Blessings from the circle of friends on the same day of the snow festival and birthday (35 selected sentences)
Heart like a rock
2023-05-24 15:41:26
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1. There is no need to work hard in this world. All you can get is your own age. How time flies! One year's birthday is coming again. I wish myself a happy birthday in advance.

2. Learn to enjoy life: enjoy the joy of work, enjoy the laughter of friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy of creation, and enjoy the sweetness of fruits. A birthday wish for myself. Happy birthday to myself.

3. Snow meets my birthday, but because I don't care, I usually have my own birthday.

4. The only thing in the world that can be achieved without hard work is the unexpected encounter of age growth. The birthday comes on schedule and youth is fleeting. I hope to meet a better myself and live up to the fleeting years. Happy birthday to myself.

5. Snow hit the birthday, dear self, be confident and even narcissistic, always remind yourself that I deserve the best.

6. Thanks for not giving up the time when it comes to a birthday in heavy snow, I have grown up one year after all. Thank you for your different self at each stage, and wish you a happy birthday.

7. May the sun every day bring me happiness as well as brightness. I sincerely wish myself a happy birthday!

8. If no one loves you, please cherish yourself and wish yourself a happy birthday.

9. When I was young, I liked birthdays best, but when I grew up, I was afraid of birthdays most. Time is relentless year after year!

10. Do you know? No amount of gifts, no amount of money, can't equal the happy birthday you said to me on my birthday.

11. Happy birthday to myself! Always happy! I wish all the people who care about me and love me all success and good health!

12. I wish myself a happy birthday. May God bless all the people for a long time. May I and my family and loved ones be healthy and safe. May I grow old together with the people I love. Let nature take its course.

13. I wish myself a happy birthday when the snow falls on my birthday. Year after year, I hope I am getting closer to my dream, not farther away!

14. I wish to take dreams as horses and live everywhere. The dream is far away, the road is at the foot. Happy birthday to myself.

15. With my full love, I wish you a happy birthday. You make my life meaningful. I can't express my feelings for you in words. I want to spend every day of my life with you.

16. I don't want others to see my pain, just want them to see my happiness, let them envy and pursue. But in the end, I understand that I am not as good as others, and I am not as good as others. Simplicity is happiness. Happy birthday to myself.

17. There is no birthday cake, no candlelight dinner, no love song for me. My loneliness spreads everywhere, only to say happy birthday to myself!

18. I am very happy on my birthday when the snow falls. I wish myself a more brilliant tomorrow.

19. I wish myself a happy birthday and all my friends a happy and happy birthday. I will only watch you from afar and bless you. May health and happiness always be with you.

20. How I want to meet you and see your recent changes. I don't want to talk about the past anymore, but just say a word to you. I haven't seen you for a long time. Happy birthday to myself.

21. There may be many people's birthdays today, but everyone has only one birthday every year, so I tell myself to wish you a happy birthday every year today!

22. Friends: Happy birthday to me today! Wish me health and safety! I would like to express my deep gratitude to my friends! I wish everyone happy and happy every day. I hope that we will be safe, smooth, and happy in our future life.

23. May I sow in the season of hope and reap in the joy of autumn! Happy birthday! be promoted step by step!

24. On this special day, I have nothing else to say, just want you to know that every year today, you will receive my blessing and feel my love, forever love! Happy birthday to myself!

25. May you be greedy and not fat, may you be affectionate, may you be stupid and happy, and may you always be lucky. May you work hard all your life, be loved all your life, have everything you want, and let go of everything you can't get. Happy birthday, my dear self.

26. When the snow falls on your birthday, dear self, never embarrass yourself, such as not eating, crying, autistic and depressed. These are all things that fools do. Happy birthday to myself.

27. I have no time to be seriously young, so I can only choose to be seriously old when I understand. Thanksgiving parents, Thanksgiving life every encounter. The youth and ignorance will fade away, and only the time will be quiet. Happy birthday to myself!

28. Dear self, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. You can be disappointed but not despair. You should always believe that tomorrow is a new day.

29. May your birthday be filled with endless happiness, may your memories today be warm, may your dreams today be sweet, and may you have a wonderful year!

30. There is no end to missing. The caring heart will never change. A string of sincere wishes, an extraordinary heart, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

31. Life is full of uncertainty and surprises. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

32. Time never forgives, so I am one year old again. Happy birthday to myself! I hope it is still plain and simple and happy!

33. May there be lights in the dark and umbrellas in the rain for the rest of my life; May the rest of my life be free from loneliness. Finally, I wish myself a happy birthday.

34. Snow is one year older than last year when it comes to its birthday, and its value will double. Happy birthday to myself!

35. Wish yourself a happy birthday in advance! I hope that no matter what happens, I will face it well.