Concise Romantic Quotes in 2023
Drunken Camellia
2023-03-04 06:44:02
Complete sentences

1. Some happiness you do not strive for, do not know how to cherish.

2. Let the footprints of growth embellish the bright colors.

3. I wasted my time, and time wasted me.

4. Best wishes for a happy New Year.

5. Only when everything is not hidden can we be truly happy!

6. What I fear most is to face the past and reality.

7. Love is the process of one person crushing another's heart.

8. Always dreaming of tomorrow's happiness, but ignoring the shelf life of love.

9. If you let me cry naked, I will let you bleed magnificently.

10. This moon belongs to many people, but not to me. The warmth is far away.

11. Loving you is a well-known thing, but loving you has become my secret.

12. I wish I could hold the hand of my son and grow old with him. If you dare to be long, I dare to be long.

13. Everyone has a scar in his heart, which is the imprint of the person he loves most for you.

14. I always meet the most beautiful surprise in the deepest despair. Source: Well of Hope

15. Your heart is my cape and horizon, I can't go farther. We have gone to heaven in this life.

16. Time is the key to love. It's no good knowing too early or too late—— 《[20XX]》

17. Tonight, the moonlight is really beautiful, and everything in your eyes is clear, and the way you are coming to me is gentle. "

18. The furthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, but when I'm by your side, you don't know I love you.

19. The flowers are similar from year to year, but they are not like the flowers that reappear from day to day. They are sitting under the peach forest hand in hand.

20. Believe in love, so believe in each other; The focus of love is never what you can give each other, but how much you can trust each other.

21. If your beauty is the best gift from God, then let me meet you is the best gift from God to me.

22. Love is the scourge of heaven. Each pair of people who love each other are the people whom God hates most. Maybe only God loves the most will not meet the people who make him move.

23. Baby, if you think I can give you a happy and stable life, promise to marry me, because I want to go through life with you, love you and love you all my life.

24. If loving you is a task assigned to me by God, I would like to believe that this task is permanent and should not have a deadline, because God knows that I will cherish you well.

25. Don't hurry, don't panic, don't hurry, don't be impatient, don't be partial or incomplete. Time will tell you that the gentleness of the old time is to let you better face all the future unprepared.

26. There are so many reasons to like a person. It's just that he passed you when the wind was light and drunk that day, and the clean and crisp breath on his body came into your heart. It's just good.

27. With the passage of time, the pain will fade. However, I don't want time to heal my pain. Even if I escape from the pain and forget everything, I will only get stagnation and can't move forward. Black Deacon

28. Warm reminder: the weather is changeable! The light rain is my missing you, the shower is my heart, the wind is my heart, the cloudy day is my concern, the sunny day is not separated, and the cloudy day is a surprise! If it lasts for 37 degrees, we will not separate until death!

29. Sometimes I think, this woman is really not easy. Please give me an early minute. If you want, I can comfort you here. I can give you a hug. I won't hit you, scold you, or ignore you. Come on.

30. If you love someone, you will inevitably suffer for him. This is also true of loved ones or lovers. Concern is bitter, missing is bitter, disappointment and sadness are bitter, not getting is bitter, not being able to stay together is bitter, and parting in life and death is also bitter. However, one day, you will find that that person has given you a lot of pain, but it is also your salvation.

31. However, in the receding look back, those who have suffered and cried have become strong; Those who can't bear to forget and can't forget become scenery. In the world of mortals, vicissitudes of life, fleeting years, and pure happiness, I finally learned to smile at the white moonlight of two people in an indifferent mood.