond, "ding ding ding" was singing, and small water splashes were splashed on the water surface, which looked like the dancing of water flower girls.

Sixty six. The passers-by in twos and threes on the road walked quickly with their umbrellas. Their passing eyes did not understand my sadness. My sadness is that of a person. I just want to walk in the rain alone. I don't want them to know my sadness. The rain drops slide down my hair and across my eyes like tears.

Sixty seven. I didn't know that when I died, when I gazed at the sky, it turned out to be so bleak. With the cry of graupel and snowbird, I swept away obliquely. I saw your face emerging on the blue sky, and the heavy rain wet your hair, so I smiled, because I saw you, happy as a baby.

68. Quietly, I sit at the table and concentrate on the rain falling; Listen to the heartbeat; Condensed with this yearning... let this deep feeling sink into the rhythmic life, and then into every drop of rain, falling everywhere you are; Gather into a trickle, soaking every inch of the land you have walked.

69. There is no lingering feeling of "the light rain in the sky street is as moist as crisp", no sadness of "when the leaves of Chinese parasol trees fall in the autumn rain", no cold feeling of "a drizzly and lingering plum rain", and some refreshing feeling of "the lingering clouds catch the summer heat". This is the rain that I am familiar with. It is a kind of rain that is unique at a specific time and under a specific environment.