Thoughts on Journey to the West
Still Night Spring Water
2023-12-29 06:25:12
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

I believe that those who have read Journey to the West will be deeply impressed by the story of "Monkey King beating Baigujing three times". Baigujing changed his appearance three times and successfully deceived Tang Monk, Bajie and Sha Monk, but he did not deceive the golden eye of the Great Sage Qi Tian. Sun Wukong fought for everyone, for life, and for justice, but in the end he was expelled. I believe that at the moment when Monkey King left with grievances, many people will be shocked, angry and sad. I am one of them.
I am a girl who doesn't like tears very much. But from childhood to adulthood, I can't help shedding tears every time I see Monkey King's helpless departure. His heart was full of anger against Tang Monk, hatred for Baigujing and sympathy for Sun Wukong. Now, I have grown up. From this chapter, I understand a truth: Seeing is not always believing.
Village aunts, grannies and grandfathers are so simple and kind on the surface, but they are actually crafty and evil monsters. Through this, the old saying "seeing is believing" really needs to be reexamined! Especially in today's chaotic society, the means of deception are becoming more sophisticated, and deceptive acts are becoming more rampant.
In the face of these complicated things, we should not only look at the surface, but also look through the essence. We should believe in science and the truth of phenomena. You should know that any lie will be exposed to science, and any deception will be exposed to science. Let's look at things rationally and calmly, then I firmly believe that everyone will stay away from hypocrisy and deception.
"Journey to the West" let me see the truth and lies in real life. "The Monkey King hit the white bone spirit three times" taught me to see the essence of everything through the phenomenon.