Origin of Qingming Festival
smile drily
2023-07-03 23:34:53
Complete sentences

1. Tomb Sweeping Day is near, I wish you all the best!

2. The rain drizzles and the green hills are filled with longing.

3. After eating wheat for two years, I'm afraid I'm hungry at Qingming Festival.

4. The sky is overcast with tears, and we mourn and mourn the dead.

5. A chrysanthemum, wrapped in the care of the deceased.

6. The wind is the calmness of the Tomb Sweeping Day.

7. The stars are numerous and bright tonight, and the wind will be small and the sun will be fine tomorrow.

8. May the world be kind to each other, and may the world be peaceful forever!

9. When the morning comes, the willow branches smile, and the spring breeze blows, bending over.

10. The weather of Qingming is unpredictable, and the three-day holiday is beautiful.

11. There is no rain in Qingming Festival, happiness and health for you!

12. During the Qingming Festival, there was a lot of rain, and the feeling of going home to worship ancestors was long.

13. Qingming Festival, downplay the intrusion of sadness, and narrate feelings.

14. Qingming Festival is full of flowers and enchanting scenery.

15. I wish my relatives and friends a happy life!

16. The drizzle sweeps the tomb, remembering the affection of ancestors.

17. How are you, your relatives in heaven?

18. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish my friends health and happiness!

19. On Tomb Sweeping Day, let go of endless sadness and welcome the dawn of happiness!

20. It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival. I hope your heart is throbbing and your life is still happy!

21. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Wandering travelers can go back to their hometown, miss their loved ones and look at the village. They can be healthy outside. Don't be yellow during a day's holiday. Don't forget to rest. I wish my family a happy holiday!

22. It's the Tomb Sweeping Day again. Although I can't give you too many gifts and care, my thoughts and blessings are as sincere as this message. I wish you, my friends, and I wish you a happy Tomb Sweeping Day.

23. The clear wind and bright moon are priceless. There is love near the water and remote mountains. The flowers are bright and fragrant. The gentle breeze blows sadness. The outing is natural. I wish you happiness and health when the Tomb Sweeping Day comes!

24. Burn incense sticks to commemorate the lost time; Knock back and say goodbye to endless sadness; Sweep the tombs to remember the ancestors' beliefs. On Tomb Sweeping Day, let's release our troubles, banish our disappointment, and welcome the bright spring!

25. Qingming Festival, a short and long holiday, with beautiful scenery, can enjoy spring; The sadness disappears, the trouble is thrown away, the spirit is fresh, the complexion is good; Take a walk in the green, relax your spirit, benefit your health and walk safely; Blessing words, few words, wish happiness, everything goes well.

26. Infinite yearning, piling up mountains and rivers; Curling around the green smoke, passing through the heaven and earth; Breeze flakes, lift the clothes lightly; The drizzle is lingering, involving a myriad of thoughts. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the ancestors are sacrificed and the mind is purified.

27. Qingming busy, SMS busy, greeting busy, blessing busy. Busy footstep, busy tomb sweeping, busy flower offering. Cemetery busy, explanation busy, children busy, notes busy. Goodbye busy, go home busy, Qingming Festival really busy. Wish your family a happy holiday!

28. It is not only porcelain dolls that are fragile, but also life; In the blink of an eye, it is not only the climate that changes, but also the outcome. Don't be too persistent, learn to let go and you will be happier. On Tomb Sweeping Day, may you forget the past and be happy forever!

29. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, let me gently send the clear spring breeze to blow away the sadness in your heart; Let me send you warm greetings to strengthen your faith. Warm life, care for relatives and friends, wish happiness and peace!

30. It is a fine day with falling flowers, green grass, light clouds and light wind; Qingming Festival, rain, worried about you, do not forget; Friendly, thick friendship, caring greetings, miss you; On Tomb Sweeping Day, may you forget your troubles and be happy forever!

31. The memory of those that have passed away still exists although they have dissipated; Forgetting is pain, not forgetting is nostalgia; Choose to forget the sad things, and remember you forever. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May you forget your troubles and have no worries.

32. Think, love, empty sigh, rhyme, white head, entanglement has become empty, leave you to look at the grave sad, but also need to struggle uninhibited, when tomorrow is beautiful, turn white lilies to worship the heavenly spirit, Qingming Festival let us start a new journey!

33. Qingming rain is my tears, and Qingming kite is my missing; Let the kite fly to heaven, it will warm your soul with my missing; Let the rain return to your hometown, and it will moisten your heart with my blessing!

34. Spring breeze blows on the Tomb Sweeping Day, and a flower is presented at the martyr's tomb. As we mourn and remember the past, we are separated from each other. Now life is as beautiful as a picture, and gratitude is in my heart. Please accept the message of blessing, and please mourn for Qingming Festival, leaving happiness behind!

35. The grass grows and the birds fly, and the friendship deepens day by day. The willows are leaning against me, and I miss them. Peach blossoms fall down, and the beautiful mood cannot wither. Kites fly high, carrying beautiful dreams. Qingming small holiday, friends wish you happy as ever!

36. The importance of life is no longer repeated; Loss is the most painful, but helpless; Please send this love to those who receive the message, keep an optimistic attitude, go through some sad Tomb Sweeping Day, and continue to live happily!

37. During the Qingming Festival, rain falls in succession, and the tears of missing lovers fill their cheeks; When will the moon shine on you? Online dating is not too frequent, and video can also kiss; Do your duty without holidays, and get together to let others. Happy Tomb Sweeping Day to lovers separated from each other!